And so, the Inevitable Return - [Open, Office Hours]

Jan 07, 2008 14:13

It's safe to say that Isis is back when she's already made the subtle changes of various official documents. She's already told her classes that she will still answer to 'Miss Macrow' or varients thereof, since 'Macrow-Takashima' is a bit of a mouthful to say ( Read more... )

isis, open, misc

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Comments 44

sarah_branigan January 8 2008, 14:33:05 UTC
Nurse Branigan peers into Isis's office. "Oh! Hi, Isis. Did you have a good honeymoon?" She smiles, although from the way she's rubbing at her forehead, she either has a headache, or a hangover (or maybe both). She's definitely not looking her usual chipper self.


thebalanckeepr January 8 2008, 19:36:44 UTC
"Hello Sarah." Isis beams cheerfully at her, "Yes, I did. We went all over the place." Because PINpoints make travel SO LESS of a hassle. "We went to Rio, Tahiti, had a bit of an adventure teaching me to ski in Argentina, and spent New Years in New York, in a penthouse hotel looking over Times Square." :D

However, Sarah's current state doesn't pass Isis's awareness, as her mood changes to a more concerned one, "..Are you alright?"


sarah_branigan January 8 2008, 19:44:38 UTC
"Oh, that all sounds like so much fun. Especially New Year's Eve in Times Square. How was learning how to ski?"

She pulls her hand away from her head and looks sheepish. "Oh... yes. I mean, mostly. I inadvertantly acquired a friend's powers and now everywhere I go, I can feel magic. It's usually just a humming in the background, but being at PrIME, it's like... I don't know, like bees in my head."


thebalanckeepr January 8 2008, 20:11:31 UTC
"It was.. an adventure of coordination, on my part. I eventually got it, but not after a lot of issues." Ironic, since her world is particularly famous for its powerful winters.

"Interesting." Isis observes, in a non-offensive way. Isis herself will pick up as both sides at once, Light and Dark, passively vying for dominance against one another, but always balanced. "I don't know if it'll help, but I can offer some advice? I sort-of mentally picture a 'filter' in my mind, and allow what I want to sense through it, and attempt to block out everything else, especially here." Isis gestures outward, sleeves billowing, to mean the school.

One of the ravens in the painting on the wall next to her crows lazily, to add to this point, perhaps.


1in_perfection January 9 2008, 04:18:41 UTC
It looks like there's another visitor on the way, although this one is making her way through the hall a lot less quickly, and is taking in as much of the building as she can. Not to say that she's lost or anything like that. Just...Memorizing the campus layout is taking more time then she thought.

But by now, Mitsuru is pretty sure that this is the right section of the school, and she's close to the right room.

"Instructor Macrow-" Just to be safe, she says that before stepping through the doorway. And then takes a second look at her class schedule.

"...Takashima?" Yeah, that is a mouthful.


thebalanckeepr January 9 2008, 18:33:17 UTC
Isis beams at the new arrival! "You can just say 'Macrow', if you wish, since the full name is a little-bit of a mouthful. But, regardless, hello! I'm guessing you're a newer student, because I don't remember you in my classes before I left."


1in_perfection January 10 2008, 02:57:03 UTC
Ah, so this is the right room. Some of that tenseness goes out of her, although Mitsuru still stays standing straight up and attentive.

"Thank you, Instructor Macrow." That rolls off the tongue a lot more easily. "Yes, I just enrolled for this term. I came to see if there was any material I needed to go over before attending class."


thebalanckeepr January 10 2008, 03:03:24 UTC
It is, at that! Isis mainly waited until she got back to change documents over because it was easier that way. "You're welcome." Isis is in a good mood, and it's incredibly obvious. She wears most of her emotions out on her sleeve, "Well, let's see." Isis flips through a couple of the papers, "You're in Ethics of Magic, so you're presumably a magic user, yes?" Isis glances to her, "May I ask what it is you can do?"

It should be noted that Isis does not blab if her students don't wish her to. But then, she's not really notorious for blabbing it out period. As this sorts of conversations are about trust and honesty.


hot_engineer January 9 2008, 17:42:53 UTC
"Miss Macrow?"

Lucca had had some questions brewing in her head for a few days prior to the instructor's scheduled return. They were class-related and weren't really crucial questions at all, but she wanted an excuse to poke her head in and congratulate her anyway.

"How're you doin'? Heh, you look great." She did; there was just something about her that seemed more vibrant. Maybe it was the tan, but Lucca hadn't known her long enough to place that as the reason.


thebalanckeepr January 9 2008, 18:35:13 UTC
"Hello Lucca." Lucca gets beaming at too! Isis is in an extraordinarily good mood. To note, though, Isis has a darkish complexion to begin with, so you've got to have a good eye to notice the tan. Either way, the good mood is obvious as anything.

"I'm doing well, and yourself?" ^_^


hot_engineer January 10 2008, 17:53:46 UTC
"I'm doin' good! When I'm not here I'm spending most of my time with my boyfriend." Oh, the grin. She just wanted to be able to say that.

"I had a few questions... not about that, though, 's about magic. I know the basis for magic is different in every world, but I still figured you'd be the best one to talk to." Save for Melchior, probably. But he'd likely be vague on purpose because he didn't want her to delve too deep. He was like that.


thebalanckeepr January 10 2008, 19:13:10 UTC
Hee! Isis knows that feeling, "That's good for you, then." Another little beam.

"So what do you want to ask?" Isis gestures to the chair across from her desk, for Lucca to have a seat if she desires.


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