Warren Worthington III headcanons (pt2) [Updated]

Jul 25, 2021 04:00

Further headcanons. In this part, about Warren's romantic and sexual life.
[Last update: 08 December 2023]

Posted also at Dreamwidth and Tumblr.

Part I | Part II: romantic life | Part III: more powers | Part IV: his women

Romantic life
  • The whole thing about him being a womanizer is mostly a myth.
    Sure, he had his fair share of enjoying his status of handsome rich single guy in his teens[*] and "playboy" has been one of his definitions along with billionaire and philanthropist, but he tends to be very monogamous: when he gets serious with a woman then he means it and stays with them unless life does something that fucks that relationship up.
    He's never been hinted at flirting or hanging out with someone else after he got together with Candy back in school times. Then, besides his three big main/long relationships, and his unrequited love for Jean, any other romantic feelings he might've harbored… were fake and induced (Moondragon anyone?).
    That's very, very canon. With Candy ended because she thought he was cheating on her with Jean (he and Jean were very tactile but it was a "man is best-friends with a woman of whom he was once in love with" scenario). With Charlotte ended because he was a broody blue Death Archangel trying to adjust to changes in his life and the thing fell apart. With Betsy the first time ended because he wanted to move things further and Betsy wasn't ready (the whole "flirting with Neal" was the straw that broke the camel, not the main reason). The second because he felt betrayed by her**.
    I won't mention his fling with Husk. I'm not a rabid hater (unless we talk about the "sex in the air right above momma Guthrie's head") but I feel we could remove that portion of his romantic life from Warren's history and not miss/loose anything (although this pairing deprived us of more flirting and panel presence of Stacy X who was unceremoniously scraped off). They were attracted to each other out of the blue (especially him; Paige had every reason to be JUST physically attracted but he? They probably never shared a panel before since Gen X debuted), then together one moment, and the next they had fallen out and their relationship never be mentioned or hinted at again***.
    - [*] Actually, it's not believable, as he had to hide his wings, and it would be quite hard to hide his wings during sex, since the harness reached down to his knees. It was believable, that Warren kept changing girls, in the 60's (because he wouldn't go beyond some heavy kissing or over the clothes petting), but not so much with today's standards. Someone with the sexual life that Warren is canon-ed with, should have shown his wings around half of NY. Which would… well, cause all sort of problems when the X-Men debut and there's a very white feathered winged guy flapping around. Any of her former lovers would immediately recognize Warren as the flying mutant of the X-Men.
  • Despite his playboy fame, he's not much for sleeping around.
    Not to say that when he's not involved he practices chastity, but he's not as a womanizer as people think he is.
  • He's (unwillingly) a gossip pet.
    Gossip magazines then and sites now publish all kind of shit on him - 90% of it is fake. Like all the women who claim on socials that they fucked with him. He doesn't know any of them.
  • Warren likes to woo.
    He's old fashioned and romantic as they come. He's the guy that pulls out the chair for his woman, he's a guy for slow dance on the notes of a piano melody, the guy who shows up with a limo to lead his woman to a romantic date. He's the guy who buys flowers and likes to make gifts of all kinds.
    When he was younger more than often overdid by choosing too much expensive gifts or proposing to make absurd purchases - to his defense, he's never been taught to look at the price tag, so he buys what he catches his eye or thinks his woman would like to get.
  • When he falls he falls bad.
    He's the guy who gets very smitten, to the point that at times looks and acts like an idiot.
  • He's very loyal toward his exes or women he liked.
    Back when he first met Dazzler, he stood by her side after she rebuffed him, ready to stay as a friend. Also, he went to help her around her back, not interested in buying her gratitude but out of generosity.
    At the same way, he didn't shy away when Betsy needed him against the Shadow King in London and I trust he wouldn't either if Captain Britain needed Warren Worthington CXO or Archangel the razor-sharp winged horseman in her Excalibur's feats.
    His portrayal in the Dazzler's miniseries was cringey at best. The clingy, stalker Warren was so OOC it hurt, plus he was depicted as a full damsel-in-distress incapable to hold his own despite at the time having already under his belt some years as X-Men and the - albeit short-lived - sting with the Champions. Too sad their friendship was never referenced to again.
