Twentieth Card || Video/Action for Olivine

Apr 24, 2011 21:12

[ today's bonding of Hayate's Angels is brought to you by the letter E, the number 4, the inevitable keysmash SKLDKLFJKSKLD, and a Minun once again playing with the 'Gear despite multiple scoldings from his trainer. Right now, however, Asuka's more preoccupied in sitting in Olivine Inn's lobby with Hayate-- each one holding two eggs in their laps ( Read more... )

fighting without trading cards, eeeeggs, now hayate will never be a bride, olivine, the best way to hatch birds, hayate's angels, dammit croissant, get out da way, every moment is a duelist moment, talk about timing, starly sisters, putting the dysfunctional in team

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Comments 369

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video primaduelerina April 25 2011, 03:31:58 UTC
[ ignore that sizzling noise in the background, Asuka finally has a baby bird in hand. ] We'll be fine.


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video primaduelerina April 25 2011, 21:06:33 UTC
It's... we're still having some problems.


[ video ] wantnotneed April 25 2011, 03:32:11 UTC
... What a pair of mischievous twins.


[ video ] primaduelerina April 25 2011, 03:34:21 UTC
I was thinking that one would be enough...


[ video ] wantnotneed April 25 2011, 04:45:46 UTC
Younger ones do like to copy what the other does.


[ video ] primaduelerina April 25 2011, 04:58:24 UTC
Well, yes, but with a pair of siblings already...


video goremet April 25 2011, 03:38:46 UTC
[laughing not unlike when one sees something funny on tv.]


video primaduelerina April 25 2011, 03:40:35 UTC
... [ in between holding a squirming Minun and a nervously fluffed-up Starly that's trying so hard to look big that she kind of resembles a badminton ball-- yeah. ]



goremet April 25 2011, 03:41:48 UTC
No~thing, don't let me distract you.


primaduelerina April 27 2011, 23:14:29 UTC
I'm capable of multitasking.


[Video] tiercelet April 25 2011, 03:56:56 UTC
--are you two all right?


[Video] combat_butler April 25 2011, 04:02:17 UTC
*HIS HAIR IS A MESS and still has one bird in it, but waving to the cameraaaa*

--as all right as one who suffers a newborn bird attack can be, I think...


[Video] tiercelet April 25 2011, 04:08:52 UTC
[There's a long pause as he simply stares] Hayate, you've got a...[He gestures at his own hair a little helplessly]

A bird. In your hair, still.


[Video] combat_butler April 25 2011, 04:21:09 UTC
Aaa... Y-Yeah... *He kind of... raises a hand to pat at it a bit, and it replies by pecking at his head. ow.* Sh... she kind of refused to leave, so I'm just leaving it be for now.


[Action] youhavemybat April 25 2011, 04:11:21 UTC
[Pffft... Keiichi is not even bothering to hide his amusement as he watches this sight.]

Wahaha! Oh shit! This is starting to look more like a daycare center than a inn!


[Action] combat_butler April 25 2011, 04:22:32 UTC
*FUMBLING ABOUT OVER HERE and just looking generally horrified and confused about what to do--*

Oiiiii-! If you have time to laugh, you have time to lend a -- OW!


[Action] primaduelerina April 25 2011, 04:34:51 UTC
Keiichi-kun, a little assistance-- [ trying to get the birds off of his head, seizing Croissant in one hand. ]


[Action] youhavemybat April 25 2011, 04:55:04 UTC
I don't think two hands will be enough, so I'll be happy to lend you guys four hands. [Taking out a Pokeball and poof his Ambipom will come popping out. This will not end well.]

Okay, Eichigo-ya! Let's get Hayate out of this hairy situation! [His Ambipom gives a mock salute and will use one of his hands to reeeach up to Hayate's head to attempt to grab one of the birds. And Keiichi will attempt to grab at the other.]


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