3430: A Chance Meeting - Kitana Potter

Mar 26, 2015 22:28

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.

Here is day four of “Don't Like, Don't Read”. Today was supposed to be a story that bashed Dumbledore and the Weasley family, included Snarry, a pairing from another fandom, and mentions of an m-preg. Said story has been deleted.

TITLE: A Chance Meeting
COVER/BANNER ART: It is a clip of the writer's avatar which is likely a picture of themselves.
SUMMARY:”A chance meeting between our favourite iron man and Defeat of Voldermort turns out more unexpected that one could have thought. Fem!Harry possible one shot, possibly more! Swearing included, don't like don't read! CHAPTER TWO POSTED!”
FULL NAME: Kitana Potter
MARKINGS: “She was still in the body of a 25 year old girl, never looking any different an never changing. The first few years we didn't notice but around he age of 34/35 she finally agreed with what shed known for a while.”
POSSESSIONS: “The Elder Wand was strapped to right arm, her holly strapped to her left. The Resurrection stone was around he neck in a necklace and the cloak was tucked in her pocket. After the war, no matter how many times she tries to get rid of them they'd all find some way back to her eventually.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Kitana goes through the veil and gets an instant kiss from Tony. He asks her if she will stay with him, and Kitana does. She learns about the Avengers and the “Fantastic Four Wannabies”.
ORIGIN: The writer genderbent Harry and sent him through the veil.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Despite being as old as she is she has never had a first kiss before Tony.

NOTES: The reasons for today's “don't like, don't read” is cute. I like this one.


The first time Tony Stark met Kitana was by accident. Well, more like it was he was trying to hide from his fans and she was in the wrong place a the wrong time.

Kitana had just travelled through the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, carrying everything she owns including all of her mony from her Gringotts vault in a never ending bag. It was 19 years after he war had ended and she wanted to get away. She was still in the body of a 25 year old girl, never looking any different an never changing. The first few years we didn't notice but around he age of 34/35 she finally agreed with what shed known for a while. She wasn't aging And it seems everyone else was finally noticing too. After the war, shed fallen out with Ron and Hermione and the rest of the Weasley's too, expect the Twin and Bill and Charlie. But they were gone now too. All of the were gone now though. As it was all her fault.

She chocked back a sob and checked everything had come though with her. The Elder Wand was strapped to right arm, her holly strapped to her left. The Resurrection stone was around he neck in a necklace and the cloak was tucked in her pocket. After the war, no matter how many times she tries to get rid of them they'd all find some way back to her eventually. In the end, she gave up and accepted it. Accepted the fact the reason why she wasn't aging was due to those three trinkets, the reason she was now the Master of Death.

Shaking herself out of it, Kitana stepped out of the alley way and looked around her. She not travelled much in the years after the war but shed recognise New York anywhere. But it looked different, more... Modernized and technological. Especially the big building with Stark written on the side.

Walking at a slow pace, looking with wide eyes almost like a child would, she didn't notice what was bout to hit her until it happened. A body hit hers at almost full force, knocking her down hard. Land in with a wince she glared up and noticed a man equally as wide eyes as he'd been moments ago, only this time in shock and panic.

About to speak, she was beat to it by him. "I'm sorry, I'll give you anything if you don't scream my name right now, I'm trying to hide from some fans and there going to be coming around that corner any seconds now, I need to hide from them and after there gone we can talk about what to do to keep you quiet, okay? Good, your coming with me!" With hat, he grabbed her hands, pulled her up and dragged her back to he alley way he appeared from. Pushing her into the corner hiding both his and her body from view as well as both their faces and kissed her full on the lips. Kitana stiffened in shock, eyes going wide and letting out a squeak. Just as this happened a hoard of people ran past, screaming a name she couldn't quite made out at that moment. She started to feel slightly light headed when he finally pulled back. She breathed in the much needed air and her mind cleared. Her eyes narrowed and she looked to the man in front of her, who was checking for any fans nervously. Finding none, he let out a breath and turned to her, a shit eating grin on his face. It slipped off when he saw the angry look on hers.

rating - awful, af - veil travel/veil magic, pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter, p - crossover

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