In defense of new characters getting focused on

Aug 04, 2011 10:30

I was wondering, am I one of the few people in the Pretty Cure fandom who doesn't mind it when new characters get focused on more, especially right after they're first introduced? Or am I just seeing the complaints of a vocal minority and extrapolating it to the fandom at large? I sometimes see complaints about new characters getting too much focus at the expense of the ones who have already appeared, mainly I saw it mentioned about Cure Passion, Cure Sunshine and now Cure Beat.

I can probably think of several reasons why people would dislike the focus on new characters:
* Attachment to the old ones and want to see more of the familiar characters rather than the new ones
* The new character simply is annoying to some people who wish he/she had never appeared at all
* Fear that the new character will become a Mary Sue who makes the plot revolve around her/him. (and sometimes that does happen that the new character gets so much focus that it derails the plot)
* Hype backlash, where the character gets advertised a lot or fans gush about her/him so much that it turns people off from the character.

I'm sure other people can add their own.

It's not that I don't understand why some people might dislike the new ones, I was just wondering if there is anyone else who ISN'T bothered by it. Part of it is that when I was a part of the Sailor Moon fandom, I read about people having the opposite complaints. When it came to Sailor Moon, there were often complaints that the title character and Inner Senshi were the stars too much and that the newer characters (mainly fan favorites Outer Senshi) got neglected. So I guess I came into Pretty Cure expecting that people would like seeing newer characters getting more attention since that didn't happen in Sailor Moon as much. Especially characters like Eas and Seiren who were once villains, I would expect that people would complain if they DIDN'T get some focus on how they're adjusting to life as a Pretty Cure (not too sure about Sunshine with that).

Some reasons why one might want to focus on newer characters more:
* To give them a chance to "catch up" to the old ones in terms of screen time, as in, they haven't had as much time to be featured yet so they need more focus to balance things out. That is, the characters who came before have had about half the series (in the case of the Pretty Cure series this gets complaints about) to be focused on, and the new characters need to play catch-up by getting extra focus so that the screentime can be more equal instead of just being all about the characters who came first.
* The writers are like someone with a new toy where they play with the new thing more because it's a novelty
* They want to continue developing the new character rather than just having her get added to the Cures and then never paid attention to again. Then it might seem like "What was the point of adding a new character if you aren't going to do anything with them?"

Keep in mind some of this is my own preference for ensemble casts rather than focusing on one hero (which is one of the things I really liked about Heartcatch, and am liking about Suite as well).


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