
Jan 13, 2018 21:28

Title: Queen of the Night
Perpetrator: awalkerlifeforme (I was not surprise to find out this one has stories written for Walking Dead.)
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: The writer used the Hogwart’s crest for their cover.
Summary: “Tara Nox was born in Godric's Hollow nine months before Harry Potter. For a year of infancy they were like siblings, until Voldemort attacked. Tara's family was forced to flee to America while Harry was sent to live with the Dursley's. Now, nine years later, Tara returns to befriend the boy that doesn't remember her, and more importantly, to protect him from the evils to come.”
Full Name: Tara Nox
Species: She’s an American Sue shoved into the writer’s plagiarized version of the Harry Potter series. The plagiarism starts in the second chapter.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: She’s a spoiled brat. Sorry, but what else do you call a child who’s allowed to start learning things at age eight instead of eleven simply because of an exchange program that isn’t eleven, but managed to get a big head because of this.
Connection to Canon: The first chapter opens up with the Sue claiming America still has the same relations with No-Maj as it does during the FB timeframe.  For some reason the Sue is upstairs “practicing the levitating spell without my wand” because “like everyone other witch and wizard I couldn’t get my wand until I was eleven and ready to head to Ilvermorny as a permanent student.” She then proceeds to lie to her mother, only to finally tell the truth and not get in trouble. (Yup. She’s spoiled.) We then get random stuff about her father who plays Quidditch for a living and complaints about going to No-Maj school, but thinks she can get a job outside of the house. We finally find out she is nine. About a third of the way through the first chapter her mother reminds her that Harry Potter was her childhood friend. (Since she’s only nine, I’m going to say no, Harry was not her childhood friend. Not only is she still a child, she didn’t know him for more than a year.) She then finds out they’re moving to England to protect Harry. When she arrives, she makes friends with him. (I’m debating between the awful and toxic rating by the time I get to the end of the first chapter, as this is pretty bad, but not quite bad enough.) In chapter two they’re instant friends. We’ve lots of complaints from the Mary Sue, but we also hear Harry mentioning the zoo. (Now the Sue counts as a childhood friend, but runs afoul of the fact Harry had no friends prior to going to Hogwarts.) She’s helping him with breakfast and becomes an annoying parasite Sue on top of being an absolute brat, but I also realize upon hearing her describe Dudley’s presents that the Sue feels off for an eleven-year-old. The Sue’s parents aren’t an option, and so the Sue gets to go. I’ve got to call plagiarism on this one, as in the third chapter there is a line where Vernon, “he took Harry and Dudley by the scuffs of their necks, Harry grabbing me by the arm, and threw us into the hall, slamming the kitchen door behind him as he walked back into the living room.” I’d suspected, but with that impossible movement I double checked, and yes, the writer is copying large chunks from the book and editing their character in.  The only addition to that line was “Harry grabbing me by the arm”, but the word-for-word proved aggravating, but jumps this one to a toxic. So, feel free to report.
Origin: We’ve got another American Sue. Despite Rowling saying race is more of an issue for American wizards than blood status, blood status is according to the Suethor’s Sue worse than in England. In fact, the writer makes up a lot of exceptions to Ilvermorny simply because they can. For example, “Not only that, but Ilvermorny had a summer exchange program. Starting the summer that a student turned eight they were allowed to come for eight weeks to learn the basics of the wizarding World. It was why American witches and wizards were much smarter than English ones.” Suethor, that is not what an exchange program is! She’s eight to ten by the way according to this. I’m sad to say, the Sue’s behavior is exactly why the exchange program wouldn’t exist.
Special Abilities: The Sue pretty much brags about England having better relations with No-Maj, saying specifically that “My parents had told me that England was one of the best with relations to No-Maj’s. Here in the United States the Magical Congress of the United States hated the thought of No-Maj's being with witches or wizards. It was why the majority of witches and wizards in the United States were Pureblooded. I was. All of my friends were. There was only one girl I knew that was a Half-Blood. And even she got raked over the coals for it.” I doubt that’s true. The Sue is also actively attempting to use wandless magic prior to the age of eleven. More specifically, we’re to believe that an Ilvermorny student is able to start before they turn eleven, but aren’t allowed a wand until they turn eleven. Oh, and did I forget the fact Harry needs protection and the Sue is going to do it. (No, he doesn’t need protection, particularly from someone who would be in the same year as him.)

