5089: American Royalty at Hogwarts - Cedella Wyvern and company

Jan 08, 2021 11:36

Time got away from me yesterday. Also, a Suethor found their story featured on Pottersues. I should say stories, as I featured the story I mentioned in the one entry the next day. On the second story, the argument, “if you read the whole thing, you would know” was made. Why Suethors believe I should read the whole thing, which in this case is 40k+ I do not know. These stories where the writer uses the war as a plot device for characters to run away though is getting rather tiring. That’s not how mentally sound adults who act like actual adults act, nor are these stories actually exploring mental illness as they should. When it is brought up, it’s still used as a plot device to move the story in the direction the writer wants rather than as an actual character facet which needs actual exploring.

Title: American Royalty at Hogwarts
Perpetrator: TheBicyle
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic. More specifically, I’d like to not that the title alone is indicative of the story being of said rating as well as the summary, but when the writer got into explaining how the two worlds blended together - let’s just say it’s bad when a writer’s explanation of how things work is enough to get their story the Toxic rating.
Cover/Banner Art: It’s a picture of Percy and Annabeth
Summary: “a/n I was really inspired by @bluefood3 story on Wattpad 'A Royal Family At Hogwarts' The Wizarding Society and the Gods have always been interconnected, the wizards just never knew it... So imagine Hogwarts shock when they're told that they'd be hosting Royalty from the Wizards in America. Well, one thing is for sure, this will be a year like never before.”
Full Name: I’m going to put all of the cast of Percy Jackson here because they’re usurping the canon of Harry Potter in a manner which screams “we’re better than you”, but I’ve also got to add that I felt they were also despite the writer’s actual intentions saying they’re better than  the Native American people as well. Cedella Wyvern is one of their OCs who is introduced randomly at the Order of the Pheonix meeting because even Dumledore has to bow down to the Gods and Goddesses for a meeting that is supposed to be secret.
Other Full Names: I’ve not done this before, but getting into Cedella’s part, I felt the need to separate the stuff learned in the very long author’s note which they submitted for chapter one from everything else. Cedella Wyvern is our first non-canon Sue. There’s also Prince Perseus Jackson, Princess Katie Gardner, Prince Jason Grace, Princess Thalia Grace, Prince Nico Di Angelo, Princess Hazel Levesque, Marquess Travis Stoll, Marchioness Clarisse La Rue, Marchiioness Annabeth Chase, Marquess Pollux, Marquess Frank Zhang, Marquesss Connor Stoll, Marchioness Piper McLean, Marquesss Will Solance, Marquess Leo Valdex, Eart Bucth, Contess Reyna Ramierez-Arellano, Countess Lou Ellen, Earl Clovis, Lady Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Cedella’s mother’s name is Kyndall, but she exists so that her daughter will exist.
Sueworts House(s): The gods and goddesses of course get sorted into Sparklypoo. Cedella gets sorted into sparklypoo for being extra special, Bitchiwitch for the writer highlighting the fact the “Golden Trio” don’t get along with her just because it adds angst and prejudices against her, and Tootsietramp for flirting being one of her defining traits. All listed so far also go into Quanonreip because the canon is definitely being bent over backwards for the gods and goddesss, not to mention this sparkly OC.
Species: Gods, demigods and their adopted kin.
Hair: Cedella’s “hair was braided into a bob”.
Eyes: Cedella’s eyes are described as “artic”, so I’m guessing light blue.
Markings: Cedella’s skin is dark.
Poessessions: There is a Wyvern Estate just because the writer can make it so.
Connection to Canon: I’m not sure how to describe the first chapter. It starts off with the canon characters in their respective places getting big announcements. By this I mean Camp Half Blood and 12 Grimmauld Place. The most exciting thing to happen outside of all activities at camp being canceled is the Suethor’s line of, “shockingly it caught the immediate attention of all the half-bloods, I know, imagine having that privilege to catch the attention of over 100 ADHD demigods, that centaur deserves a medal.” Cedella announces to the kids in the Order Headquarters that they are going to be playing host to American royals, but then she snubs everybody by pointing out they can’t stay at Grimmauld. The demigods are then told they will be introduced and “royalty” and some become excited. (That’s just the first chapter.) Second chapter is them catching first class flights to the UK and watching Princess and the Frog from Disney.  