And so, the Inevitable Return - [Open, Office Hours]

Jan 07, 2008 14:13

It's safe to say that Isis is back when she's already made the subtle changes of various official documents. She's already told her classes that she will still answer to 'Miss Macrow' or varients thereof, since 'Macrow-Takashima' is a bit of a mouthful to say ( Read more... )

isis, open, misc

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hot_engineer January 9 2008, 17:42:53 UTC
"Miss Macrow?"

Lucca had had some questions brewing in her head for a few days prior to the instructor's scheduled return. They were class-related and weren't really crucial questions at all, but she wanted an excuse to poke her head in and congratulate her anyway.

"How're you doin'? Heh, you look great." She did; there was just something about her that seemed more vibrant. Maybe it was the tan, but Lucca hadn't known her long enough to place that as the reason.


thebalanckeepr January 9 2008, 18:35:13 UTC
"Hello Lucca." Lucca gets beaming at too! Isis is in an extraordinarily good mood. To note, though, Isis has a darkish complexion to begin with, so you've got to have a good eye to notice the tan. Either way, the good mood is obvious as anything.

"I'm doing well, and yourself?" ^_^


hot_engineer January 10 2008, 17:53:46 UTC
"I'm doin' good! When I'm not here I'm spending most of my time with my boyfriend." Oh, the grin. She just wanted to be able to say that.

"I had a few questions... not about that, though, 's about magic. I know the basis for magic is different in every world, but I still figured you'd be the best one to talk to." Save for Melchior, probably. But he'd likely be vague on purpose because he didn't want her to delve too deep. He was like that.


thebalanckeepr January 10 2008, 19:13:10 UTC
Hee! Isis knows that feeling, "That's good for you, then." Another little beam.

"So what do you want to ask?" Isis gestures to the chair across from her desk, for Lucca to have a seat if she desires.


hot_engineer January 11 2008, 04:16:55 UTC
"Well..." She takes a seat, popping off her helmet. "I use fire magic. I had the potential and I think it was a class B intangible that awakened it for me." A personified master of an idea or a diety, depending on the school of categorization.

"Anyway, I was wondering if there weren't other types of magic I can master too and someway I can do it. O-of course in my world, that would automatically make me a Shadow mage. From what I've seen they tend to turn out... pretty weird." But perhaps Flea's deviance and Magus' obsession were only personality quirks. It was hard to tell, Shadow mages or any kind of mages were thin on the ground where she came from.


thebalanckeepr January 11 2008, 18:58:53 UTC
Isis looks thoughtful, "It might be possible? The Nexus muddles things quite a bit as far as rules about magic goes, in my experiance." Isis, in turn, has had interesting experimentations with Materia that Eiko acquired from somewhere.

"I mean, there's spells on my world that any mage, regardless of what type, can learn, for example. And there's other ways for one to learn different spells as well, Moon Stones and Materia, and the like."

Flea, perhaps, is a special little category of his/her own, as even compared to Magus, Flea is just outright out there.

(( I'll delete the accidental anonycomment :3 ))


hot_engineer January 11 2008, 23:50:29 UTC
"I've already done some work on my own, with this." She reaches into her bag and somehow extracts a huge metal-bound tome, covered with a scrawling alphabet and multiple-colored jewels on the cover; who knows how she'd comfortably lugged that around in that bag. "Haven't been able to translate much so far, but it's from a really old magic-using nation that used to exist in my world."

((Thank you! ^^))


thebalanckeepr January 12 2008, 00:19:18 UTC
Probably the same way Isis comfortably lugs around with so much in the purses she usually wears strapped to her hip. Conveniently defying the laws of physics. Albeit, in two different ways. Isis magically, and Lucca through the wonders of Video Game World logic.

Either way, old spellbooks are a damn impressive way to get Isis's attention. She glances to Lucca, "May I see it?" And is the book itself innately magical? Isis will be able to pick up on it if it is.


hot_engineer January 12 2008, 06:33:45 UTC
It is, and it's a kaleidoscope of different elemental magics, though its power is faded. She hands it over. The pages aren't organized in any way that makes it look like just a cache of spells... more like a textbook: there are even complicated diagrams in sepia tone on some of the yellowed pages.


thebalanckeepr January 12 2008, 07:02:27 UTC
Were Isis the sort to point this out, she'd mention that it's tingly to the touch. Most spellbooks that are aged as such generally, are, with the age. She flips through it carefully, as such finds are rare, Nexus aside. "I don't think I recognize any of the lettering, but the book itself still has some power..."


hot_engineer January 17 2008, 23:42:07 UTC
"I felt something too. I thought it was just me. I guess if anyone should be able to read it, Melchior can. Maybe I can talk to him for some translation hints and hopefully he won't just take it away from me."

The book is highly technical, covered with what can be figured to be numbers and some identifiable symbols. One page shows something like a light spectrum diagram, and a symbol for Shadow Magic affixed to the unbroken "light" segment. Other glyphs are also scattered on the page, including a particularly odd one that resembles a three-segmented ball with spikes fanning out on the sides. It adorns the center of an odd circular graph, with all the types of magic fanning out from it.


thebalanckeepr January 18 2008, 20:31:15 UTC
"That might be a good idea." Isis replies, carefully paging through it. She's been through part of the library--and already knew to begin with--that spellbooks this old are to be treated with absolute respect (those with some residual power especially, because sometimes, they can bite BACK).

"These markings are interesting." Isis muses aloud, running her hand over the page in thought, "I have to admit, I'm curious as to what all it says.."

The reasons she doesn't attempt a translation spell are fairly simple: As stated in a previous thread, mixing magics is a risky business even when one knows what they're doing, and for another, Isis needs to have at least some idea of the language she's attempting to have the spell translate.


hot_engineer January 18 2008, 23:34:11 UTC
Lucca leans over, eyeing the page. Her eyes settle on the spike-ball hyroglyph. If Isis is paying attention she may notice the girl's grip tighten on the side of the desk.

"I... know a few of the symbols, but not many. I don't think we've used ideograms in my world for a few thousand years."


thebalanckeepr January 18 2008, 23:40:19 UTC
Isis is pretty observant. As a mage, one must be to know the lay of the world around them. Plus, living in the Nexus for as long as she has now, she tends to notice things. She glances at Lucca, "Everything alright?" she asks, softly.


hot_engineer January 19 2008, 05:32:46 UTC
"Wh-- yeah I'm okay, it's just that..." Ah hell. "...I know exactly what that symbol means. It's Lavos. The... the thing my friends and I fought. It can't be anything else."


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