(no subject)

Dec 09, 2009 11:44

Title: Photo
Author: popupduck
Fandom: Iron Man
Rating: R
Character/Pairing: Tony/Pepper
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Bad language and suggestion
Summary: They go out for dinner.
Notes: Part 12 of Heir. 1573 words.

i. Heir
ii. Crazy
iii. Wounds
iv. Talk
v. Norm
vi. Guilt
vii. Change
viii. Imagine
ix. Names
x. Sure
xi. Mission

They decided to go out. They couldn't hide the relationship forever, and Tony didn't want to. Though he was pretty sure Pepper would be against him parading her on TV, however much he wanted to show her off. He liked the idea of having Pepper on his arm for everyone to see. Not because she was beautiful, or at least, not just because she was beautiful, but Pepper made him look good, look like a better man than he believed he was. Always had. She made him look like he had a good heart, made it seem like he could be kind and charitable, when in the past he'd been anything but.

He liked to think he was a good man now, or better at least, but having the eternally perfect Pepper Potts on his arm helped convince the rest of the world, and himself.

She looked beautiful. Black dress and matching stilettos with gold soles. If they were having sex already, he'd have tried to convince to skip dinner for bed, but as it was, he ran a finger along the thin gold chain around her neck, enjoying her shiver. She smiled, and stopped his hand from going lower, kissing him as a distraction. She was good, and in turn he could behave.

Until after dinner.

She looked anxious. Her face was a perfect mask of cool confidence, but there was minute tremor in her voice, on every sixth word, which was strange, but Pepper's anxiety had always been a foreign concept to him. She only worried when he was on a mission. He assumed. He still felt like he was getting to know her.


He placed a hand on her shoulder as they were shown to their table. The restaurant was full, and he could feel a few eyes on them already.


"You okay?"

She nodded, her answering smile a little too bright, false, as they sat down at the table and the waiter handed them wine menus. When they were alone though, the mask slipped away, her smile smaller, softer, but genuine.

"You're not okay," he stated.

"I'm-I'm a little nervous."


"We'll be in the tabloids tomorrow," she said, "on television."

"Is that so bad?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, which makes me anxious."

"I see."

"I don't mind being seen with you," she said, words coming quickly, "as your girlfriend I mean, I just, not sure about the publicity."

"You don't want the attention."

"I only want your attention," she said, smiling at him.


He didn't quite know what to do with that information, her whole world had centred on him, her confession deeper than all the thoughts he had. Again. He was used to attention in most forms, but it had been a long time since he'd had to give his attention to someone he loved and loved him.

"Drinks Sir?"

He looked away from Pepper to the waiter by the table, pen and pad ready, and couldn't find his tongue. Pepper saved him, ordering wine for them both, and reaching across to take his hand.

When they were alone again, he still couldn't speak.

"If we're in the gossip columns tomorrow, or not, I'll have a press release put together anyway," she was saying.

"How about a press conference?" he asked. "I could kiss you over the podium."

He fell back into flirting and sexual banter easily, but it was safer than what he was feeling in his racing heart.

"You weren't going to say kiss were you?"

She said it with a grin, her skin flushing in the low light.

"No," he said, making her laugh. "I was going to say-"

"I know what you were going to say Tony," she cut in, still laughing, still blushing.

"It's second nature," he apologised, "can't help it."

"I'm pretty sure it's your first nature Tony," she said. "I love you anyway."

"That's okay then."

There was a touch of relief in his voice and he hoped Pepper didn't hear it. All his character defects were still there, could still push her away at any time.

She squeezed the hand she was holding.


"So I was thinking," she said later while they were eating. "Amelia or Ella for a girl."


He looked up from his steak to see her grinning at him.

"Baby names?"

They'd been dating for three weeks and the talk of babies had been put aside for the last two, and Tony was a little shocked at the mention of it. He hadn't realised she was still thinking about it, let alone considering baby names.

"Amelia Earhart?" he asked recovering.

"I just like the name."

"Amelia Stark," he said. "Nice."

She smiled.

"Glad I'm not the only one with babies on the brain."

"I do want a family Tony," she said, "but most people, they date, marry, set up house together and then have the kids. And they do it over the course of a few years," she paused the take a sip of her wine, "you want it quicker than that."

"I know but-"

"Let me finish," she said. He nodded. "You've always worked faster than normal people, in everything you do-"

"Not in bed," he muttered.

She blushed but ignored him.

"I can keep up with you professionally, figured out how to do that quite quickly, but it's taking a bit longer personally."

"Pepper, I'm sorry, really."

"I'm not blaming you for anything Tony," she said, smiling, "I like who you are, I just need time to adjust."

"Take as long as you need."


They were in the gossip columns the next day, which included a dozen internet articles and one short segment on TV.

Pepper found she didn't mind too much.

The night before, Happy had picked them up from the restaurant and driven them to Pepper's apartment, and had been surprised when he hadn't pushed to come up. She had been considering having sex with him, God knows she wanted to, but was holding back from crossing the line still. Something in their conversation the night before had restrained him, and while she was glad of it, that she had the time to sort her own head out, she missed the tempting touches. Not that he hadn't kissed her thoroughly goodnight, leaving her dizzy.

Back at the mansion, she knew Tony would probably resettle into his normal routine of sexual innuendo and flirting, that he'd upped since they'd starting dating, into way past appropriate for public. Not that Tony cared, he had an extrovert side that pushed him to want to do things like fuck her over a podium in front of a gaggle of reporters.

Thankfully, for now, a short press release would suffice. The reports on her and Tony were all rumours, and more or less true, a little something from PR would confirm things for the press that's all. No point in lying.

It wasn't the first time she'd been in the limelight with Tony, or in her own right, and she had always tried to ignore any press attention on herself, while Tony revelled in it sometimes. She tried to let negative press go over her had, but she couldn't help the sting she felt when she was attacked. Tony had been right, she was confident, but her self esteem was rocky at times.

There were photos of the two of them coming out of the restaurant, holding hands. She looked okay, Tony looked...happy.

It was the only way to describe it really, a look of contentment that she had only seen a few times while in his employment. He was gorgeous. She had Jarvis find a high quality version of the picture and print it off. It would look good in her apartment she decided, she didn't have any pictures of him there, she'd been worried about letting him into her last private space on a permanent basis, but wanted to. There was some apprehension, like having sex with Tony, it made it real, the change in their relationship. Despite the dating, the kissing, and groping.

Hopefully the picture would at least cement the idea into her head.

With Tony's sleepy agreement, and after half an attempt to entice into bed with him, she had PR release a statement. She left him in bed, but he padded after her, walking into the lounge sweats, topless, hair fantastically rumpled. He had slept more in the past few weeks, and she wondered if it was down to the change in their relationship. Most likely, she deduced.

"What did PR say?" he asked.

"They'll gage the response to the release and get back to us," she said, "and congratulations."


She nodded.

"Until then-"

"Until then it's Saturday," he cut in, "so we can spend the day together, lounging."

"You know full well it's Friday, and we'll be spending the day together, working."

"Well, at least we'll be together."

She smiled at that, kissing him when he leaned over.

"How do you feel about the publicity?"

"Okay, you look good."

"I know, I saw the picture." She smiled. "You look amazing."

She shrugged.

"It's an average photo of me. I can be more photogenic."

He was looking at her, completely baffled and she laughed.

"I was a model, I know what a good photo of me looks like."

He pulled a face, but she kissed him before he could argue her point.


films: ironman, fic, pairing: tony/pepper, fic: title: tony/pepper baby!fic of doom

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