Jul 06, 2011 21:35

The first part is here:
http: //
Second Part is here:
http: //
The fanfic is in spanish here:
http: //
Seven Chapters (still) for the moment and working in some more. If you understand spanish, take a look ;D it's fun, I swear.

A nice friend from, dan heron, is traslating the whole thing for me. Btw english is NOT our mother laguaje, so if you guys can point the script errors, we'll be glad for it. I'm planning publish the fic in english in too, but we think it's better check the errors first. We gonna try to update the parts fast, but I can't press my friend with the traslation ^^; the chapters are a little large and needs tons of editing.

It all started with a Festival. The Pretty Cures know precious little about each other team but they all must come together as a new battle looms near. They can't decide to fight or flight, for their enemy already decided for them. A far more dangerous enemy that any ruler of Darkness. Yuri warning (you know girlxgirl).

Part 3:

Allies and Enemies

Despite fighting against a numerical superior group, Black and White only suffered minor injuries and a few tears on their uniforms, nothing that could tell any sign of even getting tired. It was true that Dream's team had held back a lot of their potential, a fact abused by Black and White, but the newcomers weren't about to make the same mistake.

Their battle ready stances, and visible spiritual auras flowing around them sort of hint to that.

“Two versus two... that sounds a bit more fair,” Black murmured. “Ready, White?”


Bloom and Egret had managed only to watch the end of the fight but they still managed to gather Black was physically powerful, while White flowed around her opponents to get rid of them and had a killer kick too.

Both couples started to circle around the clearing, keeping the eyes on their opponents at every moment.

“Black is mine,” Bloom whispered.

“I'll fight against White then,” Egret nodded, never taking her eyes off the white clad girl.

“They work almost exactly like you do-lapi,” Flappy informed them from Bloom's case. “Don't let them get together so they can't use their full powers! They don't have individual attacks, so don't fear a magic attack from them-lapi!”

“Just make sure you don't touch the accessories on their waist. That's where Mepple and Mipple are resting; they must be in problems, I can't their presences-chopi.”

“Got it!” both girls replied.

Black was growing impatient but White took her hand to calm her partner down. They exchanged a glance and nodded. They knew that unlike Dream's team this couple wouldn't fall prey to confusion... this was looking like a more entertaining fight already!

“White, now!”

“Let's go!”

The pair rushed after Bloom and Egret with lighting like speed, but the other two raised energy shields each one. The impact carried them back several feet, letting the momentum take them away and provide some ground between them and their attackers. Black and White pressed on, punching and kicking through every energy shield Bloom and Egret created, and forcing the other two to drop the defensive tactic.

As Black ran after Bloom with a cocked fist and White jumped and started spinning ready to lash out with a kick at Egret, Saki and Mai knew there was only one way to go.

Bloom moved to intercept Black, both girls's fists colliding with a bang. Almost immediately Black broke through, making Bloom spin back but the pink clad girl quickly called forth spirits towards her feet and launched herself forward, spinning low and slamming her open palm against Black's side. The focused blast of spiritual power at blank point launched the dark clad girl away to the side, making her bounce against a tree.

Egret stood her ground, watching White about to lash out a kick intended to take off Egret's head. Calling forth as much spiritual power as she could she caused a blast to explode on the ground bellow White's airborne body. The sudden blast behind White combined with her own momentum made her overcompensate over Egret, speeding dangerously fast towards the surrounding trees; White however managed to right herself and place her legs ahead of her to absorb the impact.

Black and White got back to their feet and glanced at their partner across the clearing. Sharing a grin and a nod they attacked once again. They approached from opposite sides, trying to get Egret and Bloom between their attacks.

Bloom and Egret jumped high before the impact and Black and White jumped too in pursuit. Immediately they noticed the other two girls hadn't gone far away, in fact, they had barely moved. Bloom and Egret were floating upside down, holding one of the other's hands while the free hand was stretched down, right on top of Black's and White's faces.

The spiritual power pushed Black and White back to the ground, trying to force them to their knees but they resisted the push. Once the energy stopped they looked up to see Bloom and Egret circling above them in the air.

“They fly?!” Black yelled, very unhappy with the revelation. “I can't believe it... that's cheating!”

