... is a necromancer!!! Seriously! St Nicholas was the Patron Saint of Children. He is best know for succesfully praying for the lives of three murdered children!
Build your life brick by brick. Live a life of truth, And you will look back on a life of truth. Live a life of fantasy, And you will look back on a life of delusion.
Get off the fucking media. Every other article is Palin this or Palin that. Get your crazy bible-thumping ass back to your igloo and fark off. Quit rubbing it in to the rest of the world that you’re a complete idiot, we’re tired of hearing it.
I really really wish I could draw... alas, I cannot.
But you, my friend, are awesome. If you have a few minutes to spare, I have a request. Just draw whatever comes to mind when you read the subject at the bottom, and post it as a response, please. :-)