Fic - Time Out #4

Jan 27, 2007 17:07

Title: Time Out #4
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Setting: Post-Out Of Time
For smut_69 - prompt #69, Writer's choice: bite
Progress: 13/69
My Jack/Into Smut Table

Time Out #4

Ianto's interpretation of 'more' no longer coincided with Jack's. He should have known better, but Ianto smelt so good, and he'd so rarely had such easy access to his throat, his neck. Jack's own particular errogenous Achilles heel was the back of his knee. Lick him there and he'd give it up in a flash; he'd be incoherent and squirming! So he'd recognised the signs when he'd nuzzled into Ianto's neck, inhaling deeply, but had carried on anyway. Kisses had hinted at how good he tasted, right there; licking confirmed it. So a nibble had been hard to resist. Just a little nibble…

Well, okay, more than that. His teeth grazing across that tender spot had had Ianto moving beneath him, matching Jack's rhythm; but when it turned into a bite, gentle at first, Ianto's entire body had jerked up against him, and his guttural noises - Jack couldn't describe them any other way - had excited Jack so much that he hadn't let go. Ianto would have one hell of a hickey there in the morning...

Now Ianto's legs were wrapping round Jack's backside, his hands clawing up his back, pulling him in closer. The friction was fabulous, Jack had to admit, but Ianto's hold on him was becoming increasingly urgent, fingers digging into his flesh; his mouth seeking out Jack's too hungrily. He wasn't accustomed to thinking in these terms; an expressive, energised Ianto was a wonderful sight and not easy to resist. Decision time. Stick to the long, slow game or go with the flow?

"Fuck me Jack!" Panting, pleading, between increasingly bruising kisses.

Jack exerted his strength to pull his upper body away from Ianto's grasp, wanting a better view. Ianto's skin was flushed, face, neck, chest; his nipples erect; his balls felt so swollen and hard, rubbing against Jack's own. Oh man, no contest! He could wake him up later for a leisurely round two, afterall… "Okay, you win." What was meant as a sexy drawl came out as a lust-fuelled growl, one that had Ianto shivering, shuddering, clutching. Jack moved in for another kiss, sucking on Ianto's bottom lip just for a second or two before it turned into another bite. Fuck, but Ianto loved his bites! Not just his neck, then. Dragging himself further down, flesh burning from the traction, his mouth worked hard and fast, teeth fastening onto Ianto's shoulder, his left nipple, his hip.

Ianto's hands fell away, back arching, eyes closed tight; cock jerking as Jack continued down, biting into the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh. "Better hurry!"

"That famous self-control of yours? Use it!" Jack grunted, sitting back on his heels. The look of intense concentration on Ianto's face told him he was making the effort.

Jack was hauling Ianto's left leg over his shoulder when the screeching began. Both men started, Ianto almost whimpering. "Oh god, NO!" Jack whipped his head around, glowering at his pile of clothes on the floor. The screeching persisted, oblivious to the distress it was causing, echoed by a more subdued alarm emanating from the bathroom.

"Damn it! Fuck it! Bastard cunting scopata!" Jack spat out.

"Do we have to?"

"No we don't, but I have to." Jack reluctantly lowered Ianto's leg back onto the bed.

"I'll come with you."

"Oh, you will!" Jack managed a leer, even though he felt like murdering someone, something, anything. "But I'll deal with this."

It wasn't easy, killing the alert on his mobile and reading the screen whilst tugging his teeshirt over his head. Even harder forcing his erection into his trousers. Ianto rolled onto his side, silently watching, expression a picture of misery.

"You stay here, I'll be back as soon as I can." Jack pulled on his boots, grabbed his greatcoat. "Don't touch! Wait for me! Promise me!"

"But what if…?"

"If I need help then I'll drag Owen out from whatever stone he's crawled under. Just promise" Jack insisted.

"Promise" Ianto groaned.

On to #5

jack/ianto, smut_69, fic-slash, torchwood fic, torchwood

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