(no subject)

Jul 18, 2013 16:38

Sorry for the delay. Here is day four of “All In the Summary” week. The name is actually in the title and not the summary, but that combined with the actual summaries contents made me decide to include it with this week.

TITLE: Eva Winters
PERPETRATOR: shadowkat678

FULL NAME: Eva Rose Winters and friends.
SPECIES: She is a Muggle-born witch and future savior of the world.
HAIR: She has “shoulder length brown hair”.
EYES: She has “ice blue eyes”.
MARKINGS: Apparently “looking at [her we] we would think she's just an average eleven year old girl.”
POSSESSIONS: She has a port key from Dumbledore. Her wad is “Excellent for transfiguration and makes a great tool for warding off the
Dark Arts.
11 1/2 inches
Unicorn Hair
Very Sturdy”
… That's how it's actually formated in the fic. She also has “a small black kitten with big intelligent green eyes” that she names Midnight.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story opens up with Eva telling us her father left as soon as he found out she was a witch which caused her mother to have “a mild heart attack from stress”. “Since [her mother's[ release from the hospital due to [their families] lack inability to pay the medical bill [her mothers] health has only further deteriorated. “ Also, “My father was the only one who worked and I don't know how she can make it without me or him around to help. Luckily, my Aunt Lucy, my mother's sister, offered to take care of her while I went off to 'boarding school' as we put it.” She then spends the rest of the chapter leveling angst on her mother and how “old Dumbledore gave me permission to make us a port key.” before getting to go to “Daigon Ally” with Hagrid with the typical Hogwarts letter copied into the book. Chapter two is her going to school and me finding out that Sirius and Moony are alive as well. We then meet two more of her OCS named Kyle and Sorra Neal. All three get sorted into Ravenclaw. McGonagall also still has her position as you-know-who... and not that you-know-who... is still alive. Chapter four we meet the OC Ria Asdrea. Chapter five introdcues Avery Frost, Heather Rossi and Jae Hoy. There is also apparently a Jone I missed the previous chapter. As for chapter six, the last chapter posted... still no actual plot.
ORIGIN: She's a Muggle-born whose father abandoned her and her mother when he found out she was a witch.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Here is the summary. “After the Dark Lords fall Professor Trelawney had a new vision. Soon a follower of the dark lord will rise to restart the war and bring back his master. The new savor shall be a Muggle-born girl with no idea about magic. Four years later and the vision is starting to be fulfilled. But who is this girl? Which follower is it? None of the characters have died. Full summary is inside!” Canon made it clear that Voldemort couldn't be raised from the dead again, so right in there we've got a major issue. On top of this her ability “has caused [her] a lot of bloody bad luck”.

NOTES: Good grief. As soon as I clicked on the title I found myself having to read a massive author's note in bold font. After the disclaimer we get this line. “Please before you judge this is not worth your time read Ch1, and i really think you should read to ch 6 because that is where it gets good and most of the people have been introduced.” Also... there is this note. “But please please don't skip chapters, I've seen ch 3 has more views then any other ch other than this one. That makes absolutely no sense to me.” And then, “Read and fine out who because most people don't seem to like the length of the previous explanation that I had Regarding the Characters, but if you want to know or have questions PM me or review and I will tell.”

Apologies to the Suethor for saying this, that isn't where the story gets good. Tip here... if you honestly want to write a fanfic with a lot of OCs, don't focus on introducing them. Instead focus on actually fleshing out their characters so the reader can tell them apart beyond appearances and names. Also... pay attention to canon.


The sun invades my room as I bury my head further down into my pillowcase in a vain attempt to block out its light. After ten minutes of this I finally realize it won't work and reluctantly pull myself out of my bed comforter and get dressed in my normal dark colored T-shirt, jeans, and worn out sneakers.
As I tiptoe down the stairs so not to wake mum, I once again wish I never had gotten that stupid letter. What good is magic if I can't do anything to fix the mess I'm in now? Nothing, magic won't bring my family back together, and that's because nothing will.

I glance over to the living room couch where my mother lays wide awake. So much for that idea of letting her sleep-in.

As her drawn out pale face once again reminds me, my mum may not make it till Christmas, let alone the end of the year.

"Mum, how are you feeling?" I watched as my mother grimaced and tried to sit up.

"Well dear how am I looking?" She adopted a stern look, "Eva, don't you dare start blaming yourself for this mess because I know you're thinking it. I can read you like you read one of those books, and I've been doing this job since you were age two." Her face softened. "This isn't your fault, you never had a say in any of this and for that I'm sorry. Your father isn't the man I once loved and married, he isn't the same man that I had thought he was, he is not the person you or I loved... I can see that now." She gave a weak shake of her head. "In fact I'll go so far as to say he was a downright bloody prat to the both of us." She smiled and I smiled with her. "Eva, you have been given a wonderful opportunity and I'm not about to let you waste it because your worrying over me."

I went over to the couch and sat down in her lap. I knew I wouldn't be able to do this much longer and right now the only thing I wanted was for her to hold me. Last night mum was so week she couldn't make the twenty feet to her bed, even with me trying to help her. I buried my face in her messy brown hair and breathed in the smell of her vanilla and cinnamon shampoo. I couldn't lose he

ph - ravenclaw house, rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, 0 - wank

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