(no subject)

Mar 31, 2009 10:37

TITLE: Innocent Bride

FULL NAME: Honey Maverick aka Honey Snape
SPECIES: Youth Angel
HAIR: "long, flowing honey coloured hair" What kind of honey, exactly?
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: a "Youth Mark" on her body that alerts people to her abilities. It's a "of a prominent crescent moon and five pointed star". OMG Sailor Moon!
POSSESSIONS: "simple white dress with exposing shoulders", "a simple pair of white gold studs and a white gold necklace with a heart on it", "a pearl necklace, a pearl bracelet and a pair of pearl earrings". She has a "white gold wedding band", "a CD player - one that could play MP3s". A house-elf named "Pinga". Muggle clothes: "a pair of faded blue jeans with red roses and stems entwined around the left leg, black leather belt and black top with a red rose in the middle of the chest".

ORIGIN: She is a descendant of Wizarding royalty and the goddess Aphrodite: "All Youth Angels share the bloodline that came from the very first Youth Angel, Aphrodite - known as the Greek Goddess of Love according to Muggle literature. Aphrodite probably was a Goddess, but one thing is for sure, she was a very rare kind of witch and she was crowned to be ruler of the Wizarding World". Ever since she was a baby she was put under a betrothal spell with Snape by her father. This is to keep her hidden from Voldemort. She is now married to him, and he wuvs her. Why? 'Cause she's fourteen? "Honey is twenty years my junior, only she is still yet to have her fifteenth birthday in August."
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Dumbledore and McGonagall witness their wedding. Snape is soft and sweet with her, not making them sleep together. Aww. They have united sex dreams instead, thus not scaring her and making her lose her virginity, and allowing the Suethor to write sex scenes. She goes to Hogwarts, is sorted into Gryffindor and is almost raped by Vincent Crabbe, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini. Ron saves her just in time. Snape gives them detention, wipes their memories, and deducts 100 points from Slytherin. That night they finally sleep together.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is a Youth Angel, meaning she is the fountain of youth. She will always appear young, and will live for a very long time. She is "able to heal people and is able to do magic without the use of a wand" and can give wizards "extreme powers" which they can take from her unwillingly. If they have children this will be passed on to them. Her marriage to Snape gives him stronger magical powers so he can protect her. She can enter people's dreams and have realistic sexual dreams with them without losing her virginity. She loves listening to "muggle singers and bands, such as John Farnham, Phil Collins, The Choir Boys and Icehouse." She can speak English, "French, Italian, Japanese and Indonesian".

NOTES: Wow. We haven't had a Sparkleypoo like this one in a LONG time. I really don't think it could get worse. Well, it could, she could get pregnant with twins.


I watched him leave the room, he left the doors open, I guess he wasn’t sure if I wanted them closed or not. When he had disappeared from the doorway, I turned and had a proper look at my new room. I knew full well that Severus and I weren’t going to be in the same room … well, not yet anyway.

I stepped towards the bed. I adored it, mainly because of the size; I have never owned a bed this big before. I ran my hand down the green velvet of the curtains, it felt wonderful. I then rubbed my hand over the blankets and felt the softness of the cotton. My eyes studied the fine stitch work of the flowers along the edges, until I had to look around some more. I saw that I needed some bookshelves and a desk in here.

As if the room must have been reading my mind, two sets of bookcases appeared on either side of a wall on the far side of the room, in between was a desk. Because I knew how to use muggle electronic and deter the magical interference away from it, I thought of a CD player - one that could play MP3s. I enjoy music, especially from muggle singers and bands, such as John Farnham, Phil Collins, The Choir Boys and Icehouse.

Once again, as if knowing what I was thinking, CD player appeared upon the desk, beside the desk lamp that came with the desk when it appeared. Satisfied, I decided to check out my new wardrobe. I walked over and pulled the door open and my expression was full of surprise to what I was seeing. The wardrobe was a walk-in one all right, literally. Shoes were in their pairs and placed nicely in slotted shelves, robes and muggle clothing hanging up along the racks and I saw draws. I figured that was where my underwear was hiding.

I couldn’t help but feel a little like a princess, as I went to take a better look at my clothes. My original clothes were in here, but so were a whole lot of new ones that I had never owned in my entire life, but only dreamed. What girl hasn’t ever dreamed of owning something designer labelled?

I couldn’t understand though. Why would Severus do this for me? I wasn’t even expecting any of this. I was just as surprised with my personal bathroom. Blue tiles, large bath with taps that would squirt out bubbles and water if you turn them on, a shower with polished silver taps and showerhead and there were soft towels either hanging on a rack or sitting folded on a chair and there as also a hamper. All of this was mine and I couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed by it.

The corner of my eye caught something and I turned my head to see that I was looking into a mirror; I was still in my wedding dress. Perhaps I ought to change out of it and put it aside. Never know, I might have a daughter and come time for her to marry she might be able to wear it. Even if she doesn’t, I guess I still want to keep it safe and sound, as a reminder that I am now a married witch.

My heart fluttered a little just thinking about it. It hasn’t really sunk in yet, but I know that I am the wife of Severus Tobias Snape. It may not have been my choice, but I couldn’t help but feel lucky. Most girls my age are pretty much dying to look pretty and do all they can to make a guy notice them. Severus became my husband because my father had finally found a way for Severus to repay him. My father saved Severus back when they were in the second year and they had formed a strong friendship after that, even though they were in different houses, Severus was in Slytherin, my father was in Gryffindor. Because of the houses, they kept their friendship a secret up until Dumbledore asked them to become spies among the Dark Lord’s ranks.

A sigh escaped me, just thinking of my father, I loved him dearly. I was not happy when I found out that I was to be married to Severus, without my consent, but as time passed, I understood why Dad did it. To tell the truth I couldn’t help but be somewhat attracted to Severus, I don’t know much about my new husband and vis-versa, but in given time we will soon enough.

I emerged from the bathroom and went over to close my doors, only to be stopped when I saw a small little creature with large ears and pointy face and wearing a pillowcase as a form of clothing.

“Who are you?”

“I is, Miss, your assigned house-elf, Pinga,” the creature replied giving a deep bow. “Master says Pinga am to attend to your needs.”

‘Great,’ I thought to myself with unsureness on how to act with this. “Why did he do that?” I asked the creature.

“Masters says to Pinga that he wants his wife to be comfortable, Miss,” Pinga replies. “Is you wanting me to do anything for you, Miss?”

“Not right now,” I replied, “I’ll … I’ll call for you if I require anything.”

“As you wish, Mistress,” Pinga said, giving a second deep bow, before trotting away.

I closed the door. So I now had a servant too. I couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable with that. Shaking my head a little, I went over to the wardrobe and selected a pair of faded blue jeans with red roses and stems entwined around the left leg, black leather belt and black top with a red rose in the middle of the chest.

Carefully I took off my dress and put on my jeans, belt and top. I didn’t bother about putting on any shoes after taking off my white wedding slippers as I wanted to know the feel of my new carpet under my bear feet. Also I’m not much a shoe wearer inside my home, and this is my home now.

jr - royalty, o - pepper jack cheese, rating - toxic, related to a god or goddess, ct - angel (part), ct - god/goddess (full)

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