Title: They Aren't All That Bad...
Fandom: Torchwood
tw100's drabble tag challenge
Summary: DI Swanson confesses
They aren't all that bad…
"The way they muscle in on everything!"
"Bloody High-and-Flirty Harkness. Thinks he's god's gift!"
"And their sodding designer sunglasses, even in the rain?"
"They aren't all that bad" Kathy interjected quietly, intently studying the bottom of her beer glass. "No, really" she insisted more forcefully, as her colleagues jeered and scoffed. "There's one. Doesn't seem to get out much. But he's very…" Her team quieted, waiting with expectantly raised eyebrows. "…polite?" she offered lamely. "And he looks very good in a suit" she added in an embarrassed rush, grinning sheepishly at the chorus of wolf-whistles and cat-calls. "Well, he does!"
And there's a follow-up ;)
Get In There!