5089: American Royalty at Hogwarts - Cedella Wyvern and company

Jan 08, 2021 11:36

Time got away from me yesterday. Also, a Suethor found their story featured on Pottersues. I should say stories, as I featured the story I mentioned in the one entry the next day. On the second story, the argument, “if you read the whole thing, you would know” was made. Why Suethors believe I should read the whole thing, which in this case is 40k+ ( Read more... )

pw - character bashing, jr - royalty, a - ability from another fandom, o - pepper jack cheese, rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, p - crossover, p - sue what plot? swp, p - thirty sue pile up

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Comments 2

yemi_hikari January 9 2021, 05:51:05 UTC
Pottersues accidently put the title as the Suethor's name. Their actual name is TheBicyle. Shouldn't this also have the Pepper Jack Cheese tag with the Disney movie reference.

I'm not sure what to think of the story beyond the fact it's not enjoyable. I think the fact, as Pottersues said, the writer didn't think of the implications in their story doesn't help, but the story definitely has a feel of British colonialism going on.


pottersues January 9 2021, 20:04:07 UTC
Thanks. The entry is now fixed to actually say the writer's name and I've also added the PJC tag.


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