Mesprit and Tucker's engagement party!

Oct 22, 2010 09:13

[The island sure is a bit chilly these days, isn't it? Well, today really isn't any different - except for one fairly large spot not far from the CMA, which seems to have been miraculously blessed with sunny, warm weather.

That would be because there's an Arcanine - Tucker's - using Sunny Day just a few steps from a large wooden gazebo-like Read more... )

the happiest day, this is fabulous, it is delicious cake, user: dome_ace, this is romantic, user: [dropped characters - sinnoh]

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roamin_emotion October 22 2010, 07:57:40 UTC
[There was something about today that had the pink-haired sprite all worked up and excited since the moment she awoke from a well-rested sleep. All Mesprit knew was that Tucker asked her to meet him somewhere, and she had a feeling that it was for their special party.

Apparently, the Island must have been in on the whole occasion somehow, as it provided Mesprit with a longer dress than usual for today... a much fancier and strapless dress to be exact. Even her long ponytailed hair is down, looking a bit wavy against the straight fabric - she seems to be getting used to trying something new lately.

After a little bit of traveling [though she levitated off the ground a bit, so as not to get her dress dirty so soon], the sprite and her cottonbird arrive at the scene, and a gasp of amazement and awe escapes her. She's quite easy to spot, as her forehead gem has finally regenerated and the expression on her lightly-blushing face is one of surprise and joy.]

...oh! How beautiful!

[As if to signal to his Daddy, Alto flaps his wings and chirps quite happily.]


dome_ace October 22 2010, 08:16:03 UTC
[The really awesome thing about her levitating a little off the ground is that it brought her at near-perfect eye level with Tucker. The Dome Ace is really tall, and the height gap with the one you love can be a bitch. Mesprit's dress is so beautiful and ethereal, and Tucker, in spite of being more than used to all the techniques and subterfuges of beauty, can feel his heart pound in chest a little, just seeing it.]

It's nowhere as beautiful as you, my princess. That dress... it's as if the Gods themselves had woven it for you. And here you come, my love, an angelic vision clad in eternal splendor... And who am I to resist you, when every thread of that delicate silk ensnares my heart, leaving it no escape?

[He extends a hand to her, the gesture gentlemanly and yet somewhat hesitant, as if Mesprit was an illusion and he were afraid she would fade as soon as he touched her.]

Come, my princess. Let me show you around.


roamin_emotion October 22 2010, 08:40:27 UTC
[She'll keep levitating for a bit longer; it's good to be of eye level, especially when she's smiling at those comments. She does lower her head shyly, her blush overtaking much of her face, but those gold eyes continue to meet with his.]

Ah, thank you so much, Tucker! You know, you look rather handsome yourself!

[Without a word and allowing her emotional expressions to do the talking for her, Mesprit accepts his hand with a trusting yet excited smile... and maybe a little giggle too. She doesn't want Tucker to worry - for now, she's not going anywhere.]


dome_ace October 22 2010, 09:22:00 UTC
[He knows that that blush is only caused by his words, and not by this event in itself. On such an important day, the superstar is much more flustered than his fiancée is - just knowing that, when it gets down to it, she's so much stronger than he is is enough to give him heart.]

Thank you, my love.

[Delicately, he ushers her inside the pavilion. He lets her admire the tables with the refreshments first, stopping in front of a tray brimming with pink-colored Poffins, some plain, some with sprinkles in different colors.]

I bought most of these, but the Poffins and Pokéblocks - Lala made them with her own hands. I hope they will be to your liking, my princess.

[At that, Lala, in her human form and wearing a red dress, waves from a chair in a corner. She seemingly has no intention to bother the two lovebirds. Which is good.

Tucker gestures around the pavilion.]

How do you like it, my princess? I built all of this with the help of my Pokémon, and you were in my mind every step of the way.


roamin_emotion October 22 2010, 18:28:32 UTC
[Mesprit is a little nervous herself actually - she's never had anything like this before, so her excitement is a bit stronger than that nervousness. Besides, the overall look of everything is just impressive! There's so much pink! She doesn't really know what "over-the-top" is, but so far, the sprite doesn't seem to mind.

