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Comments 131

lostmustard April 6 2009, 16:06:13 UTC
FULL NAME: Honey Maverick aka Honey Snape

Oh, good lord!


lostmustard April 6 2009, 16:10:12 UTC
RE: The Rest of It



darth_gojira April 6 2009, 19:23:46 UTC
*looks at her profile* OH GOOD LORD! O_O


schroduck April 6 2009, 19:49:24 UTC
You know, I thought it wasn't too bad (none of that "I'm blonde therefore I MUST be stupid", "I'm a guy therefore I MUST be a perv", "I'm a Suethor therefore I must be a bloody great twit" BS), until I got to this:

If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile.

I might just have to pimp out my profile with some similar nuggets of wisdom. Like If you have ever drunk water, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever stubbed your toe, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever breathed air, copy and paste this into your profile. and so on.


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wicked_g April 6 2009, 16:52:04 UTC
Isn't PingU the penguin? But yeah, obviously the Suethor couldn't think of a house elf name. *shrugs*


bandazgeek April 6 2009, 18:00:24 UTC
Pingu's little sister Pinga is a penguin too. There's also Pingo, Pongo, Pongi... They're all penguins.
Though I admit, Pongi would be a great name for a house elf.


girl_curve April 6 2009, 19:42:41 UTC
I have a Pinga toy! She's so cute...


ashesfor_trees April 6 2009, 16:17:44 UTC
Most girls my age are pretty much dying to look pretty and do all they can to make a guy notice them.

but I am just SO, SO awesome because I have already landed a man!! I don't even have to go to college to get my MRS degree, because I already have it! YAY MALE FULFILLMENT!


ashesfor_trees April 6 2009, 16:20:18 UTC
I wanted to know the feel of my new carpet under my bear feet.

Ohhh so many jokes, so little time.


wicked_g April 6 2009, 16:54:31 UTC
Hahahahaaaa...I didn't even see that, this fic was that bad. Wow. It's like watching Arrested Development for the sixth time-you keep catching jokes you missed the first five times.


themadmaiden April 6 2009, 18:19:07 UTC
"Most girls my age are pretty much dying to look pretty and do all they can to make a guy notice them."

Okay there is so much wrong with that. How is it lucky that she's been forced into marriage? Now she doesn't have to go out and find a man....ugh...logic failing...


anonymous April 6 2009, 16:23:23 UTC
A house-elf named "Pinga"

I LOLed. That's a Spanish slang term for penis.


girl_curve April 6 2009, 19:43:07 UTC
Don't tell the guy who makes Pingu.


caniche April 6 2009, 19:51:54 UTC
I came here to say that. ;D


elenorasweet April 6 2009, 21:51:10 UTC
That made my day. 8D


clichealert April 6 2009, 16:24:58 UTC
"Honey is twenty years my junior, only she is still yet to have her fifteenth birthday in August."

Forgive me for not knowing the details of Snape's age, but does 34-35 sound plausible?

And anyway, does a 14 year old marrying a 35 year old sound plausible? COntinuing on, what about the concept of a Yough Angel? Does anything make sense?


evitaporter April 6 2009, 16:35:25 UTC
Well, is this during Harry's years at hogwarts? If so then yeah, mid to late 30's sounds right for Snape. He was born in 1960 or 1959. Still, it's incredibly creepy to marry a 14 year old. Just once I would love Chris Hanson from Dateline NBC to pop out of a broom cupboard and confront these pervy old men

And no, youth angel doesnt really make sense.


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historyblitz April 6 2009, 18:21:35 UTC


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