Chapter four (which is really chapter three) is titled “staring at hot teens is creepy” where Cedella is explaining the whole thing and nobody is questioning anything. Well, except the fact Leo is “head healer”, and none of the other titles. (No, seriously. The should seriously be questioning everything she is saying.) She even lectures Moody about wanting to invite kids with PTSD to war games, but that honestly brings into question why they’re even going to the UK. We never got the creepy staring from what I can tell, but they’re actually being introduced and… it’s a mess, that’s all I can say. Chapter four is more special treatment being given the PJ canon characters, but towards the end when the Order shows up at Wyvern Estate it really feels like the HP canon characters are being used as servants for the PJ crowd. Is that what the writer intended, no, but it feels that way. Two readers for this chapter called out the writer on character passing while one is confusing character bashing and presenting the characters in a manner they wouldn’t actually act as objectively rounding out the characters. (Actually, they’re not “purely good” in the canon, so why change them from canon when they do have their flaws.) Another review for the next chapter calls the writer out even more, and I’ve got to stop here as what I’m reading is “plot, what plot” and let’s give super sparkly treatment to the PJ cast. Like, no. That’s not good writing.
Origin: The title alone is cringe worthy, but then one realizes this is also a Percy Jackson story but based off a story another writer made. Chapter one is actually an explanation of how the two canon worlds work, but honestly, if a writer has to spend an entire chapter explaining to the reader how the world works, they’ve already failed. This isn’t a simple author’s note with a few key points, but a chapter which is around 1.1k in length. Yes, I took the time to figure out how long their chapter is. Long story short, after the Salem Witch Trials (Suethor’s capitalization, not mine), the Gods and Goddesses decided to stop keeping themselves separate from the Wizarding world which took a hundred years of convincing to do. The writer then asserts that despite not having any interaction with said world, that they would, “make themselves out to be a sort of Wizarding Royalty descended all the way back from Ancient Greece where the mafic in the family continues to sill be strong.” No, the writer didn’t use the words “descended from Royalty”, but insists that the Olympia Family is accepted as Royalty. Hecate’s allowed to take over the Wizarding Community over there. They’re also adopting not blood related kids into the Olympia family to make it better. Demigods are for some reason aware but unaware of the Wizarding world which is just a convenient plot device to have the canon characters from both series not ever interacting with the canon of the other.
Other Origins: Because that is getting rather long, we learn that Cedella was homeschooled until their fourth year. The writer I think is trying to go with some kind of preconceived prejudices on the Golden Trio’s part, which, I might add, they actually openly state that, “the Golden Trio didn’t quite get along with Cedella” because she hangs out with the rich and certain Slytherins. It has nothing to do with the fact she tries speaking as if she is much older than herself, not to mention quite full of herself. Her mom’s also there, but serves no real purpose to be honest.
Special Abilities: I think the words “Royalty from Wizards in America” in itself says a lot when we all know America did away with being under the crown, but I guess the Wizards and Witches of Native American decent are completely fine with this Royalty in America coming in and declaring they are sovereign over them. Then there’s the bit about the Gods and Goddesses decided to involve themselves with the Wizarding World. “…they decided to make some small interaction in Wizarding Britain, like Hades contributing towards Gringotts and helping the Goblins in trying to take back their control of the bank (which they did 5 years after they left for America). They started doing little things, like Apollo bettering their potions (alongside Poseidon cause um liquids) and medical care. Athena helping to better their education, pretty much the Gods were sort of having fun in this as it was beneficial towards both parties.” Which implies the Wizards and Wizards are incapable of taking care of themselves. Of course, demigods and the gods are “better” magic users than Wizards and Witches, so that gives them the right to rule over them, right? (No, the writer didn’t say that, but that is the unintentional implication of what they’ve written in regards to how they’ve combined the two worlds.)
Other Abilities: Cedella was “nerly sorted into Ravenclaw but was but in Gryffindor as she was a bit of a daredevil and wasn’t afraid to speak what was directly on her mind.” We then learn she hangs out with Malfoy and Zabini, but she also apparently flirts with them and they don’t mind. Apparently she hangs out with the rich. We’re supposed to believe Slytherin’s leaving everybody alone unless someone else started the fight all of a sudden is her doing. I find that hard to believe when she is acting like an absolute asshole to the three, as if she were above them. I mean, the entire thing is about her snubbing them and favoring the Malfoy and Zabini families, so why EVEN BRING HER THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Notes: So, I mentioned in the special abilities section how I didn’t think Native American’s would be thrilled with these so-called Royals parading around. Well, I then read the following line, “when they moved to America they gave Hecate permission to essentially take over the basically dead Wizarding Community that’s there,” my thoughts were along the lines, “this is exactly what immigrants to Europe did to the Native Americans.

