5090: A Royal Family At Hogwarts - Percy Jackson and company

Jan 09, 2021 12:31

I found the story for today’s entry because said story is the story which inspired yesterday’s Sue. Of course, I found myself feeling anything, even another Toxic story would be better than yesterday’s story.

Perpetrator: bluefood3
Sue-O-Meter: Most of the story falls into the bad rating, though chapter two is one I’d give the awful rating to. Actually, there are some parts I’d give the okay rating to.
Cover/Banner Art: The cover is of a crown on top of watercolor splaces with the title above and below in script. Since the title is not capitalized here, but is for the story, I’ll title the entry without capitals.
Summary: “The seven, Nico, Reyna, Will and Calypso are invited into a world of magic. Why? They have to teach the witches and wizards that you can get over war even if it seems impossible. Will the wizards fall for their royal family facade, what will the golden trio think of them and whats with this sudden feeling of dread?” That - that actually sounds really nice compared to yesterdays, but a whole lot more manageable in regards to the number of characters added.
Full Name: Nico, Reyna, Will, and Calypso are the ones listed in the summary. Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Frank and Reyna are the other eight kids.
Sueworts House(s): They’re Royal Sparklypoos, but they really don’t fit into any of the other houses.
Species: Demigods of course
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: They’re allowed to stay at the Weasley home despite the fact this would be problematic due to the Weasley economic status.
Connection to Canon: The first chapter pretty much announces the fact they are going because, “and you see, they have been through a large war. It may not have been a devastating as ours but to them, it was traumatizing and well they need some help getting back on their feet.” The reason for pretending to be royals despite the fact we all know nobody will buy it has to do with them not being entirely familiar with Hogwarts. Which, while them being royalty isn’t logical, is still a logical explanation regarding why they might not know about Hogwarts. (This is a very stark difference from yesterday’s entry.) The children of the big three are going to be “princes and princesses while “Will, Piper, Frank and I are their ‘sutors’.” That’s Annabeth’s suggestion. Thalia whose POV the first chapter is from, is far from thrilled. Second chapter is from Ron’s character, who is treated much nicer than in the last story. They all decide to go to Hogwarts for another year. The Weasley family is also asked to house twelve Americans, but nobody questions the royal stuff. We then get a long list of all their royal achievements, which is what moved this from the bad rating to the awful rating simply because nobody is questioning any of what they’re being told. Chapter three jumps back to the PJ cast who are being forced to take their photos, which was kind of funny, and makes me feel the story would have just kept the bad rating if it weren’t for the long list of achievements in chapter three. Chapter four is about picking up the royal family. The chapter was short, but I like the pace and the fact it is so far not plot, what plot, though it could get that way. It ends with Annabeth screaming and chapter five picking up on trying to find out what caused the flashback which makes her scream, but it’s a spider. We get a “magic time skip” and they’re at the Weasley home. The story kind of gets to be plot what plot, but then in chapter seven we see the writer, who I suspect is very young, is trying to make an honest attempt at dealing with PTSD in their story, but that awful rating, I’m only making it for the one chapter, chapter two because of how things are going. Luna is now Annabeth’s half sister as of chapter eight, which feels odd given the fact Luna’s mother died. By chapter eleven they’re headed to Hogwarts. (Keep in mind, the chapters are on the short side.) The poor kids suddenly decide they need to start checking for traps because of a gift sent, or at least I believe that is the case. Chapter twelve involves Mrs. Weasley letting the older kids have it for basically freaking the younger kids out to that point. It takes until the second part of chapter thirteen to get to that point though with other things. (Yes, the writer did break one chapter up into two parts.) And then we’re back to not being on the Hogwarts express in chapter fourteen. It’s now about getting school supplies. I think that’s finally done by chapter eighteen, where Annabeth is bemoaning the fact “whoever thought leaving eleven ADHD kids on a train for HOURS was a good idea serves to be hit with the trian we’re riding in.” That’s a whole lot more pleasant of a line than the reference in yesterday’s story I noted. Poor Percy and Annabeth have to deal with the fact they’re a Gruffindor and Slytherin who are dating and people don’t believe it will last. Anyways, I think I’ll stop here. The story definitely has plot and the writer has put quite a bit of thought into the story despite the whole royalty line which everybody should be questioning. I’d also argue that this is a writer with quite a bit of potential as well.
Origin: They’re royals from America.
Special Abilities: We’re supposed to believe that the various Native American tribes would be okay with the existence of these royals. It’s something I mentioned yesterday, but whereas the writer from yesterday wrote their story three years after they created an account at the pit, meaning that if they signed up when they were old enough they would have been at least sixteen, this story was actually written and completed when the writer first joined, but the summary alone makes me suspect the writer is much younger and less likely to know better in that regard. The issues for LGBT royalty also don’t exist in this world. This of course adds to my suspicions that the writer was young when they wrote the story.

Notes: I’m honestly baffled how yesterday’s story resulted from today’s story. Yes, there are fails in logic for this particular story, but a lot of them can be chalked up I believe to the writer’s actual age in that it’s not things I’d expect a writer there age to necessarily think of, yet there are other things like knowing that the characters would struggle with PTSD issues we normally don’t see crop up in stories written by younger writers. Sure, it’s handled in a rather fluffy manner with lots of hurt/comfort moments, but the key point is they’re not using PTSD as a mere plot device to move the plot along. In fact, there’s an author note on chapter ten how the writer didn’t force themselves to write because of writers block and they wanted to put the best product out.


"Nice to finally have your attention," I snorted, barely.
"Well, Lady Hecate has another quest for you," Everyone groaned, why, I just got back from another Quest with Artemis.

"Look, don't worry. This quest, thank the gods, isn't life threatening but life changing. You see there is a wizarding world out in England and well, there is a school for Witches and Wizards, as they call themselves, that teaches them spells and other magic." Hazel shuddered at this while Leo looked like he was thinking of all the things he could do with magic, well, we're going to die. Most likely in an explosion.

"And you see, they have been through a large war. It may not have been a devastating as ours but to them, it was traumatising and well they need some help getting back on their feet," Chiron said looking around us, a group of people who only six months ago were strangers and now can call each other family. I can't believe I ever lived without these guys.

"Hecate thinks it'll be for the best if you pretended to be Royalty of some sort as you all aren't entirely familiar with Hogwarts, It will also explain the 'odd' things you do and help keep our world a secret." The room filled with whispers, How are we going to do this?

"Quiet down now, I've still got to explain," Chiron said his voice calm as he banged his hoof against the floor.

jr - royalty, rating - bad, e - american, p - crossover

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