And gosh, those Poffins do look delicious... and they're Sweet too! Mesprit can't stop herself from taking a plain Poffin to try and share with Alto of course... and the two of them soon send satisfied gestures towards Lala in return, as well as moving a little closer to give Tucker a hug.]

It's all so wonderful! There's no need to be nervous... Everything's so pretty, and I really think it couldn't be any more perfect!

[It probably could, but she sure doesn't notice if anything's out of place. Besides... one of these days, the sprite has to do something in return for him too. That's just the way she is, of course.]


dome_ace October 22 2010, 18:42:42 UTC
[Tucker instantly hugs Mesprit back - it's a little different from his usual, firm, affectionate hugs. This one is decidedly... clingier and a little tighter.]

It warms my heart, to see you so energetic... I'm so happy, my love. To see you shine again, your health wholly recovered... There really are no words.

I can promise this to you... I will never fail you again, my love. May today seal all of our promises to each other, including this one.


roamin_emotion October 22 2010, 19:38:24 UTC
[It's not an uncomfortable thing at all, that hug; if it was, Mesprit would let him know. The pink on her face grows though, making her eyes soften. Her embrace remains rather sweet though.]

I can tell... I love it when you're happy.

[Those eyes go up to look back at his, making a promise of her own to him.]

And I'll be sure to always be there for you, no matter what. I don't want to make you worry anymore...


dome_ace October 22 2010, 19:48:45 UTC
[... Ah! Wh-why have things gotten so intense? This is supposed to be a celebration! He squeezes her against him for a moment and briefly buries his face in her hair, before letting her go. He cups her face in his hands, lifting it up slightly towards his as he smiles brightly.]

Let's rejoice for today, my love. We've overcome so many hardships to get here. We deserve this, my queen. We deserve it all, and so much more.


roamin_emotion October 22 2010, 20:04:52 UTC
[She nods, agreeing with that. Plus, Mesprit can't help but to smile back after seeing his - it's contagious.]

Okay! I'm feeling so much better and I'm ready to have some fun!

[In agreement, Alto chirps close by, still fluttering about around them. Little cottonbird needs some fun too.]

Fun~! Alto have fun~!


dome_ace October 23 2010, 06:02:13 UTC
[Gently, a warm smile now on his face, he takes her by the hand and leads her across the pavilion, over to the stage with the music system on it.]

Do you like music, Mesprit?


roamin_emotion October 23 2010, 06:32:35 UTC
[She's light on her feet at the moment, resting a bit by actually walking. The floor is quite clean, so it's okay~]

Oh, I do! Very much, actually!

[Of course, her sort of music is mostly chirpings by Alto and other sorts of natural sounds, but Mesprit is curious to see what he has in mind.]


dome_ace October 23 2010, 06:43:31 UTC
Then, shall we choose some music together, love?

[Tucker tinkers with this odd, but surprisingly intuitive music system, and a playlist appears on a display - apparently this thing can play thousands of different songs. D: ]


roamin_emotion October 23 2010, 07:01:48 UTC
Sure, that sounds great! [Anything to make the mood even happier around here, right?

Of course, you'll have to help her out with this sort of thing, Tucker. Mesprit has no idea what all this technology is about, but that playlist does look intriguing though... despite not knowing anything about current music.]

Wow... There's so many... Should we pick something at random or one that you know?


dome_ace October 23 2010, 07:04:47 UTC
Well, let's start with one of your own choosing! If you don't know any of them, just read the title and choose one that inspires you.


roamin_emotion October 23 2010, 07:40:44 UTC
[She nods before scrolling some of the list... Oh dear, none of them are familiar at all.

On a whim, she closes her eyes, letting fate to choose things for them... and then her finger points to a song at random, allowing her eyes to open again.]

Here, how about this one? [Oh yes, this song is her choice, despite not knowing what it is. Oh dear...] It's called... "Waltz of the Flowers"... Hmm, that sounds pretty!


dome_ace October 23 2010, 07:51:31 UTC
Ah, frankly I had... something more upbeat in mind, but why not? It's a beautiful piece, and it will set the mood for what is to come. So go ahead and choose it, my love!


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