3428: HoO Goes To Hogwarts ~ Percy Jackson and Company

Mar 24, 2015 21:50

I suddenly got the bright idea in my head to make a giant list containing “don't like, don't reads” to cover for who knows how many weeks and tallying the reasons why writer's say “don't like, don't read” in their summaries and the main issues with each story, and then coming back and seeing which one has the most. I'll keep track of the rating levels as well.

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.

TITLE: HoO Goes To Hogwarts
PERPETRATOR: AprilDaughterOfAthena
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover is a clip of their avatar. I'm trying to figure out whether the characters are from Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.
SUMMARY:”Jason, Percy, Piper and Annabeth are all going to Hogwarts...How will this turn out? A mass of chaos or a rainbow full of fun? I'm not sure, but hopefully the one full of adventure. Adventure awaits! Read, better that sounds. Rated T Because i'm paranoid and maybe some cursing in later chapters. Jasper! Maybe some Percabeth in later chaps. DON'T LIKE DON'T READ!”
FULL NAME: Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase
SPECIES: canon characters from the Percy Jackson series supposidly.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: n/a (We don't get to see them go to Diagon Alley!)
CONNECTION TO CANON: Percy and Jason talk about getting their letters. Jason pretends he didn't get one, and then they go running around. We jump to Jason's point of view and he's already thinking an eleven year old Piper McLean is - well his thought is “Hmm, Piper...beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” They meet at the train and “play a game to get to know each other better”. They play “truth flies, it's when one person asks a question than everyone answers truthfully.” They seem to all be sorted into Gryffindor. (I think Percy was forgotten.) Piper sees a ghost and “hid her face in my chest.” Chapter two starts off with Piper dealing with Peeves, Jason is protective of her. Piper's already talking about how a “school crush luck enough to win my nieces heart” and for some weird reason she is driving home from school on 7/1. Yes. There is that major of a time jump. Story is pretty much the characters running around Hogwarts.
ORIGIN: The writer decided to randomly throw the canon characters together.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: All the characters are super hyper all the time.

NOTES: Today's writer apparently has a lot of issues which include ADHD, bipolar, ODD, ADD, OCD, and autism. I think the writer's reason for saying “don't like, don't read” stems from this review from an anonymous guest on chapter four.

“no sorry but this is kinda boring if you didnt have so much jasper and more percabeth then it would be better i dont think there are as much jasper fan than there percabeth”

I think the real reason the story is struggling though is “plot what plot” syndrome.

(I'm not going to add input for the later ones I add. This is to just get the ball rolling.)


I got my letter. I got my letter!

I'm going to hogwarts!

I ran over to my best friend's/cousin's house.

We both lived in a REALLY big field.

We are the only ones...but it was still good.

I burst through the door to see Jason, smiling really wide, jumping up and down saying 'i got my letter, yeah, i got my letter.'

"Jason!" I screamed, excited.

He turned. "Percy!" He screamed, just like me.

"Are you going to hogwarts with me?" I asked.

He turned serious. "You got into...Hogwarts?" He asked.

No! He got had to have gotten into Hogwarts!

He started laughing. "You, gasp, should, gasp, have, gasp, seen, gasp, your, gasp, face!" He tried to say.

p - sue what plot? swp, stu - (other canon), rating - bad, p - crossover, sue - (other canon)

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