3280: Princess of the Blacks - Silently Watches

Jul 29, 2014 20:13

Today's entry was sent in by another anon... and it is a dozy.
- Two more days until fanfic contest starts.
- The link of the day is old, but here you go. Really wasn't expecting to find this one.
- And... Flashback Sue!

TITLE: Princess of the Blacks
PERPETRATOR: Silently Watches
SUMMARY:”Sirius searches for his goddaughter and finds her in one of the least expected and worst possible locations and lifestyles. DARK and NOT for children. fem!bisexual!Harry, minor fem!Harry/Viktor, eventual fem!Harry/Luna, powerful!Harry, James and Lily are alive, twin is BWL, year 4, less cliched than it sounds” (Actually... it is as cliched as it sounds.)
FULL NAME: Jennifer Potter/Black
SPECIES: So not a female version of Harry Potter despite the fact she is meant to be.
HAIR: “Her black hair was filled with curls and tangles and pulled into a ponytail that came to the middle of her back.”
EYES: “His attention was drawn to her eyes, which he knew would be the same emerald green as her mother's if they weren't hidden behind a thick red blindfold.”
MARKINGS: Nothing specific.
POSSESSIONS: “She was, like the others, wearing a revealing outfit: a midriff-bearing red tee shirt with a scooped neckline and a tight black miniskirt. She wore no jewelry, and the only cosmetics she had used was some pink lipstick. Sirius, however, noticed none of this.” “Two shirts, a jacket, her skirt, and a strappy set of heels, along with the third shirt, jeans, and trainers she was currently wearing. “
CONNECTION TO CANON: James and Lily lived and raise Daniel, the “Boy-Who-Lived” and got rid of their daughter Jennifer because she is a squib only to be tossed out by them because they maimed her. She then ends up prostituted under the name Mama Jen at a child brothel. Sirius of course goes and rescues her. She's given the option of being adopted into the Black family despite the fact she is a minor and he could legally have her removed from said situation. She wouldn't have a choice. She pretty much now sells drinks. She of course decides to go home with him and then begins mooning over the idea of having more clothes.
ORIGIN: To quote the writer, “... this story began developing in my head almost two years ago from an intellectual exercise over the following question: Harry was abused for ten years without any noticeable effect on his morality, so what would it take to actually break him? This train of thought had a snowball effect, and the tale of the Black Queen was born.” I can't remember which minion mentioned the fact the abuse Harry went through was not physical or sexual, but that explains why “Break the Cutie” didn't occur.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Apparently she's “blind”. Oh... and despite being only thirteen, fourteen she's allowed to make major choices in her life like staying at Candyland... the child brothel. She's allowed to remain a hooker. Oh... and couldn't the Potter's have testified on Sirius' behalf as he wasn't no longer their secret keeper. “The club provided all the kids working there with free room and board, but after paying for utilities and groceries, there wasn't enough profit left for anyone to have a decent wage to purchase personal items. Not even clothes were something they could depend on receiving since the owner took his cut from the gross income. In his mind, why should they have new clothing when they earned money while out of them? Thank goodness for cleaning charms.” Yeah... these kids are actually going to get wages. This is where I decided to just skip on reading anymore and look through the reviews. Only to find one of the reviewers complementing the writer with the line, “...as for Jen, yo are doing an incredible job of portraying a 'well adjusted' girl who's grown up in a very bad place.” WTF... she shouldn't be 'well adjusted' for crying out loud.

NOTES: The writer says, “...this story will mention and discuss extreme child abuse, rape, torture, human sacrifice, pedophilia, prostitution, and the effects this can have on children and teenagers. There are main characters who will perform horrendous acts and get away with it. I AM IN NO WAY PROMOTING OR CONDONING THE DEPRAVITIES THAT THIS STORY DEPICTS! All sexual activities will be "off-screen" or non-graphic; even if the admins allowed lemons, I am just NOT comfortable visualizing these actions to the degree I would need to write the scenes in any detail.”

Not. On top of the writer not doing their research they have Jennifer act like an adult despite all of the abuse she went through. Apparently the writer's definition of breaking a character is to give them a bad girl attitude. I think what really bothered me about this one is the fact I've seen all these news reports and interviewed with these rescued girls who were in the exact same situation as Jennifer, only to read the last part of the first chapter and fill a lot of anger at how unrealistic this whole thing is.


Hence, his escape and the subsequent manhunt.

In December of 1993, he approached Remus Lupin, who was teaching at Hogwarts that year, and agreed to turn himself over if Lupin would just listen to his story. Sirius certainly did not want to capture the rat in this manner, but he had no choice: careful surveillance had shown him that while Danny was attending, his precious little Jenny was not.

Pettigrew was subsequently captured and sentenced to spend the rest of his life in Sirius's old cell while Sirius was forced to spend the next six months in St. Mungo's to heal from the damage his twelve year imprisonment had caused. His first visitors was the three Potters, and while they had a great deal to discuss, his priority was the location and safety of Jenny.

"Where is my goddaughter?" Sirius all but growled at the Potters. "Where is she; why wasn't she at Hogwarts where she is supposed to be?"

James closed his eyes in pain and Daniel, their son and the much-lauded Boy-Who-Lived, looked at his parents in confusion, so it was up to Lily to answer. "She hasn't lived with us since You-Know-Who attacked. She's with my sister, Petunia."

"WHAT?" Sirius was on his feet in an instant, magic pouring off of him in waves. "Why is she there? Why don't you take care of her?"

The answer they gave him was impossible: Jennifer was a squib, and it would be easier for everyone if she were raised in a non-magical environment where her deficiencies were inconsequential. Sirius could not accept that - he had seen Jenny use magic when she was a child - but he kept his knowledge to himself. The Potters had abandoned first him, and then their daughter; he would bring her back into the world she belonged in and care for her as his own. That was his duty as godfather if James and Lily couldn't or, apparently, wouldn't do so.

Once Sirius was discharged, he made his way to the Dursleys to speak with her, only for them to tell him they knew no Jennifer Potter, they knew no Potters at all, and would he kindly remove himself from their property. He was not an accomplished Legilimens like some, but he could search the mind of a mere Muggle without trouble; what he found disgusted him.

They had indeed taken Jenny in, but it was not out of kindness or even familial duty. They treated her like how many new Dark families treated house elves, expecting her to complete all the housework it was physically possible for her to perform - and even some that wasn't - and brutally beating her for not completing her 'chores', taking too long, or even when she had done everything perfectly. The memories were too old for him to tell with certainty what happened, but they had finally gone too far, permanently injuring her, and left her on a street corner of London. She was five years old at the time.

He spent the next several weeks searching all over London for her when not in the midst of cleaning the Black Family townhouse in Grimmauld Place, with no results. In a stroke of inspiration, however, he had asked Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall to have the Hogwarts Quill write out a letter for her, which would lead him to her home.

He removed said letter from his pocket to double check the address.

rating - toxic, pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter

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