    On Betsy and Astonishing X-Men (2017), it's never explicitly said if they had rekindled their romantic relationship or not. I always thought they were back together (why would he be flying half-naked in Scotland if he wasn't for Betsy's presence in London?), they are very touchy, Betsy really entrusts herself to Warren and Warren is very protective of her during the heat of the battle. Also, there is Uncanny (2019): I outright refuse to think they weren't a couple during that run. Although, now that I think about it, they could've returned together after Astonishing. Still, he acted like a protective boyfriend - they had to rekindle their relationship at some point after Uncanny X-Men when Archangel- glorified-drone-slash-Betsy's-pet and incomplete-and-hurting-Warren merged.
  • He's very loyal toward his exes or women he liked, part 2.
    Even though their relationship ended badly, and she was a too proud woman to accept his monetary help back at the times, Warren - fights, sentinels and other X-Matters permitting - has tried to keep himself informed about little Tommy. And, if only Charlotte wasn't so stubborn (and rightfully sour with him), he would gladly give Tommy a generous scholarship, because what's the point of being multi-billionaire if you can't buy your friends and people you love a nice house and provide them some economic cushion so to make sure they will never have to worry about money for the rest of their lives?
    He and Charlotte eventually sorted things out and, while not best friends who often keep in touch, she knows he will always be there should she or Timmy need help.
    - When Warren discovered he had healing powers he offered to try to heal Timmy.
  • He leans toward assertive and confident women.
    His biggest loves involved independent and strong women who are his equal. Damsels in distress don't get his interest and he doesn't want to be a prince charming.
  • He doesn't feel emasculated if his women are stronger or more powerful than him.
    Grown up during his formative years with Jean Grey as the most powerful of a group of five has taught him to not consider it odd or embarrassing to get saved by a woman, nor to ask a woman for help.
  • He's been Bobby's wingsman for more than that time in L.A.
    It's dangerous to bring an hottie like Warren to a gay bar as wingsman, but Warren has that attitude (a mix of smooth and matter-of-fact) that helps Bobby in his first dips into what is a new world for him (the "gay" world).
    Warren is a good shoulder and a good listener, isn't busy with leading nor science-ing, so Bobby knows to whom to turn to to wine, complain or act like a moron in love who can't stop babble about his new boyfriend. Warren tried everything (or at least people think he did) and has experience, so Bobby knows Warren won't judge - he might poke and make fun but not when it truly matters. There's one O-5er for every season, and Warren is perfect for that specific part of Bobby's personal life.
  • Elizabeth Braddock has influenced his romantic life more than once.
    Warren has been drawn to Paige Guthrie by Betsy, who appeared to him in dream and convinced him to open up to love again.
    But Betsy's return eventually killed the relationship. While, surprisingly, the couple worked, the news of Betsy's miraculously and inexplicable resurrection affects their balance and leads to an amicable broke up.
    Paige has entered into the relationship knowing a part of Warren would always love Betsy. Paige also never expected to take Betsy's place either. But when Betsy is back, Warren's feelings are torn between what is and what has been - and could still be. Betsy's return opens up new possibilities, and Warren realizes that he can't give Paige what she deserves - not when he still, against all odds, hopes that he and Betsy could give each other another chance.
    Paige knew that she and Warren would fall out as soon as the news of Betsy's presence at the school reached them, so it didn't come as a surprise when Warren faced her about it.
    They've remained on speaking terms and, years later, there's still genuine affection between them.
  • Warren ultimate wish is marrying.
    During the wedding ceremony in which Brian Braddock and Meggan tied the knot, Warren started to toy with the idea that he and Betsy could move their relationship further. For months he pondered about finally asking Betsy, but he eventually understood that he and Betsy were moving to different paths. This eventually lead to his decision to their first break up.
    In Excalibur #125 there's a very inspiring panel in which Warren is seen watching Betsy during the wows. That Warren wished more is stated in X-Men #109, as the reason why he wants to break up with Betsy.
    This interpretation would also explain the way he lost control, why he suddendly got jealous and even the cold shoulder to Betsy when he actually decided to call their relationship off.

  • *Seriously, will someone fix this? Is ABSURD that neither in House/Power of X, nor in Dawn of X we got any author dwell in the relationship. The whole "Betsy meets alternate!Warren and confesses she fears Warren's feelings about her new-original body" isn't enough and is actually some depressed bullshit that Warren should just slap out of Betsy's mouth RIGHT NOW.
    ** Isn't it curious that on the fated mission during House of X in which Warren dies immediately after landing, takes part Paige - who is the only other victim in that landing?

