(no subject)

Aug 21, 2006 20:13

I'm reposting this since my layout is funky and stretching the original fic posting all out due to a very long thread in the comments. *blushes but loves on cynicalpirate*

Though I didn't set out to do it, this is indeed the story of my Minerva and xellas's Tom.

Title: “As Time Goes By”
Pairing: Tom/Minerva
Author: pre_raphaelite1
Recipient: maeglinyedi
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Thanks to my darling wildestranger for helping me make this work. *smooches*

Summarised Request: A Tom/Minerva first time fic with a preferance for Minerva seducing Tom, a bit of romance, a touch of angst, and a Tom!dose of manipulation.

“But those eyes. He has the most beautiful eyes. Like you could drown in them and never care.”

Minerva pushed her hair back, a stubborn lock that seemed intent on sticking to the side of her pale face, as the girl continued.

“And the way that he smiles… I just… I think I’d do anything to have him smile at me again.”

Minerva nodded. She certainly couldn’t disagree with the girl. Tom’s smile was hypnotic, a slow curve of lips that made you think of nothing but slow kisses and quiet murmurs. Then that glint in his eyes, dangerous and arousing, which seemed to show he knew precisely what thoughts were curling through your brain, and that those thoughts were exactly what he wanted from you. For if nothing else, Tom Riddle knew how to get what he wanted.

Minerva just never expected that he would want her.


Minerva always flew after a Quidditch match. She was proud of her team and their wins, but the riotous celebrations in the common room never appealed her. She didn’t like to feel closed in by people who still looked at her as though she were a marvel for simply being a girl who had a decent arm for throwing a quaffle. As though that mere ability made her interesting, an oddity, but one that was often viewed as a lucky presence rather than an actual athlete. And so she flew, letting her body and mind calm in the wind in her face and the fading ground below her.

When the dusk finally began to make its presence known through the purple grey of the sky and the sparkling torchlight flickering in the windows of the nearby towers, Minerva landed with a light touch. She began to stride to the castle, broom clasped in one hand.

He stepped out into her path from the shadows without a sound. She stopped abruptly, wand appearing instantly in her upraised hand.

Tom raised his hands in surrender, laughing softly. “I assure you I’m harmless, Miss McGonagall.”

Minerva let her wand drop slowly. As handsome as he was and as popular with the professors, he was still a Slytherin and an English one at that. “Aye, well… the harmless rarely hide in the shadows, Mr Riddle.”

He chuckled again, a low rolling sound that seemed to wrap around her with tingle of warmth. “Muggle myths, I assure you. I would think that a smart woman like yourself would have been taught that many creatures, especially those of particularly strong magic, use the darkness to save themselves from predators.”

Her lips curved into an unwilling smile, and she arched an eyebrow. “So does that make me the predator then?”

Tom shrugged elegantly. “Only time will tell.” He offered her his arm, “I’d be honoured to escort you back inside, to give you more time to determine my threat.”

She laughed, returning her wand back to her robes, and considered the proffered arm for a moment. “Focused study, is it then?”

“Only if you wish. I certainly wouldn’t want to deny you the opportunity for research.”

“Even if it proves to require extensive time together? Because one evening walk will not be enough to ensure that we further our education, Mr Riddle. And I certainly wouldn’t want another student interfering.” She offered him her broom which he took without hesitation, tucking it under his arm on the opposite side of the arm waiting for her decision.

“I’m sure we can come to some pleasing arrangement, at your discretion?”

It was ridiculous banter, like something from those Muggle novels that Mezerean was always reading out loud to the other girls in the dorm, novels that Minerva pointedly tried to ignore. Somehow, though, it didn’t sound wrong or ridiculous from his mouth. His voice was soft without being fragile, and an unusual mixture of sincerity and sarcasm. She wasn’t certain whether he was completely serious or mocking convention. Either way, it suited him and, she decided, her as well. So she nodded in answer and slid her arm along side his, cool fingertips resting against his palm. He closed his fingers over hers, holding them firmly as they walked slowly toward the high walls of the castle.

She glanced up at him with a coy smile tugging at her lips and found him looking back at her. Her cheeks flushed with unwelcome warmth, and he gave her hand a soft squeeze.

“You flew beautifully in the match today. None of the others have your talent.”

She looked at him as he paused to open the door for her. “Aye, well, the rest of you aside, your tongue may prove to be quite dangerous indeed.”

