3287: Teacher's Pet - Hermione and Draco

Aug 09, 2014 22:40

- I'm excited about the contest. fanfic contest
- I remembered why I didn't think kneazles would be allowed to be taken to school and the crossbreeds are. The link of the day is the Bengal cat.
- Flashback Sue!

TITLE: Teacher's Pet
PERPETRATOR: wendyandpeterpan7111
SUE-O-METER: Awful (I accidentally saved my base as my sue-o-meter list.)
SUMMARY:”Hermione finished school too fulfill her dreams and go to med school, Draco goes to fulfill his dreams and get Hermione. Draco now has the power to give detention and to "punish" the girl that he has wanted and has lusted! for countless years.”
FULL NAME: Draco and Hermione
SPECIES: College bound graduates... but not in the same way.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Hermione has a list of the professors and Mr. M is on it.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Hermione goes to college and Draco becomes her professor so that he can win her over by... mistreating her. It's to the point she is crying.
ORIGIN: Since the writer doesn't know how college works in comparison to the lower years of school I suspect they are a very young writer.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: I thought at first this was a story where Hermione goes to a Muggle college, but she instead goes to the Wizarding magical school. Draco shouldn't be a professor at this school, nor would he be able to give out detention.

NOTES: Putting what Hermione read in bold was annoying. The story also switches point of view a lot. One of the reviewers describes Draco as being bipolar.


Mr. Goodbe for medical maladies, he is supposedly very good...but strict

Ms. Potts for History of Herbal Medicine and Ms Song for Potions from Life to Death; ugh! Both are supposedly lecturers who read from the book and terrible test creators- Hermione gave a sigh, -It will be fine! I can conquer any challenge!

Mr. Gillet…. Hermione gave a blush that spread from the outside of her cheeks to overpower the splatter of freckles on her nose

He's a teacher Hermione! A handsome and young teacher but still! A teacher! Still….it will be a nice thing to look at in class when I had already read the lecture material the day before…

Hermione gave a wicked grin that was the first sign that this 20 year old actually fit the age description on her passport. No she didn't look old at all, no white hair, wrinkles were a thing of fiction; but, the maturity in the eyes from years of war and the furrow of her brow that even some prime minister had yet too possess showed that she had the maturity of one high above her years.

Mr. M?

She looked at the last name on her list of classes,

What a strange name, this is the most important course of the medical school! Does he think this is a joke or something? If you don't get a good grade in this course then the school will never let you continue your studies! What kind of ridiculous prank is this guy pulling?

Hermione gave a sigh of frustration and placed the neatly organized structured days of her life in her bulging back-pack filled with nothing but "light reading" she finally made her way too her to the metro with the little outward thought of,

"Is this guy an idiot?"

stu - draco malfoy, rating - awful, je - student (new to school), je - teacher (new), sue - hermione granger

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