Aug 04, 2011 13:12

Eight Chapters (the eight is new~) for the moment and working in some more. If you understand spanish, take a look ;D it's fun, I swear.

CHAPTER 3 (Part 1)
CHAPTER 3 (Part 2)
CHAPTER 4 (Part 1)

A nice friend from, dan_heron  (now with a LJ account), is traslating the whole thing for me. Btw english is NOT our mother laguaje, so if you guys can point the script errors, we'll be glad for it. I'm planning publish the fic in english in too, but we think it's better check the errors first. We gonna try to update the parts fast, but I can't press my friend with the traslation ^^; the chapters are a little large and still needs tons of editing.

It all started with a Festival. The Pretty Cures know precious little about each other team but they all must come together as a new battle looms near. They can't decide to fight or flight, for their enemy already decided for them. A far more dangerous enemy that any ruler of Darkness. Yuri warning (you know girlxgirl).

The girls looked at each other in apprehension. They would do everything to protect Chiffon , but how could they fight against their own instincts of protecting each other to battle a pair of warriors controlled by the enemy...? An enemy that they didn't have the faintest idea who they could. It was a bad situation, but they were warriors, they were Pretty Cure, and they would fight their way through just like they always did.

It was their duty and they knew it.

“The other Pretty Cure teams are coming to help us on the fight,” Chrypre said. “You'll get to know them soon. It may be a difficult situation but I can tell having the rest of your friends will help you.”

“Meeting more friends sounds exciting!” Love said with a wide smile. Even if it was a delicate situation, the idea of getting to know new friends made her happy. “If we're going to met with more friends, and get two of our friends back, then you can count on me! With everybody together we can achieve happiness!”

“That's the spirit!” Miki said, caught on her partner's enthusiasm. “You can count with me too, I'll fight to perfection as usual.”

“I too think we can do this. I think we can bring back those two girls with everybody else's help!” Inori continued, standing up in the process.

“I'll do my best in this fight,” Setsuna said in her serious tone.

Tsubomi, Erika, Itsuki and Yuri looked at their fellow warriors with a fairly surprised look, but they too were caught in the moment.

“We'll fight!” Tsubomi raised her voice, but once she noticed everybody else's attention on her she blushed cutely in embarrassment. She was lucky Erika was there to rescue the situation.

“Let these two Pretty Cure come,” she shouted in excitement. “If the only thing we hafta do is kick their asses to bring them back to their senses, you can count on me!”

Itsuki couldn't help giggling at the declaration while Yuri shook her head in exasperation, Momoka giggled quietly and Tsubomi blushed some more. Erika's animated words caused the somber mood to lighten immediately and calm the girls' nerves down. The chuckles died down after a while and then there was a moment of silent contemplation... that was interrupted by an unknown voice.

Chapter 4:
Everybody Together (Part 2)

“That's what I wanted to hear!” somebody said in amusement. “It seems coming here earlier than planned already paid off, Honoka.”

“Be thankful I woke you up early, or we would still be waiting for you to stop eating, Nagisa,” replied a far calmer voice, yet carrying a slight strict tone.

The group immediately went into alert, franticly looking around.

Behind the stage two girls came out from behind the curtains. One with short, strawberry-blond hair, carrying a bag with Kaoru-chan's donuts in one hand while the other was holding a half eaten donut; seeing their attention on her the girl quickly devoured down the entire donut. The other girl had silky, long and black hair, carrying a book in one hand and more books in a bag hanging from her other shoulder. They put the articles down and then held hands.

“Dual Aura Wave!” they shouted and a blinding light fell on them, forcing the other girls to shield their eyes for a moment.

What they saw next was the two girls transformed into Pretty Cures. The short haired girl dressed in a black uniform, while the long haired girl dressed in white, both sporting confident and haughty smiles.

“It can't be, they are already here!” Tart gasped, shivering in fear.

“Emissary of Light, Cure Black!”

“Emissary of Light, Cure White!”

“The Garden of Light's guardians!” Cofret yelped and he and the other fairies quickly hid behind their protegees. “We couldn't even feel them approaching...”

The rest of the girls were grounded by the shock, remaining quiet, not knowing what to do at the moment. The silence stretched, turning even tenser. Yuri slowly moved herself in front of Momoka and slowly tried to get her Heart Seed out, sure one false move and the other Cures would attack. She would make sure to protect the other girls and Momoka.

