(no subject)

Jul 20, 2013 19:25

Late again. Here is day five.

TITLE: My New Reality
PERPETRATOR: Dobbysocks5679

FULL NAME: Eliza Minerva Longbottom
SPECIES: She is the daughter of Neville Longbottom.
HAIR: “My waist length hair, which is naturally unmanageably curly, is half pulled off my face and lies flat down my back. “
EYES: “She had lined my eyes lightly, bringing out the gold flecks in the brown. “
MARKINGS: A baby bump...
POSSESSIONS: She has James Potter the II's baby in her womb.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is her taking the pregnancy test and talking about what a good girl she is and how much this shouldn't be happening to her because it only happened one time. The second chapter is about her vomiting up her food and not being able to go on a date. Why Neville refers to a Hogsmede trip as a date I don't quite get. Chapter three is about her girlfriends helping her to get ready for the date her father's forbidden her to go on despite the fact she's not well. While on the date she tells James that the girls won't want him much longer because she is pregnant with his child. Sure, he bragged about the other girls wanting to date him, but he was also talking about her being jealous that a lot of girls want him. After going nuts he finally cries down in the common room and professes to her that they can make it. Then they have to worry about telling the parents and her bawling about how her parents are going to hate her, causing Jamees to give her a pep talk. We then find out she wasn't actually drunk the night they did it and admits that she took advantage of him.
ORIGIN: She is James' child hood friend and gets pregnant with his child.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: To quote the summary here... “Sixteen year old Eliza Longbottom is smart, pretty, responsible, witty, a prefect, and a Quidditch star. Her life is almost perfect... Until she discovers she's pregnant with James Potter's baby. “

NOTES: You know, I was debating whether or not to rate this bad or awful. When little miss perfect admits that she took advantage of James being drunk... well, that was the deciding factor here. At least it seems like James was having a negative reaction at the end. But playing up the character as everything being perfect and then having her drop that kind of bomb? I'm not sure what to think really.


Hours later, I woke up in James' bed. Alone.
He had come up to me in the common room the next night, his rectangular glasses were crooked and his chronically messy hair was... Messier, if that was possible. "Hey little E," he had grinned, pulling one of my blonde curls.
I looked up at him sheepishly. "Hello," I had smiled quietly.
"I just wanted to apologize."
I looked up at him with what must have been an extremely confused expression. "Apologize?"
"Yeah... We both know that we weren't in our right minds up there. Drunk." He smiled crookedly. I wanted to punch him square in the nose. In his perfect, straight, wonderful nose. Maybe it would knock that stupid crooked smile off of his face.
I looked down. "Oh. Right."
And then he walked away, leaving me standing alone. Why I thought this would this would be a good idea... I will never know.
So now, here I stand. sixteen. A prefect. Excellent marks, straight Outstandings on my OWLs, star Chaser on the Quidditch team, and knocked up by my best friend. My best friend who has positively zero romantic interest in me.
Longbottom, you bloody fool.

It's almost comical. Of course it would happen to me. "I've been good," I say loudly, quite hysterical. "I've been careful! I've only... Been with someone," I say uncomfortably, "one single time! Once! How did this happen to me?"

related to the potters, rating - awful, related to neville, ap - academic pursuit

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