Sad things happen to me. Fortunately, not usually in real life.

May 20, 2011 23:17

Finished series 2 of Doctor Who in the wee hours of this morning, slept for a bit, went to work and spent all day sighing over the sadness of it all. Although, if I may say so, I actually think the series 1 finale was sadder, but then, I knew a bit of what was going to happen this time, and I didn't then.

Unpopular opinion of the day:

I think I maybe possibly probably like Nine more than Ten.

That's not to say I don't love Ten as well, but I think I have this leftover Christopher Eccleston love way back from the first season of Heroes (when it was awesome) and he was the invisible man and so brilliant and I may or may not have his action figure. :/ (For a sort-of-nerd, I have very few action figures, so this is a big deal.) It was his voice that did it, I think.

I feel weird about this me-watching-Doctor-Who business though. It's like I feel like I don't quite belong in the fandom, because it seems like everyone's been watching it forever and they know all the ins and outs of it and now I'm just stepping in and I have said unpopular opinion up there and pfffffffffffffff.... I  dunno, it just feels weird. I'm sort of afraid to talk about it on teh interwebz (not that I really have time for the internet with work being a gongshow) because I'm NEW. And now I'm sitting around contemplating this deep-rooted psychological condition of mine when there's like, real stuff happening somewhere.

Meh, real life.

Aaaaand my brothers and I are 3 (THREE!) episodes away from forever finishing Avatar and I am going to cry so much just because it'll be over and I love it so much.... :( And what are we going to watch on Sunday afternoons with no Merlin and no Avatar? BUT ZUKO IS BEING A GOOD GUY NOW SO I AM HAPPY, even if it is about to end. Legend of Korra cannot come fast enough, in my opinion. But where the heck has Uncle Iroh been for like, all of S3? I expect serious greatness from him in the end or I'm going to be unhappy.

Unpopular opinion 2:

I think Suki might be my favourite girl character.

Toph's grown on me a lot, though. And I like Azula in a scariest-lady-ever-except-for-Maleficent-maybe sort of way. Well, heck, I like everyone. Almost. Jet's dead so I feel bad saying I hate him but I really kind of do.

(When did I become a TV-show-person? I never used to be. It was Gilmore Girls, American Idol and Heroes in ye olden days, and nothin' else. What is this Merlin-Doctor Who-Avatar-Chuck-Sherlock-Robin Hood-everything BBC-nonsense?)

Also, my laptop is BREAKED and has been for about 2 months now, and I haven't had time to get it fixed and that explains the lack of graphics lately, but I'm quite missing it. I wasn't for a while there. It was nice to have a break, but now I want to get back to it before I forget how. I'm thinking of just buying a new laptop now while I have the money, but I'd still have to at least get all my stuff off my old one, and goodness knows what I'll do with it after that.

And that's all that's happening in my life lately.

:) Good stuff.

tv: avatar - the last airbender, !ramble, tv: doctor who

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