    Sexual life
  • His wings reflect his emotions, part 2.
    Having sex with Warren is a bit… crowded.
    He has positions that are more comfortable for him, mostly involving him on top or standing.
    He really doesn't like any position that require him to have his back on the bed (or against a surface), unless he has the space to unfold his wings without either knocking down things or hitting the walls.
  • His wings do magnificently spread when he orgasms.
  • When he says he needs a bigger space for his wings, he means it.
    During orgasm he might not control his wings, and a larger room for them has to be planned, when sexing him up.
  • His wings are not an erogenous zone.
    Unlike what people think, he can't come (nor even get an erection) if people work with his wings, or where they sprout from his shoulders.
  • He might be well endowed.
    Canon, as far as I can tell. There's literally no other way to read this dialogue. Don't ask me. I do need more of Charlie Huston on the matter.
  • He has tried pegging - and likely enjoyed it.
    Perhaps not with Candy, but surely he did with Betsy. She strikes me as the girl who doesn't conform in sex like she never did in all other aspects of her life. So she would definitely want to try new and "strange" things in bed. Warren is likely more "average" in his approaches to sex, but if he trusts his significant other, is willing to try what they might want to try.
    He's not that picky, he's got an open mind. Besides, with a girlfriend who is a telepath, he knows is in good hands.
  • Headcanon on how the thing was discovered.
    The O5 are hanging around, chilling out between a decimation and an attack to their kind (and they still have a decent characterization of long-time friends, not this Krakoa/Hickman's emotionless cold shit); picture Astonishing X-Men (vol 4) Annual dynamics to reference but with Scott too).
    Bobby laments about his recent flirt and how his sex life is going as bad as is former-hetero one, which means score zero, and confesses his fears about hitting last base (penetration). They might be a bit tipsy, so relaxed Warren, without even thinking, throws a "it doesn't hurt like they say". Which makes all eyes turn on him in a WTFF?!? How does he know?.
    Bobby, screeching: "When I was having a crisis because I lusted over your hot body and felt ashamed for the very same reason I lusted over my friend, you went around and tried gay sex, Warren?? And I have to discover it NOW? I feel BETRAYED!!" because Warren-I-hit-every-woman-I-meet who gets hot gay sex before him, the gay mutant who had to be outed by a teen version of Jean Grey else he would still be living in that closet? Totally classic. Warren goes all "oh, come on, I was trying to keep my mutation a secret at the time, remember? A bit hard to do that while on four and raising my ass up for someone, don't you think?". Jean, after a shocked gasp mixed with a choked hiccup, is so, so offended because she still holds the title of Warren's biggest/closest friend so she totally should've known, bad Warren, I won't let you paint my nails anymore!
    If Scotty and/or Hank want to feel a bit flustered at the image, that's up to you (and your level of bi-ness for them).
    Then it's obviously four mutants (including two Omega) ganging up on Warren to know when and how they didn't know. Jean has that wicked look that promises no good - "And no, Jean, keep your telepathic paws away from my head". "So, a sapiens?" because they certainly would know if he fucked with a mutant: 100% it would be a current or former X-Men - please say it wasn't Logan during your super secret killing-squad phase, please not Logan. "Wait? What about a super secret killing-squad? What do do you mean" "Shh, Jean, later!" But Warren shakes his head: this guess who? game is getting ridiculously funny. If he forgets the fact about one of his best friends putting him with Wolverine - just no, he doesn't like short and furry anyway. "Was he a mutant?" Warren doesn't completely agree on that, making a hnnnn. "Not a mutant? But you just-" "WARREN KENNETH WORTHINGTON I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" because Jean has a very perverted mind and is now picturing very unpleasant and possibly illegal-in-most-of-US-States images. "… was it a male bird? That would make totes sense" "Bobby!!" cried by Scotty, who's getting very, very embarrassed. Hanks derails the argument by reminding Bobby that avians don't have penises to start with so no, Warren couldn't have penetrative sex with a bird technically speaking, but actually there is a species of- luckily Jean TK-muzzles Hank's mouth before this can get even more cringe. Warren is all outraged because for whom did they take him? Besides, he has tastes. "… so was it Sam Wilson, wasn't it?" which is