3288: The Pureblood Pretense - Harriett Potter

Aug 12, 2014 21:50

The pit was down yesterday so finishing the entry in time wasn't possible.
- Don't forget about the fanfic contest. I've not checked back, but I do know there is one entry so far. Scratch that. Got a second
- I found this for the link of the day.
- The Flashback Sue is the daugher of Snape and Hermione.

TITLE: The Pureblood Pretense
PERPETRATOR: murkybluematter
SUMMARY:”Harriett Potter dreams of going to Hogwarts, but in an AU where the school only accepts purebloods, the only way to reach her goal is to switch places with her pureblood cousin-the only problem? Her cousin is a boy. Alanna the Lioness take on HP.”
HAIR: She cut it so she will pass as her male cousin.
MARKINGS: Harriett has enough.
POSSESSIONS: She has contacts.
CONNECTION TO CANON: None. Names are tossed around, but that's really it.
ORIGIN: The writer got an idea from another book series and instead of thinking how to make things work for the Harry Potter canon she's gone and forced the canon to fit her idea. The writer does say that “James and Lily met out of school, because she went to an American school”... but there-in starts the problems. There are other schools in Europe and the writer thinks it is all right to suspend readers disbelief.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's able to get away with switching with her cousin. Canon names are tossed around. Almost all characters are Purebloods despite their canon blood status. I can't recognize the characters either.

NOTES: This particular author's note drew my attention.

“A/N: I know sometimes gender-bender means the character actually switches gender, but I'm really doing an Alanna the Lioness take on Harry Potter. So there's lots of gender-confusion, but the genders don't physically change, ok? Also this is AU so I changed a lot; seriously, there's no prophesy, Voldemort never attacked the Potters, he's a politician, and-oh yeah, Harry is now Harriett (sorry die hard canon fans, this story is not for you). And this is my first fanfic so feedback is much appreciated. Here we go :).”

The more you throw out of the original canon material the more it is not an AU and is actually original fiction. The writer also admits that “this is just a schooyard fic”. I also noticed one of the reviews as well.

“I really do enjoy this, because it's so totally AU that it's alright, if you know what I mean? There are some types of OC or OOC that are annoying because they try to stick to cannonish or are so far away from any similarity that it's painful, but I think you've successfully created a happy medium between the two.”

All righty...


"Has one of my father's pranks turned your brains to porridge?" Arcturus Rigel Black clamped a hand over his cousin's mouth while glancing about the musty hallway anxiously, "You can't just say things like that in the open, Harry. Do you know what your mum would do to us if she heard?"

Harriett allowed herself to be pulled down the hall, up the narrow staircase, and into Archie's bedroom, quite used to her cousin's dramatics. Her mother was safely tucked away in the kitchen with Sirius and her dad, and it's not like the decapitated heads of his ancestors' house elves were going to be ratting them out anytime soon, but when Archie wanted drama, drama he created. She waited patiently while Archie dragged the chest of drawers over to barricade the door and settled for a very small eye-roll when he stuffed his handkerchief in the keyhole for good measure.


"Okay, now," he plopped down on the bed as if the last five minutes had exhausted him beyond endurance and stared at her through his untidy fringe, "Pleasepleaseplease tell me you weren't joking."

She took in his pathetically hopeful expression, "I wasn't. I convinced mum and dad that I want to attend the American Institute of Magic."

"I can't believe it," he blinked like an owl dazed by the sun, "It's happening. I'm really going to be a Healer. Harry, I-" he took a deep, steadying breath, "I don't know how I'll ever thank you."

Harry reached out to pat her cousin gently on the hand, "You're helping me just as much. Without you taking my place at AIM, I couldn't take yours at Hogwarts, could I?"

"Right, guess not," Archie laughed a bit breathlessly and a grin lit up his round face with mischief, "So, what's next?"

Harriett pulled out a well-worn piece of parchment from her pocket. She took a quill and ink from Archie's nightstand and crossed off 'lie through teeth to parents' from their list (Archie had written the list), "Well, we can't switch trunks until the night before we leave, so other than getting hold of the potion, that's it."

"Okay," Archie said slowly, "So when I get to AIM, I'll tell the Headmistress that whoever transcribed the forms over floo messed up, and my name's Harry, not Harriett. They won't know the Potters in America well enough to think anything of it."


"Yeah, but what I don't get is how you," here Archie pointed skeptically in the general direction of her face, "are gonna be me."

"Because you're so unique," Harry said dryly. Her sense of humor had always been kind of… deadpan, in Archie's opinion, "Everyone knows of the Black heir, but you don't really have any friends-"


"-besides me, and I inherited enough pureblooded features from my dad to pass even Lucius Malfoy's scrutiny," she finished, tilting her nose up to emphasize the afore mentioned 'good' breeding.

related to the blacks, rating - toxic, p - not fanfic and/or crossover, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), stu - harry potter, 0 - wank

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