Mesprit and Tucker's engagement party!

Oct 22, 2010 09:13

[The island sure is a bit chilly these days, isn't it? Well, today really isn't any different - except for one fairly large spot not far from the CMA, which seems to have been miraculously blessed with sunny, warm weather.

That would be because there's an Arcanine - Tucker's - using Sunny Day just a few steps from a large wooden gazebo-like pavilion, which seems to have been built overnight right in the center of this mysterious sunny zone. Over the roof, a giant banner reads, in large fuchsia letters, "MESPRIT AND TUCKER - JUST ENGAGED! ♥"

Step inside the pavilion and you'll find it has been very clearly divided in two halves. One half is almost entirely occupied by tables, where countless kinds of refreshments for both humans and Pokémon - cupcakes, Pokéblocks, Poffins, pretzels, mini-sandwiches, soft drinks, olives, pastries... anything you want, basically - are arranged on large plates laid over baby pink tablecloths.

The other half is almost completely empty except for a small stage at the far end with an easy-to-use music system on it and speakers at its sides. Yes, this other half is a dancefloor.

Glittery heart-shaped decorations in all shades of pink hang all over the place. There are a few movable chairs, too, in case you're feeling lazy.

As for Tucker, who is the one who has built all of this himself, with the help of his Pokémon, he's in a white suit for today, his lush purple hair combed down. He's standing near the entrance of the pavilion with a bright smile, trying to get you to join the party! Because, you see... EVERYONE'S INVITED!]

Ah, welcome! Please come in! We were just waiting for you!

[Also, he's waiting for Mesprit to arrive. He's told her to meet him here... and even though he's as self-confident as always, he can't help but shift a little nervously whenever he wonders if this is going to be to her liking.]

[[OOC: So this is it! What you've all been waiting for! Mesprit's and Tucker's engagement party! The first thread will be for him and Mesprit. Whatever comes after that is entirely up to you! Mingle as much as you want! Threadjack as you please, and keep in mind that Tucker - or his Pokémon - are watching too! Dance to your favorite music! Eat away - you may even hog the snacks that so many other people have dibs on! Try to sabotage Arcanine's Sunny Day or to accomplish the impossible task of ruining Tucker's mood! Or just sit and relax and watch the world go by - but you might find that you'll have to fight for one of those chairs - they're really few, because Tucker would rather you be social, sorry! And again, mingle away! Don't be shy! Again, everyone's invited~ ]]

the happiest day, this is fabulous, it is delicious cake, user: dome_ace, this is romantic, user: [dropped characters - sinnoh]

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