totally something Bobby would say, and hey, Sam is both and neither a man, since he's a supes, and also has wings - sort of. And that would also explain why Warren was never invited to the Avengers. Because other winged guys he can think of, are either cringe or barf or other shades of no-no-n.o. and, well, Asgardian horses. Warren gets all miffed because he doesn't get hot for a pair of wings, you know? - cue someone to remind him about Avia, because he looked very, very much hot for that gal, didn't he? Yes yes, he truly did. Wings here certainly likes those wings, ah ah. And Bobby, with the help of Hank, probably goes on a cringe imitation of how Warren and another winged-superhero would compliment and droll on each other's wings, "How big are your wings" and "How sharp is your vibranium feather" and "I love how your light wings look" and similia. Scott steps in because now they are bullying Warren. Besides, he wants to get to the juicy parts: who. Yes, he might look all stoic but behind his visor he wants to know as much as the other three. Mostly because he can't believe it Warren managed to keep it a secret for god-knows how long!
    Warren plays mysterious for some more, while the four go insane trying to decipher the hints (Warren is partnered with basically every male Warren might've smiled at in his life since coming to Xavier's school), until he confesses that he was pegged. So no, actually it was no man who deflowered him - five twin cringes at the term.
    If Jean gets a bit flustered and horny at the very detailed image of Betsy (which is one sexy girl, Asian or British bodies alike) pegging that one specimen of (mutant) man that is Warren her mind offers, it's not up to you but actually a fact. As is Bobby's grimace because hm, yeah, gross, but also, I'm suspiciously horny, but such a loss and Warren is still gay-virgin, thumbs up!
    If Scott takes Warren aside and asks him if pegging is good and worth it, because he's now curious, it's again not up to you but a fact. (But, seriously, Emma might've pegged him at least once - let's ignore this for headcanon/plot reasons. Or straight ignore he ever been with Emma, if that's your cup of tea)
  • He doesn't like restraints.
    Betsy suggested it once, and they did try, but he just can't. Seeing cuffs lock around his wrists immediately took him back to the Morlocks alley, when Callisto kept him bonded and sedated.
    He agreed to let Betsy help him overcome this fears of his but didn't work: as soon as the cuffs are placed around his writs he gets antsy and can't relax, no matter how much Betsy tried to coax his body or sooth him with tender caresses.
    Once they rekindled their relationship, and with Betsy now exerting full control on her telekinetic powers, they tried once again, this time with Betsy using her own TK to restrain Warren; surprisingly, this way his old trauma is not triggered and he discovers he actually enjoys being restrained by his partner - or, at least, by Betsy (he never had the chance to try to someone else).
  • He is a convinced strictly hetero, but if he got the chance he might've tried getting or giving a blowjob/handjob.
    Not much my coup of tea, but I once read a fanfiction that made me change my mind on this. I buy Tangerine's painting of Warren helping Bobby out with overcoming his fears on gay sex by offering himself. For science and friendship. Because Warren is not only generous with his money.
  • He's pretty easy about sex.
    He doesn't have specific preferences. As long as he's comfortable and his wings not constrained, any position is fine for him.
  • He's more than willing to let his woman pick the position.
  • He likes it when his women top him.
    He isn't that insecure to feel emasculated if his lover asserts some command - in bed or outside.
  • He's open to (almost) anything.
    If his partner suggests they try something new, he usually goes for it unless he already tried it in the past and didn't like it. Although he might decide to give it another try and see if perhaps his opinion might change.
  • He did mid-air sex.
    Given his specific powerset, he can have sex in mid-air, and he did a couple of times. The first time was with Candy, the first woman to know about his mutation and embrace it.
    (Let’s collectively pretend Warren didn’t have mid-air sex with Paige over Mama’s Guthrie’s head. I welcome mid-air sex. But in privacy, where nobody can see them. It’s not something I see Warren indulging - and not Husk either, I think. Especially not over the heads of her family!)
  • He didn't do anything of what gossip saucy sites claim he did.
    No, he didn't took part to orgies either.
  • relat x-men: warren/betsy, + headcanons, ++ fandom: x-men, char xmen: angel (warren worthington)

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