3287: Teacher's Pet - Hermione and Draco

Aug 09, 2014 22:40

- I'm excited about the contest. fanfic contest
- I remembered why I didn't think kneazles would be allowed to be taken to school and the crossbreeds are. The link of the day is the Bengal cat.
- Flashback Sue!

TITLE: Teacher's Pet
PERPETRATOR: wendyandpeterpan7111
SUE-O-METER: Awful (I accidentally saved my base as my sue-o-meter list.)
COVER/ ( Read more... )

stu - draco malfoy, rating - awful, je - student (new to school), je - teacher (new), sue - hermione granger

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Comments 2

beacon80 August 12 2014, 19:48:42 UTC
So, from what I've read, Draco managed to do an eight-year program in just two years, one of which was during Voldemort's reign. Not to mention that he presumably would need to get his NEWTs before he could even start.
That's not getting in to how, even if you could accomplish all that, a medical school isn't going to let a teenager teach a class, much less one that's apparently so important that failing it will get you kicked out of the school completely.


darth_gojira August 18 2014, 12:59:39 UTC
”Hermione finished school too fulfill her dreams and go to med school,"

"Draco goes to fulfill his dreams and get Hermione"

"Draco now has the power to give detention and to "punish" the girl that he has wanted and has lusted! for countless years.”

It's not often a summary to a fanfic is so stupid and awful that you don't even need to read the fic


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