3429: Hogwarts Hybrids - Harry and Raven Potter, Lily and Dawn

Mar 25, 2015 21:36

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.

Here is the third “don't like, don't read” fic.

TITLE: Hogwarts Hybrids
PERPETRATOR: kellym01.2
COVER/BANNER ART: It s a nice crisp picture of a wolf up against the moon. I think it's from an Anime.
SUMMARY:”Born from a werewolf and a vampire and destined to bring down the Dark Lord once again, only the twins have different plans in store for the wizarding world with aid from their mother, I don't own Harry Potter, first HP fic in a long time, please be nice, likely to contain twincest and attempted harem Hybrid!Harry, Grey, possibly Dark!Harry, don't like don't read.”
FULL NAME: Dawn and Lily, Raven and Harry Potter
SPECIES: Dawn and Lily are vampire, and Raven and Harry are half-vampires, half-werewolves.
HAIR: See possessions.
EYES: See possessions. Her eyes also turn yellow
MARKINGS: Nothing particular. I don't like digging out information from stories with “plot what plot”.
POSSESSIONS: “The young woman was attired in black spandex pants that hugged at her lower curves, accompanied by a dark purple, low cut shirt that left an ample amount of cleavage exposed, her dark hair hung freely, her hazel irises turned dark as her gaze narrowed.” Harry has vaults 7, 651, 1241, 711, 13 with a total of 10,969,744,558 Galleons. Raven has vaults 13, 711, wth 7,019,254,946 Galleons. Harry also owns 50% of Hogwarts while Raven owns 25%
CONNECTION TO CANON: Dawn shows up and digs Lily out of her grave and feeds a hunchbacked grave keeper to Lily to help her get better. Lily proceeds to violently beat up Dawn for forcing her to drink human blood. Lily goes after Raven and Harry. She proceeds to freak out Petunia, and then finds out that the Dursley family beat her children up. She then feds her children blood. She proceeds to kill Vernon and Petunia, but spares Dudley. She then shows up at the Potter Manor and is greeted by their House Elf Teesy. Chapter fives bring up magical cores. I decided to give up after chapter eight as we have another “plot, what plot”.
ORIGIN: The writer decided to butcher the Harry Potter canon.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Raven and Harry are half-blood, half-vampire, half pure-blooded werewolf. She is the heir to the Potter, Black, Griffindor and Slytherin lines. They are heir of the Sluytherin lines via conquest.

NOTES: I'm starting to wish some of these writers would just go and write original fiction because that is honestly all they're doing. That was my first thought. Then I realized I just wished the writers would realize how unrealistic their stories are period. I'm trying to wrap my mind around how they can't seem to understand these vaults, wand cores and other junk they shove in just isn't realistic. One sign a writer is going to far is dedicating eight plus chapters to world building. In fanfiction most of the work is already done for you, but even for original fiction that's bad.


31st July 1986

A young woman stood within the cemetery of Godric's Hollow, her gaze locked on the marble grave that seemed to almost shine in the night, the grave that marked where Lily Evans Potter was buried. The young woman was attired in black spandex pants that hugged at her lower curves, accompanied by a dark purple, low cut shirt that left an ample amount of cleavage exposed, her dark hair hung freely, her hazel irises turned dark as her gaze narrowed.

"Sorry I'm late, but your grave was enchanted, appears that somebody didn't want certain magical creatures finding you." She chuckled as she took a tight hold of her shovel and set about digging up the grave.

Her movements seem to almost blur as her speed increased as she grew used the repetitive motions, ignoring how loose pieces of soil that struck her flesh began to sizzle and lightly burn.

"Man I hate churches; hallowed soil really is a pain." She muttered as she found herself getting lower and lower until finally.


She paused her actions and lifted her shovel up before lightly tapping the ground again and received a similar sound, a small smirk graced her lips, she turned and threw the shovel out of the hole, she lowered herself to a crouched position and began to wipe the top soil away, ignoring the pain as she saw the coffin. She pushed off hard and leapt out of the hole.

"Excuse me but what do you think you're doing?" Asked a rather aged voice, the young woman turned and was met by the site of a rather old man, his posture was hunched creating the illusion that he was shorter than herself, a small white beard adorned his face along with a small number of wrinkles, his attire consisting of a sandy coloured overcoat, a grey sweater beneath it with grey cargo pants.

ct - vampire (part), rating - toxic, sue - lily potter, ct - vampire (full), related to the potters, p - sue what plot? swp, ct - werewolf (part), stu - harry potter

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