4192: Lost - Harry, Cho and Ginny

Feb 19, 2018 21:34

Warning for today’s entry as the sample includes mentions of cutting, but hopefully I picked a sample which wasn’t graphic in nature.
Title: Lost
Perpetrator: Bloodredfirefly
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is a photoshoped butterfly.
Summary: “Mental illness. It was just a label - just a word some stuffy Professors used. They didn't understand, didn't get it, didn't know what it was like to lose yourself. Harry. Cho. Ginny. A million ways to suffer, a million ways to end up but only one way to cope. Self-harm.”
Full Name: Harry, Cho, Ginny
Species: Not the canon characters, but the writer wants us to believe they are.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: Harry has scars on his wrists
Possessions: Harry has a knife.
Connection to Canon: Harry cuts, Cho is anorexic, and Ginny commits suicide.
Origin: The writer had good intentions, yet made the canon characters completely OoC.
Special Abilities: The piece - if it were original fiction… but it’s not.

Notes: This writer is interesting as they grew out of fanfic writing, first deciding that they’re earlier works - between the ages of thirteen and sixteen weren’t mature, so they created a new account. Then life happened. And the writer’s not a bad writer. The problem with this one was simply that the characters were OoC, and I struggled with seeing these characters as having these issues. It’s a common mistake at that age, but they handled the subject matter well. Which is something to praise.


Harry could forget about Cedric quite easily, by doing the dishes or reading a book. But only this, his own blood staining his hands and rows of rows of uniform red marks like tallies made him not care. He knew and accepted that his rival was gone, that his parents were dead, that Voldermort was back but none of it mattered whilst he was cutting. And there was this pride too - the pride of never getting caught, of being so good at this, at having a secret to keep from his friends who no longer told him anything.

Harry knew that everyone else thought this was some sort of sick disease. He knew that if Dumbledore and the Weasleys and everyone else found out they would be horrified. Sickened. And then they'd try to cure him.

But Harry couldn't even be touched whilst he was cutting. He wasn't Harry Potter or the Boy-Who-Lived anymore. He was just another nobody - one of them. One cutter, an empty, blank soul that saw truth among the multitudes of colourful liars.

pw - woobie/cry for me, sue - ginny weasley, rating - awful, sue - cho chang, stu - harry potter

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