Time Out #3

Jan 23, 2007 14:12

Title: Time Out #3
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Setting: Post-Out Of Time
For smut_69 - prompt #12 oil
Progress: 12/69
My Jack/Into Smut Table

Time Out #3

The small bottle of oil Jack had secreted under the crisp white Egyptian bedlinen was warming up nicely, but he tucked it between his thighs to help the process along.

"Just how long have you been planning this?"

"Oh, it took all of those five minutes, Ianto. Would have been less if the line hadn't been busy." Jack was amazed at how pliant Ianto was being, willingly sinking into the hotel's huge squashy pillows, allowing his limbs to be carefully arranged on the bed. "And I keep a well-stocked cabinet, as you already know. Gotta be ready at a moment's notice. For anything."

Ianto huffed into the pillows. He knew about the condoms and lube, of course. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. What else do you keep locked in that filing cabinet, Jack?"

"You mean you haven't been tempted to look? And here was me thinking you made sure you knew everything about the Hub…"

"I respect your privacy, Jack."

"Yeah, right! But hey, I'd be happy to show you. Demonstrate a few items." He slowly stroked his hand down the length of Ianto's spine, thought about teasing his fingers beneath the towel, decided to wait. Why hadn't he taken the time to enjoy him like this before? Unwrapping Ianto was much more of a pleasure than he'd ever permitted himself to imagine. "Just say the word if… when you think you're ready."

"That sounds… worrying."

"Got you curious, though, hasn't it, research boy? And half the fun is in the imagining. The anticipating."

Ianto wriggled just enough for Jack to guess he was starting to consider the possibilities. Good job Ianto couldn't see the smug expression that had provoked. "Okay. Hold that thought. Gotta be still now." Jack reached for the oil, rubbed a little into his palms, and moved to straddle Ianto. "But don't forget to breathe" he added quietly, as Ianto inhaled sharply in response to his weight. Jack eased up a little. "Breathing's good." The towel was tickling Jack's thighs, his balls. How much better it would feel to be rubbing up against that smooth backside! But they had all night, he reminded himself. Nice and easy does it…

He was out of practice, but it looked like he hadn't lost his touch, not if Ianto's soft "Ohhhh" was anything to go by. "Ssshhh, relax." Jack stroked his way up from the small of Ianto's back, the fluid flowing motions warming the skin beneath his fingers. He let his hands fan out, circling round the shoulder blades, smoothing across the shoulders, trailing back down Ianto's sides, and back again. The repetition was soothing, calming for them both, although a certain part of Jack's anatomy was responding in an entirely more excitable manner. Damn thing always did have a tendency to draw its own conclusions, Jack mused, but he wasn't going to let it distract him. Not yet.

Turning his attention to Ianto's spine, his hands slid up on either side, stretching the long muscles. Then out over his shoulders, and more firmly down the sides of his rib cage.

"Oh dear god" Ianto moaned, as Jack leaned his body weight into his thumbs and eased his way back up alongside the spine, lightly resting his fingers on his back as he worked.

"Too much?"

"God no!"

"Man, I'm good!" he laughed, moving on up to nape of Ianto's neck, fingers now lightly clasped together. "You're not gonna go all precious on me if I get oil in your hair, now, are you?"

"Do whatever you want" Ianto mumbled into the pillow.

"For future reference, you might not want to give out invitations like that without thinking it through first." He slid his hands into Ianto's dark, still-damp hair, fingertips describing small circles across his scalp.

"No, do whatever you want" Ianto insisted.

"Well, I think we're about done here. Time to turn over." Jack climbed off Ianto, a little reluctantly, but smirking at the idea of what was next on the menu.

"Can't move!" Ianto protested feebly. "Can't make me."

"Sure I can. But don't you want the next course?"

"Oh god. Look, I'm trying."

"Well, two points for at least making an attempt" Jack laughed, rolling him over onto his back. "Time to see if everything's so lazy." He loosened the towel a little. "My my, what big eyes you have, Ianto. But that innocent look doesn't fool me. I know what you get up to with your boss, after hours, in the dark. Nothing innocent about that…"

Ianto's focus shifted, his gaze drifting down Jack's torso. "Nothing is innocent, where he's concerned."

"But I hear you're the only employee he, uh, consorts with."

"That's one way of describing it, I suppose. But he'll flirt with anyone, anything. And… I've seen the way he looks at Gwen."

"Not jealous, are you?"

"I try not to be. It's just the way he is."

"And he isn't about to change any time soon. But…" Jack, peeled back the towel, spread it wide, let it fall onto the covers. "Mmm. Where was I? Oh yeah. But he hasn't consorted with anyone else for a long time now. Trust me on that."

"That's good to know."

"Not that he's making any promises, you understand." Jack tipped a little more oil into his hands, slowly rubbing them together as he swung back into position over Ianto's legs.

"I'm not asking him to."

"And maybe that's one of the things he appreciates about you. Now, close your eyes and just feel." His oil-slickened palms began to stroke across Ianto's belly, before eventually following down the narrow trail of fine dark hair. "Close them" he whispered.

Ianto obeyed, lips parting as Jack's hands roamed down and around, body twitching involuntarily as his fingers caressed their way down to his thighs.

"Still, Ianto. Be still" Jack soothed, palms sweeping over Ianto's cock. "Not lazy at all, then" he approved, as it thickened and swelled with every glancing touch. "Slowly, slowly" he warned, as Ianto's breathing became more audible, more rapid.

"Doing my best" he gasped, as Jack clasped his cock and began stroking down the shaft.

"Yeah, irresistible, aren't I? But try harder." Jack loosened his hold slightly as his fingers glided back up, and brought his other hand into play now, cupping Ianto's balls, fondling gently.


The remonstration was uttered so softly it sounded much more like a term of endearment. "But a charming one, right?" Jack decided to risk repeating the motions just once, twice, three times until Ianto was fully erect, before withdrawing his hands.

"Don't stop…" Soft kisses replaced fingers. "…Jack!"

"I'm right here" Jack murmured, moving forward, supporting his weight with his hands as he slid his body over Ianto's. "Right here." He rocked gently, closing his eyes as the delicious sensations of cock against cock, hair against skin, made them both harder.

Ianto reached for him, hands resting lightly on Jack's hips as they swayed, breath hot against his neck. "Mmmnnn."

"You like that?"


"I'll take that as a yes. More?"


On to #4

jack/ianto, smut_69, fic-slash, torchwood fic, torchwood

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