
Aug 25, 2015 19:49

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Comments 27

[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 9 2010, 04:40:27 UTC
[His voice still really isn't cooperating with him, but he figures in terms of side-effects from having been dead, and all, he's gotten off pretty light. He would have called sooner, but he's been asleep for most of the time he's been back, and now is the first time he's really felt up to making the call. He is, of course, calling from Jack's phone, and so Gwen probably has no idea of what's about to hit her]



[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 9 2010, 04:49:37 UTC
[Gwen's fresh out of the shower after another day of helping to dig out what remains of the Hub. Her mood isn't helped by the sight of Jack's number on the caller ID of her cell, but habit and more than a little guilt makes her answer the call, her voice soft and a little gruff.]

... 'ullo?


[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 9 2010, 04:57:27 UTC
[He takes a breath. He hasn't quite thought this through, exactly, how to break the news to her, but. If she doesn't believe him, he can always invite her to his hospital room, he reminds himself. It's only across the city from her, and all]

...hello, Gwen.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 9 2010, 05:02:52 UTC
[It takes her a moment to process the voice she's hearing, disbelief warring with a healthy dose of skepticism. Jack's reappearing act is one she's seen before, but Ianto's human, and there's no way.... ]

... it can't be.


[voice] capt_greatcoat December 17 2010, 04:04:56 UTC
[Dated to after this comment]

Gwen? Are you there? Are you alright? Is everyone alright?


[voice] protect_them December 17 2010, 15:35:21 UTC
-'m here, I'm here. What's going on?


[voice] capt_greatcoat December 17 2010, 16:41:57 UTC
[He lets out a breath of relief, in which "He did it... He really did it" can be heard, before he speaks up again]

It... It was the Master. Another Time Lord, like the Doctor, but this one's a real piece of work. He sort of...transplanted himself into every single human on the planet with a machine scavenged from Torchwood One. That's all I've got, though. S'all the Doctor could tell me before.

I'm. I'm not sure how he fixed it all, but. If you're you again, then the Doctor did it. He fixed it...


[voice] protect_them December 17 2010, 17:09:13 UTC
He did what, exactly?


[voice] torchwoodteaboy December 17 2010, 04:28:12 UTC
[Dated to a little after Jack's call (Ianto waited a little to make sure that he wasn't interrupting any conversation that might have gone on there)]

Hey. How are you? How's Rhys? Is everything alright?


[voice] protect_them December 17 2010, 15:36:12 UTC
We're fine. A little weirded out, but fine.

You alright?


[voice] torchwoodteaboy December 17 2010, 16:45:53 UTC
Me? I... I'm fine. Actually, I. I was off-planet when it happened. Went to talk to Doctor McCoy about these nightmares I've been having as a side-effect of the treatment he's been giving me. And then Jack came, and he was really worried and...

God. I'm just glad you're alright. Whatever this was, it had him pretty out of sorts.


[voice] protect_them December 17 2010, 17:10:24 UTC
... he's not a quack doc, is he?

I noticed. He just called a few minutes ago. Sounded... pretty shaken.


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