Notes: Outside of the fact it took me very little time to look up information regarding additional information supplied by Pottermore, there’s the sense at the end of the FB film of changing relations regarding the Wizarding and No-Maj communities, what with one of the romantic relationships in the first movie.

Upon looking over the first two chapters after the first chapter, I found myself fed up with the blatant plagiarism in this one. What seemed amazing at first - forty-five chapters and over 775k in words - isn’t anymore. This isn’t the writer’s only story which has a high chapter and word count though, so I’m sad to say I suspect her other works are plagiarized. Actually, one of the things I see on their profile is under “Things About My Stories” the writer notes “they all closely follow the canon storyline”.

So, feel free to report the story featured today to the admins on the pit and likely everything published before the date of today’s entry. (Even later works may turn out suspect sadly.)


Nearly everyone in the United States believed that the best magical school was the one that I currently attending as a summer student. Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was definitely the best magical school in the world. There were plenty of reasons that it was better than Hogwarts. We didn't have the house prejudiced that they did. Our houses were cooler and we all got along. Plus we were allowed to use electricity! Not only that, but Ilvermorny had a summer exchange program. Starting the summer that a student turned eight they were allowed to come for eight weeks to learn basics of the Wizarding World. It was why American witches and wizards were much smarter than English ones.

Of course maybe I was just prejudiced. I didn't know it at the time, but I would soon realize that while Ilvermorny might have been the home that I'd know, Hogwarts would be the one that I would come to love.

It all started on the most normal of mornings. I was in my second-story bedroom practicing the levitating spell without my wand. I'd been working on it for well over a month. Like everyone other witch and wizard I couldn't get my wand until I was eleven and ready to head to Ilvermorny as a permanent student.

The spell had been going just the way that I'd wanted it too. All I was trying to do was get my bathing suit from my open drawer over to my bed without having to walk over to it. "Wingardium Leviosa," I muttered softly. The cloth rattled slightly before lifting. "Yes!" I hissed. The suit immediately dropped to the ground at my lapse in concentration.

I knitted my eyebrows together and took a deep breath. It was such a simple spell. First years knew it! And I had to know at least a few simple spells when I got to school. I had always been at the top of my classes. Both No-Maj and magical. Not that anyone ever knew that. I was a prankster that constantly got letters and phone-calls home. My parents always asked me why I couldn't get the good grades without melting my eyebrows off. It was just one time...

"Wingardium Leviosa," I whispered again. This time it wasn't the bathing suit that moved. It was the lamp that sat on the edge of my nightstand. Uh-oh. What was the counter-spell? I didn't know. "Uh... Drop! Please?" I muttered to the lamp. It didn't work.

Without warning the lamp swung out towards my head and I shrieked, dropping to the ground. It was not a wise choice. The lamp went flying past my head and smashed into the window behind me. Although it didn't just stop there. The lamp went through the glass window and flew over to my next-door neighbor's house. They were a rather grumpy pair of older No-Maj's. The lamp shattered against their stucco walls and I sank to my carpeted floor as they stuck their heads out of the windows, wondering what had just happened.

"Tara Nox!" I heard a hideously loud shout from down the stair. Despite the feminine British tone of voice I knew that it was my mother. She and my father were both from England. Surrey, I was pretty sure that it was. They'd never told me why they'd made the move to Florida when I was only a year old. It was certainly a large move.

Knowing that hiding in my room would only make it even worse I stood from my floor and walked down the stairs, into the living room. My mother was standing with her arms folded over her chest. My father was clearly trying not to laugh. Despite the fact that they were constantly shouting at me to be better behaved I knew that they loved me. And I loved them. They were the best parents that someone could ask for.

My mother was a Healer at St. Dorrin's. She was rather gifted with Charms. My father was a Chaser on the United States Quidditch team, the Stars. He wasn't the best with classes but he was pretty good with Defense Against the Dark Arts. They had both gone to Hogwarts when they were younger. They swore that I would like Ilvermorny just as much. It used to bother me that I wouldn't be at their alma mater but now I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. My first and second summers at Ilvermorny had made me so much more excited to go there.

They were usually pretty relaxed about everything that I did but now they looked extremely upset. The door to our house was open and I could hear our neighbor's shouting about the pieces of lamp that had somehow ended up across their lawn. My mother whispered a quick spell and I watched as the door slammed shut. "What was that about studying quietly upstairs?" My mother asked me.

af - wandless magic (child mastery), rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, jr - guardian (legal guardian), e - american

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