Dec 08, 2010 15:43

[It was a nice, normal day on Awesome Island.

AND THEN CAME TEAM ROCKET. Granted, at least they aren't directly attacking the CMA, though there is clearly something going on with one of the smaller mountains on the eastern outskirts of the area ( Read more... )

epic in the making, user: of_the_land, my plans let me reveal them

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Comments 1988

1) Perimeter of_the_land December 8 2010, 20:44:10 UTC
notinmtsilver December 8 2010, 21:13:39 UTC
[what the- Are those Rockets?

...But he did promise Green he wouldn't go charging in without at least calling.

...give him a second before he goes charging in.]


liemahtaa December 8 2010, 22:08:53 UTC
[ Moltres was just chilling out in a tree when the nearby Pokemon went absolutely insane. At first, she just looks down at the rampaging Pokemon with mild curiosity. What are they rampaging over, anyway?

Then, she decides that what they're doing looks a little like fun (or, at the very least, not boring) and that she just might join in.

So now there is a red-haired lady on the perimeter, and she is here to set shit on fire. She's still sane (sort of), but that is some rather crazed-sounding laughter coming out of her mouth. ]


mute_two December 11 2010, 04:12:16 UTC
[Mewtwo is still rather new to the island (and socially isolated on top of that), so he hasn't yet encountered any human-formed pokemon. When he comes across a woman cackling and wreaking havoc, the obvious conclusion is that she must one of Team Rocket's covert operatives.

And he has a score to settle with the Rockets.

Moltres now has a Shadow Ball volley careening toward her.]


2) Base of the mountain of_the_land December 8 2010, 20:44:32 UTC
paid_in_flesh December 8 2010, 21:07:35 UTC
[Ah, made it past the general insanity that is the CMA, have you? Good, good; well done, you. There's good news and bad news awaiting you once you reach the base of the mountain - the good news is that your previous efforts are not in vain. In fact, you'll be greeted rather warmly indeed.

Naturally, this is also the bad news.

Not that this should worry you any; Proton's expression is a pleasant one, that light smile still present across his features. That glittering in his eyes? Clearly he's just pleased to see that you've gotten this far.

Of course, the long, gleaming steel blades in his hands might indicate that he doesn't intend to let you get much farther.]


setalightinside December 8 2010, 21:25:44 UTC
[If this didn't kill him, he knew Corn would.

Busy day at the cafe, and Pod's Pokemon came back running froms something coming from the east. In which Pod literally dropped what he was doing and healed them up; before imidiantly going to all of the commotion.

And lordy was there commotion. Pod wasn't even sure what the hell was going on here anymore, but he managed to get by; torn clothes and a few cuts, but he figured that was easy. This was going to be a piece of cake!

...Until he sees Proton. Now, Pod's not good at telling how powerful someone is, but he can tell that pleasent expression doesn't fit with the vibes he's getting. ...And not to mention those knives.

Son of a bitch, what was he thinking. Well, no use in playing lamb now that he's gotten this far.]

You're one of the people behind whatever's going on, aren't you? [Why hello there Captain obvious. Please excuse Pod while he at least tries to catch his breath for a moment...]


paid_in_flesh December 8 2010, 21:38:07 UTC
[That smile doesn't fade, though the grip he's got on those knives shifts a bit; he's got three in the left hand, one in the right, several others sheathed - and they all look very, very sharp.

Clearly, there's more than one upside to owning a Skarmory.]

I am. And if you plan to interfere, as an Executive of Team Rocket, I strongly encourage you to reconsider!

[And of course, he wouldn't say such things without any sort of weight behind his words. Have a knife coming your way, Pod, with a good amount of speed behind it - they are intended to be light and aerodynamic, after all, not to mention that Proton is rather practiced, though he'll do you the courtesy of a warning shot. This one's aimed more at your shoulder than anywhere seriously damaging, should it connect.]


3) Mountain ridge of_the_land December 8 2010, 20:45:04 UTC
rocketstothesun December 8 2010, 22:10:41 UTC
[ Well, who will we be beating down today? ]


evolvedadere December 8 2010, 22:19:14 UTC
[I don't know, a little innocent girl who calls herself Blue?]

O-ho-ho, is this who I'll have to fight? Doesn't seem too much of a threat, if you ask me~


rocketstothesun December 8 2010, 22:34:39 UTC
I could say the same. No tea party today?


4) INFILTRATION THREAD (GOLD+SILVER ONLY) of_the_land December 10 2010, 21:15:26 UTC
tsuuuun December 11 2010, 02:30:54 UTC
[He wasn't surprised. Gold wasn't surprised. The "there is something going on, let's investigate"-ness of the whole thing, the familiar behavior behind the Pokémon that more or less perfectly pinpointed Team Rocket's involvement in the event... Both of them had been waiting for this for months.

Yet something was off. Sure, it was familiar, but it was, well, too familiar. Rampaging Pokémon everywhere for what, the third time? After Archer made it all too obvious that he was doing something with radio frequencies? That's it? Flying over and seeing a significant lack of a certain leader of Team Rocket is odd enough to give merit to their suspicions. There's more to this, so it's off to Team Rocket's base of operations to find out more. Granted, neither of them know-

...Gold has more than a good idea of where it is, so it's time to make their way to Team Rocket's base on a bird and a birdplane.]


mischiefbreeder December 11 2010, 02:34:31 UTC
[Indeed Gold does indeed know, and that's why they're landing right in front of the Game Corner.]


tsuuuun December 11 2010, 02:37:14 UTC
[...The Game Corner. There's no way that it would be somewhere so damn obvious. There's no way-] You're serious?


5) Summit of_the_land December 11 2010, 05:51:42 UTC
refine_the_raid December 11 2010, 05:54:29 UTC
[Congratulations. You've scaled the mountain, passing through waves and waves of crazed pokemon and powerful Rockets. You've even surpassed the elite members of the gang. You are met with but a single reward - Rocket Silver, allowing Sird to control the machine in her 'shift' as he prepares to eliminate oncoming foes.

The question you should ask is not 'why are you doing this?', or 'what are you trying to do?', or even 'are you crazy?????'

The question you should ask is 'Why is your kangaskhan wearing spiked brass knuckles'.]

((OOC: I'm out-of-state, so I may be slow!))


distorted_deity December 12 2010, 01:57:10 UTC
[To say this had been what Cyrus was expecting is a blatant lie; at the same time, he can't exactly say that he's surprised, either. From what he knows of Giovanni, finding the leader of Team Rocket atop this mountain would have been too simple; at the same time, he's far from disappointed with what he's found. The commanders along the ridge of this mountain had been one thing; this person appears to be another entirely.

That said, Cyrus doesn't recognize him.]

The ranks you have assembled...the strength of your organization...

Though I cannot allow your current activities to continue, your leader truly must be commended for his efforts.

(OOC: Slow tags are perfectly all right here; I won't be too quick myself. Take your time, and get to them when you can.)


refine_the_raid December 12 2010, 03:05:43 UTC
[The sight of a man in a uniform causes Silver to narrow his eyes, seizing up this opponent the way a lion seizes up a potential rival.]

My father has created a truly powerful legacy. And as his son, I serve only to expand it.


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