“Come on, girls, transform,” White said with a surprisingly kind smile that made the other girls shiver.

“There's no fun in an unfair fight, so hurry up and transform, we won't attack,” Black said, reaching down for her donuts and taking a bite out of one of them. “Take your time since I'm gonna make sure you take your words seriously and give us a hell of a fight!”

While Black continued eating donuts with all the calm in the world and White scowled her partner's poor manners, the other girls were even more confused. That attitude wasn't something they would have expected.... Some of them considered this pure disrespect, but others felt it was an external influence on the girls. The magical creatures were surprised at the sudden appearance of White and Black, yet their lack of interest on immediately following up with the combat... it was as if they were really expecting their girls to transform.

“Momoka, stay back and hide,” Yuri whispered.

“Y-yes,” the model replied, turning around and quickly moving to the back of the amphitheater.

“Girls, now!” Yuri ordered and her team immediately transformed. “The Flower that glistens in the light of the Moon, Cure Moonlight!”

“The Flower spreading throughout the Land, Cure Blossom!”

The Flower swaying in the Sea Breeze, Cure Marine!”

“The Flower that bathes in Sunlight, Cure Sunshine!”

They released a powerful aura, even if they hadn't been in battle for a couple months, they still held that power that overwhelmed the hearts of those who gazed at them. It was the first time Momoka had seen them transform and, she couldn't help it, she thought Yuri looked really, really good as a warrior persona... she would have to tell her that as soon as they were in private. Momoka was confident her sister, Yuri and the rest of the girls would be victorious.

Love and her friends looked on at their partners with happiness and surprise. Not to be outdone they took out their mobiles and, relieved Black and White were keeping their promise, transformed into their battle forms. The quartet was enveloped by a blinding light and soon the girls were clad in their battle uniforms. Following the protocol coursing through their vein, they too introduced to their new friends and two opponents.

“The Pink Heart is the symbol of Love! Freshly-picked, Cure Peach!”

“The Blue Heart is the symbol of Hope! Freshly-gathered , Cure Berry!”

“The Yellow Heart is the symbol of Prayers. Freshly-harvested, Cure Pine!”

“The Scarlet Heart is the Proof of Happiness. Freshly-ripened, Cure Passion!”

Silence blanketed the amphitheater while both groups stared each other down... until Black's stomach demanded for food, letting out a thunderous growl. The numerous group of girls could only stare unbelieving while White blushed in embarrassment.


“I can't help it!” the dark clad girl said defensively. “Their names made me hungry!” she said, pointing at Peach and her team. Said girls blinked before blushing a little, causing the white clad warrior to be even more flustered.

“You just ate and you're hungry again?!” White bemoaned, blushing even more. She looked at the other girls and bowed in apology. “I'm so very sorry, I promise, you'll get your chance to get even for that remark during the fight.”

The other two teams could only stare in silence at the bizarre turn of events.

Black smiled at Honoka's words and then launched herself after the team of Moonlight, Blossom, Sunshine and Marine. The pigtailed girl reacted immediately, raising a shield to stop the other Cure, but the shield crumbled at the first hit of Black's mighty punch. It at least gave them enough time to take battle positions, Marine and Blossom throwing themselves with everything they had, furiously punching and kicking, but Black didn't seem to have problems dealing with both of them.

“Harder... stronger...” Black murmured, her expression hardening a little. “Use that strength you said you would use!” she roared, thrusting her palms into Blossom's and Marine's chests, launching them away.

Sunshine immediately closed in, not giving Black time to recover, using every technique of martial arts available to her, but she had to admit it, Cure Black's defense was iron-like! Moonlight soon joined the fight, double teaming Black, trying to keep the upper hand Sunshine had gotten. Meanwhile, White was dealing with Peach's team. Unlike her partner, who tanked and blocked everyone of her opponents's attacks, the warrior in white dodged everything with such seemingly simplistic and effortless movements that made the girls rage quietly.

“Come on! Kick my ass like you said you would!” Black shouted and then blocked Blossom's body slam, only to immediately knee Blossom's stomach, sending her flying away.

“Blossom!” Sunshine and Marine shouted.

“Don't take your eyes away from Black!” Moonlight ordered, summoning her Moon Tact. She called forth one of her strongest attack, the invocation was flawless... but she immediately knew something went wrong.

