Edit - Star Trek AUs: Olympics (2021 edition)

Jul 23, 2021 20:52

Title: Star Trek AUs: Olympics (2021 edition)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Olympics AU
Characters: Darwin, Hendorff, Lieutenant 0718, Keenser, Gaila, Christine Chapel, Gary Mitchell, Janice Rand, M'Benga.
Rating: G
Tagline: Further members from the Enterprise Olympics team.
Series: Star Trek AUs, Olympics AU
About the manip: Second batch of the athletes.
Notes: I had the idea to make another edit with the rest of the (canon and not) crew for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Obviously I eventually put the idea back to the waiting list as the games were postponed. Cut to 2021 and here we are.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Nothing worth to mention, beside the fact this came out better than the original one: mild bitter about it.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

The team
- Mae Darwin: Gymnastics artistic
The actress did tap dance, and thus she would be more fitted to gymnastics rhythmic - already given to Gaila. Judging by her body shape, especially when she played Darwin in Into Darkness, I was initially leaning to weightlifting but then thought... "too much", so opted instead for a specialty that requires a strong body and the agility of a dancer at the same time.
- G.P. Hendorff: Boxing (Heavyweight) [81-91 kg]
Yes, well, Star Trek (2009) rules, here.
- 0718 (with Enterprise): Equestrian
The character is some kind of android, so I searched for a sport in which one has to be controlled, and I've thought about something with horses so he could have the animal "Enterprise" with which 0178, as in canon, has a very deep connection.
- Keenser: Pole Vault Men (athletics)
In a mix between canon and official comics, to reflect his need of standing on things to reach higher weights, I made him gifted in this specific activity.
- Gaila: Gymnastics rhythmic
With little known about Gaila, I looked at the only Orion ever shown in TOS, Marta from "Whom Gods Destroy", who dances with very fluid and elegant moves.
- Christine Chapel: Eptathlon women (athletics)
In honor to Majel Barrett who has covered many roles in her Star Trek career, and Chapel's ability to hold her own in different instances.
- Gary Mitchell: Modern Pentathlon
In TOS he's shown as highly gifted, so I opted for a specialty where the athlete has to have many talents.
- Janice Rand: 3000M Steeplechase Women (athletics)
A yeoman should be used to standing and move around the ship all day, going back and forth the bridge and overcome any metaphorical hurdle, so why not make it quite literal?
- Jabilo M'Benga: Wresting Greco-Roman
To be able to subdue Vulcans he must be skilled in some martial art. Since I already picked an "oriental" fighting discipline for Uhura, I decided to go a different route with M'Benga.

char trek: aos crew minor characters, char trek: christine chapel, ++ fandom: star trek, char trek: janice rand, char trek: gaila, char trek: mbenga, series: olympics au, char trek: gary mitchell, 2.0 (reboot), series: star trek aus, 0.0 (au), char trek: hendorff, + edits

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