(no subject)

May 09, 2009 17:22

Title: Norm
Author: rolleson
Fandom: Iron Man
Rating: R
Character/Pairing: Tony/Pepper
Spoilers: Movie.
Warnings: Suggestion of self gratification
Summary: Post conversation conversation
Notes: Long time in coming and only short. 811 words. Part five.

i. Heir
ii. Crazy
iii. Wounds
iv. Talk

They settled down on his sofa to eat the pizza, Tony still in his boxers. He was very aware that Pepper's eyes drifted to his chest every so often, raking down his body while they ate in silence. No TV, no music and no more conversation, if Pepper wasn't willing to get started straight away on making a baby, or at least the sexual side to their relationship, then he wasn't sure what to do or say. So he ate pizza and ogled her.

He was well experienced at both.

She'd tucked her feet beneath her, making her pencil skirt ride up her thighs a little. She'd dressed in a hurry, he could tell, her legs were bare and the top buttons of her shirt were undone lower than usual, giving him an even better view than the other day in his work shop. She was wearing a red bra, which meant a matching red thong. He knew Pepper would match her underwear and had spent enough time starting at her ass to know thongs were the norm.

He wolfed down his pizza, trying to convince himself it was because he was hungry rather than eager to get her into bed. He wanted to go at Pepper's pace, wanted to be a perfect gentlemen, whatever she wanted from him but he couldn't deny his attraction to her, his desire for her, and never had before. He wasn't quite sure what to do, except it had to be different from the norm. To the usual smooth talking, great sex and leaving the bed before she woke up.

He had to wait.

Wait for Pepper to make the next move, her move. Whatever that may be. Waiting had never been his strong suit.

It took him another ten minutes to realise she was laughing.

At him.

"What's so funny?" he asked, turning to face her, hooking his arm over the back of his sofa.



He paused to think about this, palming his cheek, feeling his goatee for food, wondering if he'd done anything to humiliate himself in the last ten minutes.

"Me," he repeated.


She chuckled again.

"Don't tease Potts."

"I think you'd like it if I did," she said, her face flushing bright red the moment she finished the sentence, clamping her mouth shut.

He laughed, shifting closer to her.

"You look ready to pounce."


"On me," she clarified. "You look like you might pull a muscle restraining yourself."

"I'm not about to pounce," he said, "Maybe I'm just tense."

"Oh definitely tense Mr. Stark," she said with a wicked grin.

"I meant from the mission, or the pain, or from-" she cut him off.

"From the..." she looked pointedly down at him crotch, his black boxers not in anyway hiding his semi hard erection. He looked down at himself, then back up at her flushed face, grinning.

"Perhaps pounce is the wrong word then," he said. She smiled at him. "Eager maybe."

"Horny?" she tried.

"Always," he said, "but there's more to it."

"I should hope so," she said and he laughed, leaning forward to kiss her on the lips.

"I'm not saying, 'let's go make an heir to the Stark billions', I'm saying lets go have, ah, make love."

"Make love?"

"I know, it's a new concept to me, but I'll give it a go."

"Very reassuring."

She kissed him back, but kept him at arms' length, gripping his biceps and holding him back. His hands ran up her neck and wound up into her hair. She moaned when he massaged her scalp with his fingertips a little. She felt him smirk, and pulled away from his lips, taking a deep breath.

"I'm going home," she told him, rubbing her thumbs over his skin, trying not to laugh at his reaction.


"I'm going home, it's late, and I'll be on the phone to SHIELD most of the morning, apologising no doubt."

"I want you to stay," he said, trying not to look down at his crotch.

"I want to stay," she muttered, kissing him again, "but I think I should go."

He kissed her again, trying to pull her towards him, forgetting he was supposed to be waiting, unable to help himself for a second or two. Or three. When she pulled away he smiled at her.

"Okay," he said, moving back on the sofa.


"Did you want me to try and convince you to stay?"

"I expected it," she said, "wanted it a little."

He smiled, leaning back when she stood.

"I'll see you in the morning Ms. Potts."

"Goodnight Mr. Stark."

She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, letting him look down her top and he appreciated that. He needed all the visual stimulation he could get to help him jack off when she was gone and he was alone.

films: ironman, pairing: tony/pepper, fic: het, fic: title: tony/pepper baby!fic of doom

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