He met her gaze guilelessly, voice silky. “You have no idea.”


Tom waited for her just outside the Great Hall, eyes sparkling with promise. He took her hand in his and brushed a lingering kiss over her knuckles, and they both ignored the jealous stares around them.

“You look positively lovely today, Minerva.”

“And you look positively wicked, Tom. Do I need to worry about which professor you’ve poisoned?” she teased.

Tom smiled at her, escorting her outside for a stroll over the snow-covered grounds. “No, you don’t. Firstly, you know it would be Dumbledore after he accused me of hexing my own friends. Secondly, I wouldn’t get caught; though I admit you are my greatest liability should I attempt that.”

Minerva frowned at the mention of Dumbledore’s accusations, completely unfounded as they were. But at Tom’s continuation, she laughed, “Aye, but I think I rather like being your greatest liability. Most the girls at Hogwarts would give their wand arm to be in my position. And the rest are fools.”

He stopped just under one of the tall pines which ringed the castle, turning her toward him and speaking with sudden force, “They’re all fools. You’re the only one I want, Minerva. The only one I’ll have.”

The fervency of his tone and the intensity of his expression made Minerva’s chest tighten and her stomach flutter strangely. She stepped into him and kissed him firmly. “And you’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.”

“And Weasley?”

She licked along the shell of his ear. “William was lovely. But he wasn’t you, Tom. But a girl has to find ways to pass the time until the lad she wants comes to his Slytherin senses.”

“And you called me wicked. I think that you could rule the world if you had half a mind, Miss McGonagall.”

“Only if you rule it with me.” Minerva met his eyes with dangerous smile then twined her arms around his neck and pulled him back in for another kiss, tongue pressing over his lips in quiet demand. He resisted only for a moment before opening his mouth to her exploring tongue. He reached up to cup her head, fingers curling tight around the back of her neck as he pushed her tongue back, thrusting his own in to her mouth with surprising aggression. Minerva purred low in her throat and tipped head slightly to one side, curling her tongue around Tom’s. His free hand dropped to her waist and she rested back against the trunk of the tree, urging him forward so their bodies were flush and she could feel the hard line of his erection against her hip. The heat between them began to pulse, arousal and magic at that touch. He moaned once then pulled away suddenly.

She opened her eyes slowly, letting her gaze linger on his slightly swollen lips before meeting his eyes. She blinked a few times, clearing her gaze from the glowing spots of winter sunlight that marred her vision of him.

“Come back to me, Tom” she murmured, opening her arms to him once more. She thought she saw a flicker of fear in his eyes, but he was smiling at her again so she must have imagined it.

“And you were the one that said my mouth was dangerous.” Tom brushed his thumb over her lower lip in a soft caress. “I think you could do equally perilous things with yours, Minerva.”

Eyes locked on his, she kissed the trailing thumb and smiled before whispering, “You have no idea. But I could show you.”

He inclined his head, considering her. “You could show me many things, I’m certain.” Then he grinned, voice once again boyish and light. “But not today.”

The disappointment must have been obvious for he sobered some then bent to her, lips moving against her ear, “Soon enough. I need time to make certain that we won’t be disturbed. I want it to be perfect. Then we can both show each other what we can do.”

Minerva tipped her chin up to him, the quiet hiss of his words sending a shiver down her spine.


Perfection came at the next Hogsmeade weekend, definitely not soon enough by Minerva’s standards. It had been too long since she had last lain in William’s arms, body humming and glistening with sweat. Her own touch served only to relieve a small amount of the tension for it was Tom’s smile she imagined as she cupped her breasts and Tom’s eyes that watched her in her mind as her fingers rolled deftly over her clit.

They had just had lunch at The Three Broomsticks, a lean meal of cock-a-leekie soup, made rich through company and soft brushes of Tom’s hands along her hands and arm, despite the war rations and the aurors who stood guard in the village and the three elderly witches in red hats who kept watching them. Minerva had half a mind to offer them a bag of popcorn and ask if they were enjoying the show. Tom didn’t seemed to mind, inclining his head in acknowledgement then purchasing them each a gillywater once their plates were whisked away. Minerva muttered under her breath about garnishing the drinks with hemlock.

“Appearances, Minerva. Let them watch. They’re only jealous.”

She couldn’t stop her lips from pursing in disapproval, “If any of them still have husbands that haven’t been killed by the amount of perfume they’re wearing, they probably haven’t managed to get their cocks past their wrinkles. Honestly that one of the left probably administered Sir Nicholas’ NEWTs.”

