3493: It Takes A Village; It Takes Patience - Harry James Potter-Mc-Gonagall-Snape

Jul 05, 2015 22:52

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: It Takes A Village, and It Takes Patience
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p - sue what plot? swp, rating - toxic, related to mcgonagall, related to snape, stu - harry potter, related to dumbledore

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Comments 3

yemi_hikari July 6 2015, 16:18:26 UTC
This needs the tag indicating the piece is original fiction Pottersues. I think this is one of the worst I've seen in awhile. The author's note regarding OoCness also reads like a tantrum on the writer's part and makes me think they're not any older then thirteen or fourteen, but the sad thing is I've seen adults say the exact same thing. Add to this any writer who labels their story as both fluff and angst obviously doesn't know what they're doing. Your story is going to be one or the other, and not both. That's like saying your story is of the urban genre as well as folksy at the same time.


beacon80 July 14 2015, 21:40:38 UTC
I hate when people list OOC in their summary, as if that somehow excuses them from bad writing.


yemi_hikari July 16 2015, 22:09:43 UTC
I've seen people argue that making the character OoC is simply being creative on their parts, so that may be why they think giving the warning excuses their bad writing. Actually exploring variances in character facets is a form of creativity, but simply changing the characters personality doesn't mean that's what you're doing.


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