Sad things happen to me. Fortunately, not usually in real life.

May 20, 2011 23:17

Finished series 2 of Doctor Who in the wee hours of this morning, slept for a bit, went to work and spent all day sighing over the sadness of it all. Although, if I may say so, I actually think the series 1 finale was sadder, but then, I knew a bit of what was going to happen this time, and I didn't then.

Unpopular opinion of the day:

I think I maybe ( Read more... )

tv: avatar - the last airbender, !ramble, tv: doctor who

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Comments 8

missadventure02 May 23 2011, 04:39:02 UTC

Ah, whereas I knew a bit of what was going to happen in the end of S1, and not in S2 (for whatever reason?), so I was a complete weepy mess by the end of it.

I don't think you should feel bad about having unpopular opinions (though I don't think you're alone with that one, even within the wider fandom, just so you know). And I've only been watching since Christmas, so I'm relatively new too. I think that one of the reasons David Tennant is so beloved is because he had more seasons and everybody got to love him for longer. I have a really hard time choosing my "favorite" Doctor; I sort of tend to go with whichever one is in the episode I'm watching at the time (which means, lately, lots of Eleven ♥). Although, thus far, David Tennant is the only one who's made me cry. I'm not sure if that's points or not.

*has never seen Avatar, even though loads of people I know watch it, which probably means I should check it out sometime*ME TOO. Except it was never anything for me before, and now it's Merlin/Doctor Who/Sherlock/ ( ... )


valiantarcher June 6 2011, 02:38:48 UTC
*has never seen Avatar, even though loads of people I know watch it, which probably means I should check it out sometime*

^Yes, you should. :P Preferably sooner rather than later. ;)


missadventure02 June 12 2011, 13:48:35 UTC
A guy here has some episodes/seasons/I'm not exactly sure how much of it with him. I may begin my introduction to the (apparent) awesome before the summer is over!


valiantarcher June 12 2011, 21:19:57 UTC
*cheers happily* It's best to start at the beginning, though, since it is a complete story and it's horrible to jump into the middle of one of those.

I really hope you like it. It's not the greatest thing ever, but it's hilarious and has good characters and tells a coherent story, which is far more than many tv shows (much less "children's" ones!) do. :)


valiantarcher June 6 2011, 02:37:18 UTC
Bah! Sometimes unpopular opinions are worth having ( ... )


proverbsun July 1 2011, 09:37:34 UTC
Hee. In a way it is nice to be different from most people. ;)
I do love Ten A LOT. But I love them both a lot and I dunno. I like him more and more as I go along watching it, but its like I know he has enough love, so feel the need to give extra to Nine. I'm very weird.

Suki is so great! ;) Yes, certain people who I shall not name. :D I like the girls because they're the typical "strong" (whatever that means) female characters that everyone wants nowadays but they're still girly too. I think that's wonderful.
Ha! Pretty much everything in the play was hilarious! My brothers were kind of like, 'this is the dumbest episode...' but I was killing myself laughing.

Oh, my poor laptop. It's pretty much dead, but I've bought a new one now and the nice people at the computer store managed to transfer all my stuff off the old one, so I haven't lost anything! Which is nice. :) (Also this means AtLA icon post coming soon.)


valiantarcher July 6 2011, 01:52:21 UTC
:D No, I know what you mean. Also, there's the whole avoiding being seen as a (sometimes rabid) fangirl like everyone else seems to be. ;)

:D That's true about the girls. Like when Katara and Toph go out to the spa? :D Very girly. I like the girls being tough, but I also like them to still be girls. (Which, I suppose, is a bit rich coming from someone who could care less about most things that even approach being girly, and is often chided by her sisters for not doing much with clothes or jewelry and next to nothing with make-up. :P)
I know! The play was so dumb, but it was hilarious. :D I think it's because they could do it and make such fun of themselves that it turned out so well. You can't take yourself too seriously. ;)

Aww. :( Should we have a moment of silence for it? ;) Hurrah for not losing anything, though! :D
And another hurrah for AtLA icons! :D


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