“You can ask him later.” Laughing, he pulled her chair back as she rose and draped her scarf around her neck.

“It’s stopped snowing but still looks cold enough to freeze even a beautiful woman such as yourself.” He spoke loud enough that his voice would carry to their audience, despite his back being turned to them. He winked at Minerva, then helped her into her winter outer robes as she tried to keep from giggling.

They walked outside, but rather than turning toward the small row of shops, Tom steered her to a quiet street, dotted with homes. She glanced curiously at him and he smiled with a small chuckle.

“I told you it would be soon, didn’t I? I’m a man of my word, Minerva.”

Heat rushed through her, pooling low in her belly, but she countered it by deadpanning, “So you’ve bought us a home?”

He shook his head. “No. Not as grand as that. Merely made arrangements to have one for the day. I’ll not make love to you in the stables like a common Muggle.”

“Please tell me it doesn’t belong to those three witches at the Three Broomsticks.”

“Really Minerva, I can occasionally be subtle. Plus the perfume would probably kill us.”

They turned left onto the road that lead out of the village, arm in arm and, Minerva figured, both smiling like daft idiots. It became clear quickly where they were going, for only one house stood ahead of them, rising above the road. It was painted a cheery yellow to ward off the war and the winter, a row of lupines growing below the ground floor windows. Clearly the owner spent time applying gardening charms to both encourage blooms, but to keep it free of pests as there wasn’t a single sign that gnomes had ever attempted to move in.

Tom pushed open the small gate and swept an arm forward in elegant invitation. “Ladies first?”

Minerva inclined her head to him and walked forward, eyes moving up the façade of the house, over the clean shutters and beveled glass windows. “It’s beautiful, Tom.”

“And it’s ours… today anyway.”

She paused at the door, waiting for him to climb the three steps up to the landing outside the front door. “Planning on carrying me inside then, are you?”

He shrugged. “Only if you want. I’m certain you are strong enough to carry me in as well. So perhaps we shall walk in together?”

Fighting to keep from grinning her amusement at him, she stepped to one side so he could open the door with a soft tap of his wand. He pushed it open and stepped inside, turning immediately to offer his hand to her. Taking it, she felt a ripple of magic as she stepped over the threshold and straight against him for an opened mouthed kiss. He made a small sound of surprise then backed her against the wall as he kicked at the door to shut it. There was a small thump as her body hit the plaster behind her, and she moaned, draping one arm around his neck and the other around his back so she could squeeze his arse. His hips thrust forward to her own, just as she had hoped and she rubbed her body slowly against his crotch, feeling the growing line of his erection. He tore his mouth away from hers and pressed hurried kisses down her neck.

“Bite me,” she murmured as she slid her hand into his hair. “Please.”

Tom hesitated then scraped his teeth gently over the tender skin of her neck. She stretched her chin up, offering more and bringing her left leg up so her knee rubbed along his thigh and hip. He reached down to catch behind her knee, lifting it higher as he pressed his body to hers, nestling his hips into hers as her skirt wrinkled around her waist.

“Oh god. Harder.” She cried out when he obliged her, wetness surging to her cunt so that the lace of her knickers clung to her. He brushed a soft kiss over the skin he had marked then lifted his head away to look at it.

“Beautiful. You’re beautiful and you’re mine.”

“Aye, I am. With marks to show for it.”

He met her eyes, his dark but for the spark of arousal. He was silent for a few long moments before nodding, but he said nothing.

Minerva nudged his arse with her foot. “Take me upstairs, Tom. There’s more of me you can mark.”

He broke his silence with an almost disbelieving laugh, “Brazen.”

She shook her head a little, a few strands of black hair falling against her cheek. “No. I merely know what I want.” And with that, she pressed one hand down between them to rub over his cock. “And I want you… and this… Here, in this house.”

Eyes closed, Tom wet his lips then slowly opened his eyes, focused and intent. Minerva shivered a little as he released her leg before stepping back. “Upstairs. Now.”

With a crack, she apparated upstairs and stepped through the open bedroom door. Tom was behind her only a moment later, hands moving immediately to open her robes. Their lips met off-center in their haste but quickly found one another, tongues tangling together as she pushed his robes off from his shoulders. They pooled on the scuffed wooden floor, and hers fell away soon after his, to form a fabric circle around their feet.

