
Aug 25, 2015 19:49

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[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 9 2010, 04:40:27 UTC
[His voice still really isn't cooperating with him, but he figures in terms of side-effects from having been dead, and all, he's gotten off pretty light. He would have called sooner, but he's been asleep for most of the time he's been back, and now is the first time he's really felt up to making the call. He is, of course, calling from Jack's phone, and so Gwen probably has no idea of what's about to hit her]



[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 9 2010, 04:49:37 UTC
[Gwen's fresh out of the shower after another day of helping to dig out what remains of the Hub. Her mood isn't helped by the sight of Jack's number on the caller ID of her cell, but habit and more than a little guilt makes her answer the call, her voice soft and a little gruff.]

... 'ullo?


[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 9 2010, 04:57:27 UTC
[He takes a breath. He hasn't quite thought this through, exactly, how to break the news to her, but. If she doesn't believe him, he can always invite her to his hospital room, he reminds himself. It's only across the city from her, and all]

...hello, Gwen.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 9 2010, 05:02:52 UTC
[It takes her a moment to process the voice she's hearing, disbelief warring with a healthy dose of skepticism. Jack's reappearing act is one she's seen before, but Ianto's human, and there's no way.... ]

... it can't be.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 9 2010, 05:14:05 UTC
I... [God, alright. Where to start?]

I know this sounds impossible, but. I... Well. ...I'm back.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 9 2010, 11:26:27 UTC
... how?


[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 9 2010, 15:02:30 UTC
It... Jack and Sulu. They. They found something on the community. Some sort of amulet. I... I'm not really all that sure of the details. They haven't told me everything, that much I know. I've only really been back for a day now, and most of the time I've been sleeping, or too out of it to really talk all that much at all.

[He pauses for a moment] It really is me Gwen. I called as soon as I could, really I did.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 10 2010, 19:16:07 UTC
... it's a little hard to believe, even for Torchwood. Sorry if I sound.. a little off about it.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 11 2010, 02:06:19 UTC
No, I... Believe me. I understand. I...

[He sighs] If. If you'd like, you could come over. And visit. I'm only in Cardiff Royal Infirmary. I... [He pauses, and his voice lowers] I'd really like it if you could visit.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 12 2010, 04:14:37 UTC
I'll... come by. In the morning. I'm a bit tired. It's been a long day.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 12 2010, 04:18:27 UTC
Yeah. Okay. [He feels so awkward. He's not sure what to make of her reaction to this]

It's... I look forward to seeing you again, Gwen. I'm... I'm sorry that things ended...the way they did.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night protect_them November 12 2010, 04:21:49 UTC
[She can hear the awkwardness but really, she's still trying to wrap her brain around the face that he's alive again]

So am I, but... God, it's so good to hear your voice again.


[voice] backdated to yesterday night torchwoodteaboy November 12 2010, 04:37:15 UTC
[Ianto can't help the fact that his voice cracks a little with emotion in response to her words. These last few days have been overwhelming, to say the least] It's good to be able to talk to you, Gwen. It's good to have a voice again...


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