“They'll have to come down someday, Black, calm down,” White said with a little smile.

The flying couple realized they had to be very careful on their approach. Black and White recovered too fast and they could easily overpower their spiritual power.... Nodding at each other Egret and Bloom started dive bombing, trying to come at odd angles and using their spiritual powers indirectly to keep Black and White off balance. Every time Nagisa and Honoka tried to go back to the offensive Egret and Bloom would climb back up, blasting more spiritual power for their problems.

Egret's and Bloom's feet were suddenly enveloped by a bright light and they shot straight up until they disappeared on the distance high up. Black and White exchanged a confused glance before Black was ran over by Bloom, flying like a missile, while White just barely managed to bend over backwards, letting Egret's ax kick pass harmlessly above her. Bloom was a little disoriented after the brutal crash and was just a moment too slow to recover, allowing Black to counterattack... but Egret denied Black any retribution, quickly pulling her partner back hundreds of feet up the sky.

“It's not working,” Egret murmured, panting quietly from their last failed attack. They had covered a long enough distance to allow them to reach their full speed, flying in a large arc to try and surprise Black and White attacking from ground level. While they could easily aim for Black, White was skilled enough to dodge even their fastest attacks. “We will have to tak-.... what are they doing?”

“No idea,” Bloom mumbled.

At ground level, Black and White suddenly split apart, putting a long distance between each other before running back together at a high speed.

The recovered Dream, Aqua, Rouge, Lemonade and Mint were back up and just in time to see the two girls suddenly jump forward with their legs on the front.

Both girls crashed feet first against each other and the momentum made White's body angle back and down; the black haired girl planted her hands on the ground and with a mighty yell she sprang her body straight, sending Black flying up at breakneck speed. Egret managed to dodge the black missile but Black managed to land a glancing blow on Bloom, causing her to break away from her partner. Egret's and Bloom's attention was immediately on Black who was coming back down, never realizing White was using the trees as springboards to climb up until Egret found herself in White's tight embrace.

“I got you now, Silver Wing!” White whispered from behind Egret, switching her hold on the purple haired girl to put her into a painful submission hold. The sudden pain and pull broke Egret's concentration, causing both girls to plummet to the ground.


“You're mine, Golden Flower!” Bloom only had time to turn back up before Black crashed from above her, enveloping the other blond in a crushing bear hug. The pressure was so strong Bloom couldn't help screaming out loud, losing her focus on her flight.

The four girls spiraled down in front of the terrified's eyes of the other five warriors. They could see Black and White were going to force Bloom and Egret to take the combined blunt of their fall, and the two girls were unable to fight off the overwhelming strength of their opponents.

“You're crazy, you're going to get hurt too!” Bloom shouted, trying to focus her power again and fly.

“You're not using your full powers, so we're going to make you!” White said, twisting Egret's limbs even harder.

“Oh, Wind Spirits, hear my call!” Egret shouted and the air bellow them started to spin into a visible mass, slightly cushioning their fall, but that only allowed Black and White to keep their hold on Bloom and Egret after the impact.

“Good save! That looked like it was going to hurt!” Black smiled.

“W-what are you trying to accomplish with this?” Egret grounded from bellow White's body, struggling against the constant and painful pressure.

“The deal was we would tell you if any of you could beat us,” replied Black's partner. “So far, we're still on top, so you will have to stay with the doubt for a little while longer.”

“If we can't find somebody who can entertain us enough and push us to reach our limits among all of you, then we will have to look for the other teams. There's a Pretty Cure team in Clover Town, and another in the next district, they may give us a good fight... unless you want to try again?”

Bloom and Egret exchanged a glance, and knew what the other was thinking. 'Reach their limits? What could they mean by that?'

“Buuut if you want a clue, we can tell you we want to have some fun before we get rid of all of you. Simple like that...” Black said with a grin that made the other pair growl.

Before anybody could reply, the bells on L'Ecole des Cinq Lumiere began to toll for the end of the festival, signaling that the buses were starting to leave.

“Saved by the bell...” White murmured and she and her partner finally released their opponents. Getting back to their feet, Honoka bowed politely. “See you later, Cure Egret.”

“See ya, Cure Bloom. We could pay you a visit to your district soon...” Nagisa said her goodbyes with a smile.

