Sad things happen to me. Fortunately, not usually in real life.

May 20, 2011 23:17

Finished series 2 of Doctor Who in the wee hours of this morning, slept for a bit, went to work and spent all day sighing over the sadness of it all. Although, if I may say so, I actually think the series 1 finale was sadder, but then, I knew a bit of what was going to happen this time, and I didn't then.

Unpopular opinion of the day:

I think I maybe ( Read more... )

tv: avatar - the last airbender, !ramble, tv: doctor who

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missadventure02 May 23 2011, 04:39:02 UTC

Ah, whereas I knew a bit of what was going to happen in the end of S1, and not in S2 (for whatever reason?), so I was a complete weepy mess by the end of it.

I don't think you should feel bad about having unpopular opinions (though I don't think you're alone with that one, even within the wider fandom, just so you know). And I've only been watching since Christmas, so I'm relatively new too. I think that one of the reasons David Tennant is so beloved is because he had more seasons and everybody got to love him for longer. I have a really hard time choosing my "favorite" Doctor; I sort of tend to go with whichever one is in the episode I'm watching at the time (which means, lately, lots of Eleven ♥). Although, thus far, David Tennant is the only one who's made me cry. I'm not sure if that's points or not.

*has never seen Avatar, even though loads of people I know watch it, which probably means I should check it out sometime*ME TOO. Except it was never anything for me before, and now it's Merlin/Doctor Who/Sherlock/ ( ... )


valiantarcher June 6 2011, 02:38:48 UTC
*has never seen Avatar, even though loads of people I know watch it, which probably means I should check it out sometime*

^Yes, you should. :P Preferably sooner rather than later. ;)


missadventure02 June 12 2011, 13:48:35 UTC
A guy here has some episodes/seasons/I'm not exactly sure how much of it with him. I may begin my introduction to the (apparent) awesome before the summer is over!


valiantarcher June 12 2011, 21:19:57 UTC
*cheers happily* It's best to start at the beginning, though, since it is a complete story and it's horrible to jump into the middle of one of those.

I really hope you like it. It's not the greatest thing ever, but it's hilarious and has good characters and tells a coherent story, which is far more than many tv shows (much less "children's" ones!) do. :)


proverbsun June 6 2011, 19:11:11 UTC

Ah, there is so much gorgeousness in that link... it made my day. I don't feel bad necessarily about unpopular opinions, but I definitely feel a bit weird. And I've always thought that was one of the reasons David Tennant was so popular as well.
Lol, not gonna lie, the first time I saw Eleven was the first time it occurred to me that I should watch DW. I didn't get to it til years later, but it was there, lurking. ;)

And I second Valia's opinion. You should definitely watch Avatar. Because it is excellent.

INCONCEIVABLE! I will try not to die of shock. I jest, of course, and very much look forward to your comments!


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