Mesprit and Tucker's engagement party!

Oct 22, 2010 09:13

[The island sure is a bit chilly these days, isn't it? Well, today really isn't any different - except for one fairly large spot not far from the CMA, which seems to have been miraculously blessed with sunny, warm weather.

That would be because there's an Arcanine - Tucker's - using Sunny Day just a few steps from a large wooden gazebo-like Read more... )

the happiest day, this is fabulous, it is delicious cake, user: dome_ace, this is romantic, user: [dropped characters - sinnoh]

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roamin_emotion October 22 2010, 07:57:40 UTC
[There was something about today that had the pink-haired sprite all worked up and excited since the moment she awoke from a well-rested sleep. All Mesprit knew was that Tucker asked her to meet him somewhere, and she had a feeling that it was for their special party.

Apparently, the Island must have been in on the whole occasion somehow, as it provided Mesprit with a longer dress than usual for today... a much fancier and strapless dress to be exact. Even her long ponytailed hair is down, looking a bit wavy against the straight fabric - she seems to be getting used to trying something new lately.

After a little bit of traveling [though she levitated off the ground a bit, so as not to get her dress dirty so soon], the sprite and her cottonbird arrive at the scene, and a gasp of amazement and awe escapes her. She's quite easy to spot, as her forehead gem has finally regenerated and the expression on her lightly-blushing face is one of surprise and joy.]

...oh! How beautiful!

[As if to signal to his Daddy, Alto flaps his wings and ( ... )


roamin_emotion October 23 2010, 08:04:11 UTC
[She'll get better at this music stuff eventually. With an anticipating expression, the sprite chooses it. Click...

...and the lovely music starts to fill the air, much to her surprise.]

Ah, you're right! It is beautiful!

[Pleased sprite is pleased.]


dome_ace October 23 2010, 08:14:37 UTC
[He holds Mesprit's hand tight in his. This music... is actually much better than he remembered.]

So, my love... shall we dance?


roamin_emotion October 23 2010, 08:44:57 UTC
[The connection of their hands makes Mesprit's heart race, and the request only makes her grow flushed in the face. Can she do it? Is she ready to try it? Well, there's one way to find out...!]

Okay! I'm a little nervous... but you'll show me how it's done, right?


dome_ace October 23 2010, 21:04:44 UTC
[Now, Tucker hasn't done a waltz in a while, but he certainly still remembers how to. As he nods in response to her question, he helps Mesprit off the stage and onto the dancefloor, his left hand holding up her right hand while his right hand positions itself on Mesprit's back, near her waist, in a flawless, elegant closed position.

He will wait for Mesprit to adjust to this new pose as he gazes intensely into her eyes.]


roamin_emotion October 24 2010, 09:30:06 UTC
[The nerves are still present for a bit as she lets herself get into this strange position once on the dancefloor. It is rather different, and a little bit awkward for the sprite - especially for one that has never danced before - but Mesprit takes a few breaths to relax as somehow her left hand lands gently on his right arm... Hopefully, she's doing it right.

That blush of hers softens the more their eyes meet, and soon a comfortable smile starts to appear. It seems like she's as ready as she'll ever be~]


dome_ace October 24 2010, 09:34:50 UTC
It all comes so naturally to you, my love... It's as if this was another of your own gifts to the world, along with love.

[He holds her a little more firmly as he leads her into the basic step. It's nothing complicated, but still quite impressive and sweet as he follows the rhythm perfectly, his gaze never shying away from hers.]


roamin_emotion October 24 2010, 09:56:38 UTC
Ah, you... you really think so?

[Perhaps it was, and to be honest, Mesprit didn't know. Once they began to move, she merely followed his lead... maybe that was why it seemed rather smooth and elegant so far, and fun too - the music really helped! At a time like this, her Psychic abilities were helping her with how her feet should go, all while she continued to focus on him, not bothering to look down for a minute.]


dome_ace October 25 2010, 05:50:28 UTC
I do, my love.

[As he keeps leading her, his movements picking up in width and intensity along with the music, he whispers sweet compliments in Mesprit's ear, silently hoping she will appreciate.]

Ah... your hair looks magnificent today. And your gem... It rivals the Sun itself!


roamin_emotion October 25 2010, 07:03:28 UTC
[She's not that bad for a new dancer... Mesprit can't help but to smile as she follows along, enjoying the music and how close the two of them are as they move in their dance.]

Thank you... I've gotten used to wearing it down lately; I'm really glad you like it!

[And that comment about her gem... well, it leaves her quite speechless after a little gasp, allowing it to softly begin to shine a bit against her smiling face. It says everything - Mesprit is very, very happy.]


dome_ace October 26 2010, 06:20:03 UTC
[His face brushes against her hair for a moment... So much pink silk. ♥]

We'll have to start thinking of our family nest, my love. What is your favorite spot on the Island?


roamin_emotion October 26 2010, 06:39:42 UTC
[That's a tough question... She has a lot of favorite places! Such is a roamer's life sometimes.]

Well, I do like the forest and being close to Berries... but the ocean... It reminds me a lot of home. [She'd like another opinion on this; the choice is hard for her to make by herself!] Do you have any favorite places?


dome_ace October 27 2010, 06:46:25 UTC
Well, I think I like every spot on the island that looks comfortable enough to build a home in. I think I'd like us to live not far from the CMA, so whatever we need will always be within reach - then again, we have flying Pokémon, so we can travel really fast, can't we? ... I think I'll just let you choose, my love. I'm sure that whatever choice you make will be perfection.

[At one point, as he talks and dances, he tries to make Mesprit twirl. And ah, by the time he's finished talking, the track is almost over... ]


roamin_emotion October 27 2010, 07:14:02 UTC
Let... me choose? Hmm...

[She is a good listener, so Mesprit heard that loud and clear... It's so nice to know that Tucker trusts her enough to decide something that important! And yes, she will do that twirl, despite not really knowing what it was. It turned out quite pretty in that ocean-colored dress, it did... and took the sprite by surprise too!

As they hear the last bit of the music, she uses that time to figure out her answer, keeping a happy look on her pink-flushed face. The idea of staying near the CMA does sound like a good idea... and there is a beach close by, isn't there?]


dome_ace October 27 2010, 07:22:48 UTC
[At the very last second of music, Tucker finishes the dance with a swift swooping movement, by which he is suddenly bowing before Mesprit and kissing the back of her hand, near her engagement ring.]

Of course I'll let you choose, my love. Ah - I hope you'll allow me choose the next song, however!


roamin_emotion October 27 2010, 07:42:28 UTC
[Okay, that was some kind of fun~! Now she's all happily flustered once the music's over.]

Of course you can! I'd like to hear whatever song you choose, Tucker!

[Her decision can wait for now... Heh, you've gone and got her all excited.]


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