[The Bondi] The morning after the gig before

Oct 19, 2008 20:19

Who: Lachlan, Riley, Tab & Luke (Tara later)
Where: The Bondi
When: Saturday Morning
Follows: THIS, THIS & THIS___________________________________________________ ( Read more... )

[who] luke, [ship] tara/lachlan, [who] lachlan, [location] nyc, [ship] tab/luke, [place] the bondi, [who] riley, [ship] riley/evie, [who] tab

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pullmysteth October 19 2008, 09:40:38 UTC
"Don't you know how to whisper?" Riley complained from where his face was squished into the polished surface of the bar. It was so nice and cool. He was never moving again.


pullmysteth October 19 2008, 10:43:36 UTC
Riley lifted his head slowly and patted Lachlan on the back. "Your one will be perfect," he said confidentally.


asinthecity October 19 2008, 10:45:58 UTC
Tab leaned over to give Lachlan's shoulder a squeeze before she rest her cheek on Luke's head and slid her arm around his shoulder. "How many people are you allowed to have waiting outside when the birth is happening? Maybe you should take your computer and a webcam so we all get to see the baby."


notskywalker October 19 2008, 10:49:24 UTC
"How come you can only have one?" Luke asked. "I mean, if it's okay to ask... feel free to tell me to fuck off and mind my own business."


drcampbell October 19 2008, 10:54:28 UTC
Lachlan laughed at Tab's question. "Aye, well, I can pull strings. If you can all be in Princeton, I'd love to have you there when it happens. You're all family. It makes sense."

He sobered a little at Luke's question. "Nay, buddy. Of course I dinnae mind. You're just as much family as everyone else. When I got shot, I had to have a lot of surgery in the wake of it. Had lots of complications, see. One of the ops was in that general area of my groin. Someone fucked up and I was left infertile. Cannae produce sperm anymore. When Tara fell pregnant, I hadnae slept with her since before the shooting, so a good five months. They think it was just an odd chance it even happened because it had been so long since..." He his hand and cleared his throat, "I'd come. Naymore chances, unfortunately. All the tests show zero sperm count now."


pullmysteth October 19 2008, 10:59:45 UTC
"They were expecting twins," Riley elaborated. "But one miscarried a few months back. Tab and I had drive to make the quickest drive back from Disneyland in the the history of road trips. The pregnancy is scary in general because they know it's their only chance, but we're all here to help. A perfect little Baby Campbell will be born soon enough."


asinthecity October 19 2008, 11:03:01 UTC
Even though Tab already knew the story she listened intently as she looked at Lachlan. "I think it's important for all of us to be close by. It's a big thing, and we're getting to be a real family now so we got to support everyone."


notskywalker October 19 2008, 11:08:07 UTC
Luke realised then why it had been such a big thing about Lachlan and his music. Both Tara and Patrick had mentioned the night before that Lachlan had lost his music mojo since the shooting. It had been there in glimpes, but mostly his inspiration had gone. Lachlan himself had admitted to Luke right before he started to sing that he wasn't sure he could pull it off. Now he got it. It had just been explained in the barest minimum but the heartache that must've come at the time would've been enormous. No wonder his music suffered.

He nodded. "Absolutely. We'll be there if she doesn't go into early labour on you. My sister did that. Took us all by surprise." He tilted his head. "But your music, mate. It was fucking amazing. If I offered you a regular night here, say once a month, would you consider it?"


drcampbell October 19 2008, 11:11:29 UTC
Lachlan balked and shrunk back a little. He cleared his throat and fiddled with the coaster in front of him. "I... nay, I dinnae think so. But thanks for the offer. That's huge, and I appreciate it, but... I just... dinnae think so."


pullmysteth October 19 2008, 11:13:18 UTC
Riley frowned. He'd predicted the answer before Lachlan uttered it. "You should think about it, mate. Or you could always play a night with Tab and her band. You haven't lost anything. You should give it some thought. It could be just like old times."


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