3429: Hogwarts Hybrids - Harry and Raven Potter, Lily and Dawn

Mar 25, 2015 21:36

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.

Here is the third “don't like, don't read” fic.

TITLE: Hogwarts Hybrids
PERPETRATOR: kellym01.2
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ct - vampire (part), rating - toxic, sue - lily potter, ct - vampire (full), related to the potters, p - sue what plot? swp, ct - werewolf (part), stu - harry potter

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Comments 9

anonymous March 26 2015, 09:35:10 UTC
Let me start by saying that the piling on of the most annoying fanon tropes is what kills the fic for me. I'm not fond of Inheritance-fics, Non Canon titles ("Lord" and "Lady"... :P ( ... )


yemi_hikari March 27 2015, 05:04:36 UTC
Not tropes - cliches.

The fact the writer doesn't care about the quality of the work doesn't give them a pass on having their work critiqued. The fact the story is for wish fulfillment doesn't give it a pass either.

As for genre - all genre are judged by the exact same criteria. Critique has nothing to do with whether a person likes or dislikes a story either, it has to do with the quality of the writing. I wish the writers screaming "don't like, don't read" would actually stop and think what their personal wish fulfillment does to other writers who actually take their writing seriously.

I can't speak for twincest fics as I've yet to come across a good one I find memorable, but I can speak for the harem genre. Giving this story a pass because it is of the harem genre is an insult to series like "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai". Said series is one of my favorites from the harem genre.


pottersues March 27 2015, 08:34:23 UTC
The entry you're referring to has not been confirmed as twincest. It is simply an inference that said story is heading in said direction.

Did you know you can't tell if you like a story until you read it? Disliking a story because of poor writing on the writer's part is also not a "cup of tea" issue.


yemi_hikari March 27 2015, 17:53:42 UTC
Bingo on the "cup of tea" issue. Almost every single time I've seen a writer say "don't like, don't read" it didn't have anything to do with the stories content, but had to do with the fact they didn't want any form of critique on their story - or to be told that the way they handled the stories content was insulting. It's rude, egotistical and the pit it's actually against the rules not to accept reviews with legit critique ( ... )


beacon80 March 26 2015, 15:30:08 UTC
What's really irksome about this excessive world-building and setup is that it seems very unlikely to actually be important. The fact that they're insanely rich, half-vampire, and half-werewolf are unlikely to ever be really important to the story, although from a little random glancing around, it looks like this fic does a slightly better job at keeping it relevant than most do.
Oh, we also have soul mate bullshit and incompetent, manipulative Dumbledore added in.


yemi_hikari March 27 2015, 05:08:00 UTC
I'm not sure if the writer just doesn't care and they think that should give them a pass from critique or if they really think the story is good. Even as original fiction - which it really is - the story is bad.


indigoneutrino March 27 2015, 16:47:22 UTC
Harry has vaults 7, 651, 1241, 711, 13 with a total of 10,969,744,558 Galleons. Raven has vaults 13, 711, wth 7,019,254,946 Galleons.

That would put Harry at #5 on the Forbes rich list, and Raven at #15. Combined, they're richer than Bill Gates. Nice to know the author just plucked a string of random digits out of thin air with no consideration to realism at all.


yemi_hikari March 27 2015, 17:56:21 UTC
I feel like the writer's saying "don't like the fact my story isn't realistic, then don't read". I don't want to believe the writer thinks they're above critique and is just worried about people telling them they're wrong for writing what they're writing, but I honestly can't tell without reviewing the story and with past history with this kind of writer... not going to do it.


darth_gojira May 27 2015, 22:16:54 UTC
So basically this fanfic has nothing to do with the Harry Potter universe whatsoever.


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