Her long fingers pulled his shirt free of his trousers and made quick work of the buttons, spreading the white fabric wide to expose his chest. Her hands roamed over it before she broke the kiss to look down at him, from the long collarbones to the dark circles of his nipples. Her fingers followed her gaze, stopping abruptly just under his left nipple where a jagged scar angled down a few inches. His body stiffened as she traced the angry white line with her fingers. When she glanced up to him for an answer, his lips twisted into an ugly sneer to spit out one word: “Muggles.”

He took a moment before continuing, “When I was seven.”

Minerva had to fight down a flare of protective anger, jaw tightening to keep from demanding which ones had dared to hurt him. She bent her head down to brush a kiss over the scar, lips barely touching the raised skin. “Why?”

He combed his hands through her hair, loosening the pins there and letting them fall to the floor with faint pings. “The usual. Stole someone’s girl. He caught us making our escape to the sea.”

She tipped her head back to the slow drag of his fingers over her scalp. “Sword fight through the waves then?”

“Yes. Ended in a dark cave filled with treasure,” he agreed then guided her head forward to his chest once more and she licked over one nipple. The muscle beyond it flexed as the small nub of flesh grew harder with each quick flick of her tongue. She sucked on it gently, but as his fingers twisted into the black tresses of her hair, she pulled it more firmly into her mouth. The suction broke with a small wet pop as he pulled her head to the other nipple. She circled her tongue, moaning when his hand clenched severely in her hair.

“Like it rough, do you?”

Her eyes rolled up to meet his gaze and she spoke just against the saliva-dampened nipple. “I won’t break, Tom. I’m not like the other girls.”

“No, you’re not. And I might have accept that challenge-“ The words broke into a shocked hiss as she let her teeth graze his nipple before latching on to the skin just above it and sucking up a quick love bite. He tugged her head away with a faint growl. “You’ll pay for that, Minerva.”

She rose upright again, smirking and chin raised. “Will I?”

Her fingers rose to her shirt and unbuttoned it slowly from top to bottom then let it slither down her arms with a whisper of silk, revealing a dark green lace brassiere. With a shake of her head, her hair fell about her shoulders, the ends trailing over the waistband of her skirt. Tom remained motionless, mouth parted slightly for breath, as she languidly unzipped her skirt, sending it to the floor with two undulations of her hips. She smoothed the matching lace waspie down with her palms then fingered the garter straps which held up her silk stockings.

Minerva stood still so Tom could look at her. Though she wouldn’t readily admit it, she was very proud about her appearance. She owed most of it to her parents after all, and the generations of Scottish purebloods which came before her had given her smooth pale skin enhanced by deep black hair and green eyes. Though taller than the other girls in her year and a good number of the boys, she had a womanly figure, curving hips and full breasts and a trim waist. The years of Quidditch had toned the muscles underneath, so she knew she was beautiful. And all she wanted now was to be beautiful for him, a mate to his good looks.

Tom’s hand trembled slightly as he traced the edge of the lace over the swell of one breast. She breathed deeply, breasts rising up to his touch. When he didn’t respond as she wished, she took his hand and placed it directly on her breast then pressed two of his fingers together to pinch her nipple. He caught the other nipple for a matching pinch, applying pressure until she gasped then twisting them to the sides. Her head stretched back as she arched into the mixture of pleasure and pain.

His breath came warm over her lips as he spoke, imitating the gentle roll of her voice, “Aye, you will pay.”

He smiled as he shoved her onto the bed, and she smiled back before dragging him down on top of her.


They left late in the afternoon with just enough time to return to Hogwarts by curfew. Her neck was covered with small love-bites, though most were hidden by the collar of her shirt. The confession he whispered to neck as his cock rubbed damply over her inner thigh had surprised her, but she felt a thrill at it and rolled him to his back with a wicked smile. Now, as they walked back side by side, she knew that his shoulders showed just where her fingernails had been as she rode him, his hands bruising her hips as they rolled with a practiced rhythm.