“You should hurry back to your schoolmates, or they will start wondering where you two are,” Honoka looked at the other team. “You take care, you're not seriously hurt but you may need to take it easy for a while. If you excuse us.” White and her partner turned around and disappeared between the woodland.

Bloom and Egret managed to sat up, still sore from the tight embrace they had been under, while the other team was already back up, including little Milk who had already woken up. To tell the truth, they hadn't been badly hurt, just a bit banged thanks to the rough and sudden combat.

“Hyuga-san and Mishou-san, right?” Dream asked with a little smile.

“We can introduce ourselves once we get back to the school grounds,” Mai said with a sweet expression, “Are all of you okay?”

“Nothing to worry about, we weren't badly hurt, to tell the truth,” Aqua replied in a surprised tone. “None of them tried to really injure us, just knock us out.”

“They were playing with us,” Rouge snorted, still upset at getting beaten twice by Nagisa the same day.

They undid their transformations while the fairies went back to their Human forms. There wasn't much time left to talk with Saki and Mai, but Natsu managed to give them a device similar to a cellphone to communicate between both teams. In the end Saki and Mai managed to make it in time to their group before the buses left.

“I'm Yumehara Nozomi, third grade,” Nozomi introduced herself, now recovered and back to her usual mood.

“Name's Natsuki Rin, but you already knew that,” the athlete smiled, “I'm in the same grade than Nozomi.”

“Kusagano Urara, second grade, you probably saw me during the concert,” giggled the little blond.

“A couple times on television,” Sakid replied with a big smile.

“Minazuki Karen, at your service, first grade in high-school,” Karen said with the proper manners.

“And I am Akimoto Komachi, same grade than Karen,” the green haired girl said in a gentle voice.

On the side, the fairies introduced themselves, but the differences between their original names and those of their Human personas was a bit hard to follow for Mai and Saki... not to mention the blond girl thought all of their names sounded “delicious.”

“Name's Hyuga Saki,” she said again, giving them a wide smile. “I'm on their grade.”

“And I'm Mishou Mai, it's a pleasure. I'm in Saki's group too,” said the blue haired girl.

Both groups then had to say good bye and get to know each other later. The buses were about to leave so they agreed to get in contact later that night through the devices Natsu had given them; since Saki was going to spend the night at Mai's there wouldn't be problems on their side. Natsu realized this could be a problem in the future, so he informed everybody they were going to get each their own devices, like Nozomi's group already did, so everybody could be in contact at any time.


In one of the buses carrying the girls from Verone, a happy atmosphere filled the night. There were whispered conversations, more than a few groups giggling themselves silly and more than a few were already sleeping. Nagisa and Honoka were at the back, sitting one next to the other; Nagisa was resting her head on Honoka's shoulder, letting her friend clean Nagisa's singed fingers.

“That was very reckless of you,” she scowled her friend, giving a little kiss to the burnt knuckles.

“I know, I know, but you can't tell me I didn't look cool blowing up the fire with my hands,” Nagisa giggled. “Besides, it'll heal on its own, tomorrow's morning I will be as good as new. It doesn't even hurt anymore.”

“Nagisa,” Honoka whispered, delicately frowning. “I know you're right, but still...”

“Hey, what do you think if we visit Clover Town?” Nagisa suddenly asked with a sly smile. “I heard they make awesome donuts and I want to try them!”

“Only if we stop to buy some books first! If I let you eat we won't have any time left to do anything else before we have to introduce ourselves to our next partners,” Honoka replied and her expression darkened.


Under the shade at the back of the bus, both girls shared a brief but passionate kiss, one that promised so much more once they were back home and alone.


We decided that is better cut the parts in halves, 10000 characters aren't enough. xD Originally, this chapter haves like 27,000... O_O the hell... ^^; the others ones haves more... errr... surely We can organize this mess... I think.

BTW, Enjoy!! The yuri snacks starts here, if you don't like this girlxgirl stuff, then be nice and don't flame me, please.
The second part gonna be soon here, stay tuned!

*series: yes! precure 5 gogo, *series: futari wa precure max heart, *series: heartcatch precure!, *series: futari wa precure splash star, *series: fresh precure!, *series: suite precure, *fanfiction

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