Black casually blocked the silver beam away and put some distance between the girls as Sunshine and Marine gave chase. Seeing how her magic suddenly lost its power as it moved towards Black, Moonlight finally understood what the fairies meant by the instinct to protect their Cure partners, to avoid harming each other.

“I'll snap you out of that control, I promise!” Peach shouted as she exchanged punches and kicks with White.

“You'll need something stronger than this,” White easily said, deflecting Peach's punch with a casual kick, then shoving the girl away before parrying Berry's surprise attack with another kick.

“You won't take Chiffon-chan!” Pine shouted, coming from the opposite direction and impacting against White's side, but the black haired girl let herself roll with the blow, minimizing the damage.

“Use your magic attacks!” Tart instructed from his hiding spot. “They don't have magic attacks on their own, don't let them get together and you'll be able to win!”

“You heard your guardian! Attack!” White shouted, exchanging blows with Passion.

Both groups decided to call their finishing attacks at the same time. It could be a bad idea now that Black and White knew they were coming, but the duo didn't seem willing to interrupt them. On the contrary, it looked as if they were expecting to simply receive the attacks.

And they did.

The multiple attacks crashed on both girls at the same time, sending them flying to the back of the amphitheater, crashing and destroying several of the concrete rows with their bodies.

After shoving a piece of debris off her, Black stood up, offering White a hand to get up. Both teams could only stare as the only evidence they had attacked the duo was nothing but a few tears and scratches on the pair's uniforms.

The two larger teams took a defensive stance, finally realizing the full extent of their protective instinct. They could feel their attacks and bodies simply refusing to go to their full power, unable to outmatch their opponent's natural resilience.

Black and White finished dusting off their clothes, ready to continue the assault when several familiar attacks were invoked.

“Fire Strike!”

“Sapphire Arrows!”

“Lemonade Shining!”

“Emerald Saucer!”

“Dream Attack!”

“Twin Stream Splash!”

The six attacks rushed after the girls who were now ready to block the attack again. However everybody present suddenly realized in horror that Momoka almost directly behind the pair, trying to run away from her hiding place and where the impact would take place.

It was already too late to stop their attacks.

“Damn!” gasped Rouge, horrified watching on along with her partners.



Black glanced at White and both nodded, making the same decision. In a powerful leap they placed themselves between Momoka and the incoming attacks, knowing there was no time to take the girl and move away. There was only one option.

“Don't move!” White shouted, taking her partner's hand and creating a dome of light around the civilian girl.

“This is so gonna hurt,” Black grumbled, earning an amused giggle from her partner.

There was an explosion and large pieces of debris were sent flying in every direction, trashing the place even more. In the crater left by the combined attacks, Black and White were holding an unconscious but unharmed Momoka. The girls themselves had been injured, the blood running down their faces and arms was testimony to that, but they didn't seem to be hurt beyond these cuts. Gently they put the girl down and then moved to the bottom of the amphitheater in two powerful steps.

“We will finish this in private, no public next time, this is just between all of you and us,” Black said with a surprisingly severe expression.

“We will meet again soon,” White said. “Please excuse us.”

Both girls took their donuts and books and left at high speeds, leaving the place in a sepulchral silence. Moonlight and Marine immediately went to check on Momoka, finding her safe but unconscious. The newcomers looked at the scene, not without feeling deeply ashamed of their recklessness.

“W-we are sorry!” Dream cried with deep regret, “Is she okay?”

“Yes, calm down,” Moonlight said in a tight but calmer tone, reassuring the newcomers.

“Maybe we should better leave and talk somewhere more private, yes?” Tart interrupted before anything else could be said. “We have so much to talk about.”

Why in half parts? Cause the chapters are VERY LARGE for the 10,000 characters limit for a LJ post.

Read and enjoy. From my fangirl heart for you, guys. Remember, of you don't like yuri ^^; just don't flame so much, please. But, if you don't mind at all, then feel free to read it.

Oh, yeah! Our dear hen_yo is drawing scenes from the fanfic, the first ones needs just color, wait a little for see ;D :
interview scene
Soccer Game scene
Saki and Mai scene

If someone haves good coloring skills, is welcome!


*series: yes! precure 5 gogo, *series: futari wa precure max heart, *series: heartcatch precure!, *series: futari wa precure splash star, *series: fresh precure!, *series: suite precure, *fanfiction

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