They had nearly reached the castle grounds when an intimate smile and meeting of eyes lead to Minerva being thrust face first against a tree, one cheek scraped by the coarse bark as Tom wrenched her knickers aside and fucked her. She bit down onto her lower lip as his cock hammered into her. He gripped her by the back of the neck to hold her in place and she clenched around him, moaning with each rough thrust. Her back arched as she came, driven over the edge by the angle of his cock in her and his fierce aggression. He came only moments later, silent, as he was the first time and the second, and as he would always be when he came, whether she sucked his cock deep into her throat kneeling on the floor of the soon abandoned house in Hogsmeade or let him bend her over Dumbledore’s desk, face pressed to a stack of parchments. But he didn’t need to make noise, for she twisted her head to the side so she could see his pleasure contorting his expression, eyes flashing and lips pulling back from his teeth.

Minerva rocked back to him once more after he came, letting her cunt milk his cock until he finally stepped back, pulling wetly out of her. She breathed out a contented sigh and turned around, eyelids heavy as she watched him tuck his spent cock back into his trousers. “Mmm. That was lovely.”

Tom laughed, “You’re lovely. And bleeding.” He carefully swiped his thumb over her cheek, showing her the smear of red. She grinned and caught his thumb in her mouth, sucking on it then licking it clean before releasing it.

“I don’t mind bleeding. I’m on the Quidditch team, after all. I’ve had my share of Bludgers. This is a much more pleasant way of being injured.”

He shook his head as he pulled his wand out to cast a small healing charm on her face. “Yes, but I’d rather not injure your face, beautiful as it is. Only places no one else will see.”

Straightening away from the tree she readjusted her wet knickers as best she could with the way they were torn along one edge. “Aye. That will do. We’re going to be late though.”

“Then we’d best hurry.” He took her hand and they raced toward Hogwarts.

Dumbledore was waiting at the door, when they arrived, both laughing with flushed cheeks. The professor inclined his head, “Late? I thought better of you, Miss McGonagall.”

She blushed only a bit but her body was still singing from Tom’s touch and his hand on her lower back and his come slicking her inner thighs; so she smiled at her Head of House. “Next time I’ll transfigure Tom into a pocket watch and I shall be on time, Professor.”

Dumbledore’s eyebrows shot up at this and she stepped past him, tugging an impressed Tom with her. They walked up one flight of stairs, then as they waited for the second to move into the correct position, Tom hugged her back against his chest and whispered, “That was magnificent. You were magnificent with him. Though I’d rather not be a pocket watch.”

She giggled, light and surprisingly girlish even to her ears. “You’d be a lovely pocket watch though. However, I like you much better as you. And if you meet me outside the Great Hall after lunch tomorrow, I’ll show you. Or we could just be magnificent together?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

The stairway stopped and she began climbing up. “Not even for all the secrets of Salazar Slytherin?”

“Well, maybe for that. Unless you know some of them. In which case I shall find my way in your pretty head and take all the information you have.”

Minerva turned back with another laugh and kissed him fleetingly. “Oh my, Mr Riddle, you do know how to make a girl feel special. Next you’ll offer to use the Imperius on me to marry you.”

He shrugged. “I hope I won’t have to curse you to have you by my side. After all, we have a world to rule, don’t we?”

“Aye, we do. But not tonight. I’m rather tired and in need of a bath.” She kissed him again. “But soon enough.”

“I’ll hold you to that promise, Minerva McGonagall.”


Minerva shifted in the bedside chair, watching the small slip of a girl carefully, wondering why Tom had chosen her, this one who was so painfully young. Minerva had offered to sit by her, allowing her parents to go with the Headmaster for an explanation of her state. But, she was loathe to admit even to herself, it wasn’t just concern for Ginny Weasley that had her here, but a sense of cold dread and something more which she refused to acknowledge.

But she was the only one who understood the true danger of Ginny’s words. I’d do anything to have him smile at me again. Others might ignore the sentiment, thinking of it as merely juvenile infatuation. But Minerva knew the power Tom could wield, the charm and romance and promises of more.

“He said he had a message for you, Professor.” Minerva startled when Ginny spoke again. She had thought she had faded into sleep, but her eyes were partially open and fixed on Minerva’s face.

“He did?” Minerva cringed at her faltering tone and spoke again, a trifle more smoothly. “He did?”

The girl nodded on the starched pillows of Poppy’s hospital bed. “Tom said I was supposed to tell you that… that quills are just as dangerous as mouths. And you made a promise that you have to pay.”

Ginny closed her eyes, lashes a light red sunset on her cheeks, and she smiled dreamily. “Then he smiled.”


Extra love to xellas for the way I write Tom and to written_doodles for her lovely Ginny.

tom/minerva, my fics, minerva

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