
Jul 18, 2013 16:38

Sorry for the delay. Here is day four of “All In the Summary” week. The name is actually in the title and not the summary, but that combined with the actual summaries contents made me decide to include it with this week.

TITLE: Eva Winters
PERPETRATOR: shadowkat678
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ph - ravenclaw house, rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, 0 - wank

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Comments 43

anonymous July 19 2013, 04:21:29 UTC
"I am grounded, I'm not really supposed to be doing this...apparently my parents think I spend too much time writing. Also i am having a hit of writers block so if anyone has some ideas to help me i would very much appreciate it. please dont report me for this i really am trying here. also please give me your opinion on the story so far. I will take this down as soon as i write the next ch. Thanks and happy reading"

Well, you could do some research on elementary grammar. And you don't necessarily need a computer to write. A pad and pen will work just fine to get down some ideas for when you're no longer grounded. The quickest way for me to take someone seriously is if I see that they at least try to shoot for correct capitalization. And apostrophes. And not spelling a lot AS ONE FLIPPIN' WORD. The kid is clearly young. Especially if she can still get grounded.


yemi_hikari July 19 2013, 06:45:23 UTC
The writer needs to do some research period. None of the medical stuff for the first chapter works. I wouldn't be surprised if her parents real issue is her over using the computer too much, not that they think she writes too much.


anonymous July 19 2013, 19:24:10 UTC
Yep. My thoughts exactly.


anonymous July 19 2013, 04:33:34 UTC
And on a whim I glanced through the stories that she marked as favorites. Eva Winters is on there . . . She favorited HER OWN STORY. And directly underneath it is the story from the other day: Like Me For Who I Am, Not What I Am. I smell conspiracy!


yemi_hikari July 19 2013, 06:43:20 UTC
The two times I've come across this before the writers have sadly had major ego problems when its come to their own writing. I honestly think we would see it more often if more people knew they could actually favorite their own stories. I mean, I'd been on the site for seven years before I knew it was possible.

Edit: And yes... having reviewed the Suethor's story at this point in time I can say they do have some ego issues. I advise that none of the other minions try reviewing this one. She has a major "adults aren't always right, but I can insist all the wrong that I'm right despite the fact you say other wise." Hopefully they'll grow out of it.


yemi_hikari July 19 2013, 06:48:07 UTC
Well, I thought I left a comment earlier but I think I forgot to hit the post button. I wish writers wouldn't use first person point of view. She talks about how she wishes she hadn't gotten the letter in the sample, but there is no emotional attachment there.


yemi_hikari August 9 2013, 13:30:33 UTC
Hello Yami...it's shadowkat...might want to go back and Reread, I explained in my coment posted for everyone else. I couldn't apologize before, but I am sorry for that fight. So ya. I fixed a lot. I understand you were only trying to help at fist but you really shouldn't be saying all of this. Read my comment below. If you feel like it, look over what I fixed. Then judge however you please.


yemi_hikari August 11 2013, 01:23:10 UTC
It's Yemi.

I blocked you because you kept arguing with me about how my method of critique was wrong. You kept bringing up the fact I'm not always right without proving I was wrong as well as insisting you had to be right. The last straw was when you told me that you had to be right because that was how you and your friends do/see things.

You stilldon't get it.

It is completely within every single persons right to say whatever they want to say about your story. You're the one who shouldn't be telling myself or anyone else here what they can or can't say about a story you've published to the net. You published it, it's fair game for criticism whether you like it or not.


darth_gojira July 19 2013, 22:16:19 UTC
Too many sues! TOO MANY SUES!


heartstart July 20 2013, 07:08:33 UTC
Dear Suethor,

If your story doesn't get good until Chapter 6, it's probably a good idea to start your story from Chapter 6. Or go back and make Chapters 1 to 5 better.


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