Yes, I know this is likely the writer’s first story despite the fact they’ve had an account since August of 2017, but this is something I feel I need to have strong words on, yet this is also why I am choosing to feature the story which inspired them to write this, because I am honestly wondering if it approaches anywhere near the toxic levels this one does. I’d suspected the Suethor was actually from America, but they’re from the UK which puts a definitely different spin on the unindented implications of how they combined the two worlds.

Also, this is why I don'i always read the stories all the way through. This one story is already fifteen chapters in length, but over 50k, but expecting me to actually trudge through major issues which arguably when on for one third of that, which would be around 15k+ just to supposidly get to the good parts which may never happen is unrealistic on the parts of the writers. And no, I didn't pick this entry purposefully because of what the Suethor who found their story here said.

It just happened.


Note - The first example is from the actual author’s note which comprises the entire first chapter of the story. No, there is absolutely no story content in the first chapter which does make the first chapter of the story in breach of the rules of the pit.

The Royal Family is ruled by three figures also known as the 'Big Three': King Zane (his 'realm' is the sky, a wizard particularly powerful with air, lightning, thunder, and wind spells, also has the ability to talk with birds span style="box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: bold;"(I headcanon that children of Zeus/Jupiter can speak to birds)/span), King Gale (his realm is the sea, a wizard particularly powerful with water, storm and some earth spells, also has the ability to talk with horses and sea creatures) and King Hadrien (his 'realm' is the earth and underground, a wizard powerful in the earth, the dark arts and shadow spells, he is also known to be able to perform necromancy.)

The Kingdom is mostly split between 12 overall ruling figures, due to the 'traceable' lineage being dated back to Ancient Greek the family has continued to have a rich culture in Greek and follow many of the Greek beliefs such as 'praising the Gods'. Many aspects of the family rule are alike to how the Greek Gods did.

The other rulers are Royal Duchess Olivia (Athena), Royal Duke Sol (Apollo), Royal Duchess Diana (Artemis), Royal Duchess Astrid (Aphrodite), Royal Duchess Terra (Demeter), Royal Duchess Juno is also known as Queen Juno (Hera), Royal Duke Duncan (Ares), Royal Duchess Adara (Hestia), Royal Duke Ignatius (Hephateus) and Royal Duke Noah (Hemes).

The Royal Dukes and Duchesses also specialize in certain areas of magic like the Big Three. There are also many Duke's and Duchesses, while they aren't as powerful as the 12 Rulers they are still more powerful than the average wizard.

Most American Wizard society is governed by High Duchess Hecate who works alongside MAUSCA.

In 2009 King Plut was ‘officially’ able to rule alongside the other 12 ruling figures.

Note - Here is the actual sample from the actual first chapter.

"Good morning campers! I hope that most of you slept well." Murmurs flew around the camp as the demigods all at once attempted to provide the centaur with a satisfactory answer, Chiron lifted a hand up to silence them once more, once their voices had completely faded in the space of the dining pavilion he continued speaking. "Good, it's nice to see that we're all improving. Well, let's move on to today's announcement." Shockingly it caught the immediate attention of all the half-bloods, I know, imagine having that privilege to catch the attention of over 100 ADHD demigods, that centaur deserves a medal.

"All activities have been cancelled for today as there'll be a Head Counsellor meeting after breakfast and it may take all day." A few groans and cheers were thrown around the area at the news, Annabeth frowned at the information pondering over what could be so important that Chiron had to cancel all activities and have a meeting possibly lasting all today. Her grey eyes caught the concerned look that Percy threw her way. They stared at each other for a few seconds communicating through raised eyebrows, widened eyes and the occasional quirk of the lip. His hand on her waist gave a quick squeeze before he planted a gentle kiss to the crown of her head. As long as we're together.

Chiron settled down as he allowed himself to be drowned in the rising noise of the children and teens, he bit into a stick of celery and let out a weary sigh, he wished that he didn't have to burden the heroes with a plausible quest so soon after the war, on the bright side at least there was the possibility that there might be no prophecy and it may be relatively undemanding for them. He stroked the hairs of his beard as his mind wandered off, perhaps they could use this as a chance to take a break besides what's the worst that could happen to them?

At 12 Grimmauld Place...

Third-person PoV:

Harry frowned down at the piece of parchment paper as he scribbled away. Even though he still had two weeks of the holiday left to complete his summer homework he still felt like it'd be near impossible to even complete it at all, he still had to try though at least with his potion homework, it would just provide Snape with even more of a reason to give him detention.

