Iron Man - Heir (Part 14) Tony/Pepper (PG-13)

May 13, 2010 20:19

Title: Dress
Author: popupduck
Fandom: Iron Man
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Tony/Pepper
Spoilers: None really
Warnings: Insinuation.
Summary: Pepper and Tony need to talk. Some more.
Notes: Part 14 of Heir. 1232 words.

i. Heir
ii. Crazy
iii. Wounds
iv. Talk
v. Norm
vi. Guilt
vii. Change
viii. Imagine
ix. Names
x. Sure
xi. Mission
xii. Photo
xiii. Sleep

She didn't actually sleep.

Tony was out the moment he got into his bed, and Pepper sat down next to him for a while, holding his hand as he slept, thinking. She couldn't stay there, even though she wanted to. She'd fall asleep and they'd both sleep through the morning meetings. One of them had to attend at least.

After an hour of sitting and watching Tony sleep and the sun rise, she removed his head from where it had been tucked into her side, pulling his hand free too. She stood up, stretched to, smiling at him as he wriggled about in his bed, getting comfortable once more.

“Jarvis,” she said, hands on her hips, glow of the sun warming her. “Don't wake Mr. Stark before ten am.”

“Yes Miss Potts.”

“I'll be at the office until midday at least, if he's not awake by one, wake him and tell him he needs to be at the office by three if he knows what's good for him.”

“And if he doesn't?” Jarvis replied, making Pepper chuckle.

“Then I'll be having dinner alone tonight,” she said, “No- no, I'll be having dinner with someone else.”

She half expected the AI to laugh and paused to hear it, but remember it wasn't coming.

“I need more sleep,” she groaned, the comment more to herself than Jarvis.

“Yes Miss Potts,” came the reply anyway and she laughed again.


He'd only been five minutes late for his afternoon meeting, and she could forgive him for that. He'd been much later for less noble reason.

She couldn't quite forgive herself for being ten minutes late for dinner though, she was never late, but he hadn't cared too much. It had made him a little anxious, she could see it on his face, but he started to relax the moment she kissed him on the cheek after he stood to greet her.

“Traffic?” he asked.

“Dress emergency,” she replied, sitting down opposite him.

He raised an eyebrow at that, making her blush. It had just popped out her already flustered mind.

“Maybe not here,” she said.

“Oh no, now you've said that-”

“Tony,” she cut him off as the waiter came to the table with the wine menus.

Tony ordered, quickly, ushering the man away and Pepper frowned at him.

“Dress emergency?” he asked again.

“It's nothing really.”


“You could see my underwear through it,” she whispered, blushing even brighter red.

“Really? And you didn't wear it to dinner?”


“Will you wear it to dinner at my place?”

She didn't answer right away, because his charming grin was tempting her to say yes. She decided on, “maybe,” instead.


They avoided talking throughout most of dinner. They weren't silent, they chatted, small talk, or what counted as small talk for them. Finances, the weather in the middle east (code for his mission), whether Jarvis needed to be programmed with a laugh. They avoided talking about last night and as desert was set down on the table, and Tony looked down her cleavage again, Pepper didn't think she could take much more.

“We need to talk Tony.”

She blurted the words, rather than said then, a little spittle escaping that she noticed but thankfully Tony didn't. Or didn't comment on. Either way he was staring at her but wasn't amused.

He was terrified.

“Oh, I know what that means,” he said, voice calm, steady.

“How?” she said. “The last serious relationship you had was in college.”

Why she decided to bring that up, she didn't know, and later still would be able to work it out. She just hated it when Tony assumed he knew everything.

“Not true.”

“Tony, you told me that yourself.”

“Oh, yeah, well, I watch TV and I know what 'we need to talk means'. And it's not good.”

She smiled.

“It's not what you think.”

“Then what do we need to talk about?”

“Last night.”

“Nothing happened last night.”

“Not for you I suppose,” she said.

Pepper herself had had a little epiphany of sorts.

“I didn't do anything though,” he said, then grinning, “Wow, I am good.”

She blushed.

“Tony, please concentrate.”

“You've known me how long? This is me concentrating.”

She'd known him a long time, this was Tony three quarters concentrating.

“Last night, we had the weird sleepy conversation about my dad and I realised something.”

“You said your dad would think you're being an idiot.”

“For wasting time. He was a big believer in that, even more so after mom died.”

He was listening now, concentrating on just her words, instead of her words, and her breasts.

“He always taught me not to waste time. To grab every opportunity I could, when I could.”

“That explains a lot,” he said.

“Does it?”

She didn't quite agree with his opinion that she was like her father that way. She had let a lot of things slip past her. Too many things. Which was why she was having this conversation she supposed.

“You stormed into my office with an accounting error, completely ignoring the management chain. I'd say that counts as not wasting time.”

She blushed.

“Well,” she said, brushing that memory off, “what I wanted to say was that this situation, between us, would be one of those times where my father would say I'm wasting time.”

“With me?”

His voice peaked a little on the word me, and she smiled, reaching across to take his hand.

“No, by not being pregnant already.”

“So what are you saying?”

She wasn't sure, because she'd been willing to have his baby, be with him, break the boundaries of their professional relationship and friendship already. She didn't want to be pregnant tomorrow, she just wanted to move things along a little quicker, because, because of a lot of things. Her biological clock was ticking, because Tony Stark was a constant tease and temptation, because she loved him. Because her father had told her if she ever found love she should grab it, even if she got her heart broken.

“So I'm saying, let's go back to the mansion,” she said.

He grinned.

“Best thing I've heard all day,” Tony said pulling out his wallet to pay for dinner and their uneaten deserts. “Followed closely by the fact you have a see-through dress.

“It's not see-through,” she said, standing up, “just flimsier than I first realised.”

“I have to see this dress.”

“I'm coming home with you, to-” she paused, and he laughed, “and you're interested in a slightly see-though dress.”

“Yes, all information is good information,” he said, “when it comes to dresses at least.”


“Not that I don't love this dress though,” he said, sliding her hand down her back, and into one to the slits in the material so he could stroke bare skin.

“Let's try and leave with our dignity in tact shall we,” Pepper said, pulling his hand off her ass and out of her dress. “Or at least my dignity.”

films: ironman, pairing: tony/pepper, fic: het, fic: title: tony/pepper baby!fic of doom

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