Dec 08, 2010 15:43

[It was a nice, normal day on Awesome Island.

AND THEN CAME TEAM ROCKET. Granted, at least they aren't directly attacking the CMA, though there is clearly something going on with one of the smaller mountains on the eastern outskirts of the area ( Read more... )

epic in the making, user: of_the_land, my plans let me reveal them

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hark_a_suicune December 9 2010, 01:55:33 UTC
[Eusine is currently trying to fight off a bunch of mean, enraged Fearow.

It's not the first time he randomly flies into a flock of Pokémon, really; it's one of the things that are that bound to happen when your main mean of transportation is a giant ball of fluff. However, it IS the first time said Pokémon viciously attack him instead of giving him a disapproving squawk and flying away.
He has no idea Team Rocket did this, but it IS rather disturbing.

So yes. Here he is, down on the ground after what suspiciously looks like a crash landing. His Jumpluff (now in MAMA BEAR mode) already put a few of them to sleep, but... well, type advantages aren't really in her favour.
Go, Electrode! ...Yes, he has two Pokémon out, got a problem with that? :V
He'd still do with some help though, even if only because there are a bunch of crazy birds going after him and not just his balls Pokémon.]


stalkerwithacap December 9 2010, 01:59:48 UTC
[Sup, want this guy and his underleveled mons? he promised Silver he'd stay out of Rockets' way, but no one's told him this is Rocket shit yet.
Which might be why there's a charge-powered Spark coming a fearow's way]


hark_a_suicune December 9 2010, 02:24:05 UTC
[and DODGING A FEAROW'S BEAK LIKE HIS LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Which... is probably the case, actually.

And suddenly, a surprise spark. He's pretty sure Electrode didn't send that one. Turning around, aaaand...

... Oh no. No, no, no. He had kind of hoped he could avoid you forever after what happened so why do you keep crossing his path-
Oops, another drill attack. Electrode used thunder! It's super effective!
Totally ignoring you for now, though.]


stalkerwithacap December 9 2010, 02:26:18 UTC
[Dude, this is not the time to freak out about makouts. We have some birds to take down, mysticalman.]
Spark, stay behind Eusine's team and do that again. Glitter, elec-net!
[and he gets in a fighting stance in front of them, to defend them personally if the birds target them]


hark_a_suicune December 9 2010, 20:22:04 UTC
[What are you talking about, it's totally the time for makeout freakouts. :Va
... But yes, maybe we should concentrate on those birds first. It's hard to freak out when you have a hole in your head.]

Jumpluff! Cotton spore!

[The bad thing: the spores in the air are going to obscure the view for a while.
The good thing? The Fearow are considerably slowed down, and... there might be a few leech seeds hidden in there.
Electrode will use the confusion to rest a bit. Thunder is an exhausting move.
... You might also notice an empty pokéball in Eusine's hand. If you were paying attention, maybe you saw some sort of shadow fly out into the tempest of fluff, but...]


stalkerwithacap December 9 2010, 20:30:15 UTC
[afdqfdsh reduced visibility, he's on alert for anything moving out of that cloud]
Glitter, stop with the net, it'd take the spore out.
[and so she sends thunder wave instead. HAH]
Spark', Charge. Unlease the second you see one.


Dude where are the sponsored accounts when we need them, I need battle icons >:V hark_a_suicune December 9 2010, 20:57:07 UTC
[And THREE FEAROW burst out of the cloud, screeching madly. One of them has its wings half tangled with vine; Eusine orders Electrode to take it down with a well-placed rollout.
The other two look fine, but are... attacking each other?
Eusine smirks.]

Good job, Haunter!

[And out of nowhere appears a great spiky shadow. Confuse ray is awesome y/y
Are Gold's Pokémon bad enough mons to take care of those confused Fearow? o9]


stalkerwithacap December 9 2010, 21:05:59 UTC
[You bet they are. Sparkle takes one down with... well, Spark, while Glitter throws an elec-net at the second one. Slow it down while sis charges up again, you see.
Gold smirks at the confusion too. He needs someone who can learn that thing]


1/3 hark_a_suicune December 9 2010, 23:57:42 UTC
[Confuse Ray is a troll attack. Gold would love it.

Meanwhile, the cotton spores are slowly starting to clear up. There are still a bunch of indistinct shapes moving in there, but fortunately not half as many as earlier. Apparently even rampaging Fearow cannot withstand the sheer power of a leech seed + confuse ray + electricity combo!]


2/3 hark_a_suicune December 9 2010, 23:58:03 UTC
[OH SNAP!!!]

Gold, down!!


3/3 hark_a_suicune December 9 2010, 23:58:20 UTC

You might have been aware of that thing earlier than him because lol reflexes but hey, no time to think and even if he did have time there's no point in taking risks.

Eusine jumps out of the way just in time, getting away with a torn cape. Jumpluff, however, isn't as lucky and takes the blow full force trying to protect her trainer. Not a one-hit KO, but close. Gdit Jumpluff why you gotta be so brave ;A;
That bird looks bigger, tougher and meaner than the rest. Leader of the pack? CD1 boss? Who knows.
... And of course, now that the spores are clearing up some of the other unconfused Fearow are going to take part of the fight. Oops.]


stalkerwithacap December 10 2010, 00:11:59 UTC
[He was aware, and he tackled Sparkle out of the way just in time. Glitter skittered behind a rock on her own, small size has its advantages.
He releases Sparkle and tells her to charge, before getting back in front of her in an attempt to draw the fearow's attention]
I'm gonna need help here!
[throw more fluff at the minions? He really can't deal with the lot of them]


hark_a_suicune December 10 2010, 00:52:22 UTC
Right! [Jumpluff is almost KO, but she probably has it in her for just one more attack-]

Jumpluff! One last time!

[You can hear shrieks as the Fearow get blinded by the cotton spores.
Jumpluff, on the other hand, plops down to the ground, exhausted. Eusine will call her back into her pokéball until it's safe enough to settle and use synthesis. Sorry, girl.
Haunter? Will be messing with their heads again. Better get rid of as many as possible before they come back to their (admittedly screwed up, in this particular situation) senses.
He then turns to face boss!Fearow, Electrode next to him. This one looks like the most dangerous by far.
I mean, it damaged his cape! Now that's unforgivable.]


stalkerwithacap December 10 2010, 00:57:52 UTC
[And suddenly, a thunder wave! The fearow dodges it, but not by far, and looks around for the source. Thankfully Glitter's still behind her rock, so it can't see her.
It can see Gold, however, who's throwing a knife at it to distract it from Sparkle]


hark_a_suicune December 10 2010, 01:10:25 UTC
[Gold why do you even have a kni-
... Nevermind. Electrode, rollout!
The knife actually proves to be a very good distraction, and the attack connects with the Fearow's head with a loud thud. Quick, here's an opening to status effect that damn bird!]


stalkerwithacap December 10 2010, 01:19:56 UTC
[And thunder wave catches it this time! Gold moves to the side in case it sends an attack his way even in that state,a nd Sparkle uses the opportunity to send her own.


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