He could feel Hermione and Ron's eyes burning into his back as he faced away from them in an effort to do some work. He was still angry at them for not owling him while he was left ignorant of the going ons in the wizarding world. But they didn't matter right now he had to concentrate on his work. Harry was interrupted from his train of thoughts by a knock on the door, the door swung open before he any of them could respond.

"Hey." Ginny gave Harry a shy smile before turning to look at Ron. "We're all being called down for an Order meeting." Ah, right, the Order of the Phoenix, the group that Dumbledore created with the sole purpose of defeating Voldemort, but clearly Harry wasn't good enough to join despite fighting Voldemort and surviving last year.

"Why would they want us to join them when they've done everything they can to stop us from eavesdropping?" Ron scowled, his nose wrinkled and the freckles on his cheeks and nose moved with it. Just yesterday they had used some of George and Fred's test products: Extendable Ears to try and catch anything, but a Muffliato charm had been cast on the door and thus their eavesdropping had ended.

"I suppose it must be something important then," Hermione concluded as she shut the cover of the book she was reading and set it down on the bed. "Let's go before they change their mind." They all nodded and followed Ginny down to the dining room where the rest of the Order were already seated along with the other residents of the house, there were also two other occupants that surprised him, one that Harry recognized the other he didn't.

Sitting next to Tonks was Cedella Wyvern, she was a pureblooded Gryffindor with dark skin, her hair was braided into a bob and her artic eyes shone with amusement as she made polite conversation with her. Cedella had joined Hogwarts in their fourth year after being homeschooled for the first three, she was nearly sorted into Ravenclaw but was put in Gryffindor as she was a bit of a daredevil and wasn't afraid to speak what was directly on her mind.

The Golden Trio didn't quite get along with Cedella, she happened to hang out with most of the richer purebloods and half-bloods but there were the occasional muggle-born that she would befriend who just happened to be rich, Hermione commented that she probably only did as her family was also well known in the Muggle world too. And most of the purebloods were in Slytherin, she was particularly close with Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini, no one in Hogwarts knew exactly what her relationship with them was as she frequently flirted with the both of them, sometimes at the same time but neither seemed to mind at all.

As much as Harry hated Malfoy and his gang he won't deny that towards the end of the fourth year a lot of the Slytherin's began to leave the other houses alone and adopted the 'I don't start fights I finish them' manner, the green-eyed wizard suspected that it may be Cedella's doing.

Next to Cedella sat a rather stoic woman, she was dressed elegantly in silk robes and her hair was smoothed back into a bun. She shared the same artic eyes that Cedella bore. She would give the barest hints of a smile as she conversed with Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore called for their attention as Harry and co. found themselves a place to stand. "Thank you all for coming, I have some news to share with you all, Kingsley if you'd please." The headmaster stepped back to allow the Auror to take the lead.

"Again, thank you all for coming, while the news I'm about to share doesn't quite connect with you-know-who it may pike his interest at some point due to the power that they possess, this year at Hogwarts the Ministry decided to invite some special guests from overseas to stay with us and to broaden connection with other magical governments and communities. Which is also why we are joined by Lady Kyndall Wyvern and her heir Cedella Wyvern." Kingsley motioned towards the two who gave warm, stiff smiles to the Order.

"As you're aware the magical community in America has a different hierarchy to ours, to strengthen relationships and to also distract the rest of the British Magical community from the events at the Quidditch World Cup from last year and the end results of the Triwizard Tournament the Ministry of Magic have invited the youngest Princes and Princesses along with some of their Marquesses, Marchionesses, Earl's and Countesses of the Olympia family to experience British Wizarding life and British Wizarding school for a year." Everyone immediately started talking at once, I mean who wouldn't if Wizarding Royalty would be coming to visit your school?

"Blimey! Imagine that, Royalty coming to Hogwarts? It's like something new has to happen every year eh?" Ron commented as he stared off into space at the ceiling.

"I wonder what they'll be like, I hope they're not stuck up like Malfoy, that'll be a bloody nightmare." Harry grumbled, imagining a bunch of people who looked like Malfoy simultaneously yelling that they'll 'tell my father about this'.

"I hope not, it would dampen the whole feel of the year. If that was the news then why is Cedella and her mum even here?" Hermione thought.

"I'm glad that you asked that Granger." Hermione blushed as Cedella turned to look at the brown-haired girl with an almost wolfish grin, the chatter in the room died down as Kyndall Wyvern stood up and all attention was drawn to her.

"As Kingsley said earlier, I and my heir are here for that reason."

pw - character bashing, jr - royalty, a - ability from another fandom, o - pepper jack cheese, rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, p - crossover, p - sue what plot? swp, p - thirty sue pile up

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