Because what in the world is having normal, harmless fun

Jul 07, 2011 13:44

[Good afternoon, Awesome Island!

It's a warm day out - rather lovely, in fact - but for once, Angie actually isn't spending it at that beach that all Hoennites seem to enjoy occupying when they're...doing anything that might be of any importance whatsoever. She's sick of staring at Hoenn, for one thing, and staring at it really won't bring it any ( Read more... )

bow to team aqua, talk to me, too sexy for work!, holy shit a bosom, looking kinda cool there, sup guys, user: or_high_water, screw the land - i have sea, time: stupid o'clock, i am a moron, you need to get laid

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Comments 102

hookorbycrook July 7 2011, 20:04:31 UTC
[Since arriving on the island, Amber has typically stayed close to Angie. Not only is she a familiar (and friendly) face, but she's also been on the island for long enough to know a fair amount about it. Amber certainly hasn't.]

[But lately he's been venturing off on his own to explore the island - mostly in search of new Pokemon, but also to distract himself. The more he thinks about what happened with the boss back home, the more concerned he gets. If Mack was right...]

[But no, he won't entertain that idea for any amount of time if he can help it. Venturing out alone has helped him avoid those thoughts. Today shouldn't have been any different, but he got a little lost while exploring the forest and somehow or other ended up here, also staring at this ferris wheel. Though Amber's less interested in it than Angie - he's ready to leave after only a moment to wonder what the hell a ferris wheel is doing here in the first place.]

...Angie? [Amber has his trio of Volbeats out and it seems that the three of them have found their ( ... )


or_high_water July 7 2011, 20:14:54 UTC
[Well, she can't say that was completely unexpected, as this place is rather full of people that come and go as they see fit, and not being joined would have been stranger than being located eventually - but she can't exactly say she expected to be joined by a group of Pokemon, either. ohay Volbeats how's it going -

Ah, of course...!]


[She smiles, tipping her head in that ferris wheel's general direction; she hadn't seen you coming, but at least she doesn't flush easily. Totally not procrastinating today, no.]

That's definitely one way of putting it; this place certainly has random taste in gifts.


hookorbycrook July 7 2011, 20:22:25 UTC
[Ohay Angie! The Volbeats are just going to be chirping excitedly at you until Amber shushes them.]

...A gift...? [Amber looks up at the ferris wheel again, frowning.] That's ridiculous. [This whole island is ridiculous.] Do I even want to know what happened? [What, did the island just suddenly produce a ferris wheel or something?]

...Why does the island even need a ferris wheel?


or_high_water July 7 2011, 20:26:52 UTC
[Volbeats tho a-ashkfdsajg they're so precious oh sorry what

Amber's skepticism just seems to amuse her, really; they're not quite having a hivemind here, but - ]

That's implying that there's anything about this island that isn't ridiculous - but either way, it looks like it's been here for a while. This place is funny like that; things tend to just show up. So why not this? It seems like something this island would do, anyway.


gastlybusting July 8 2011, 03:47:45 UTC
[...yeah why are you... staring like that...]

Haven't you ever seen one before?


or_high_water July 9 2011, 16:42:43 UTC
[Well, this is a new one; Angie doesn't seem too fazed by the question, however! At least not...outwardly...she was staring or something wasn't she]

I have; it's just been quite some time.


gastlybusting July 9 2011, 19:11:52 UTC
Hmm... where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?


or_high_water July 9 2011, 19:14:54 UTC

Normally she wouldn't be so immediately forthcoming, but's not like there's anything this girl can do with the information here.]

The Hoenn region, actually - why do you ask?


beautyburning July 9 2011, 02:57:48 UTC
[Marge has been trying to lie low lately, but there's a limit to what she can actually do without any orders or resources. So, over the past few days, she's begun to make inroads into some of the more populated areas of the island. Thankfully, she's managed to nab some civilian clothes (that don't look half bad on her, in fact) so that she can avoid getting too much notice.

When she sees that Team Aqua uniform, her first inclination is to avoid it. After all, she's no longer got any particular investment in Team Magma, and it's not like she'd want to initiate a team war either way. However...she recognizes that particularly skanky cut. She'd never liked Angie, having always reserved for her a special level of vitriol that only being an even more devious bitch than Marge could have earned.

So she'll throw a rock at your head.]


1/2 or_high_water July 9 2011, 16:51:44 UTC
[oh WHAT - ]


2/2 or_high_water July 9 2011, 16:51:54 UTC
[okay where the hell did that even -



Team Aqua had been instructed to keep a good eye on Team Magma back home, you know; civilian clothes don't keep her from recognizing your face once she's gotten a good look at the source of that rock, Marge. Of course, she's been informed about the truce between the two organizations, and she knows better than to truly instigate anything - at the same time, that doesn't mean she has to be nice to this bitch, either.]

Finally starting to use your brains, are you? [She'll just be shooting a bit of a pointed glance at Marge's clothes.] I don't think that'll do you much good here. Just a thought.


every coolface ever beautyburning July 9 2011, 17:14:40 UTC
[Infinite condescension. Well done, sweetie-you've figured out clothing!] You should give it a try. But then, I see you haven't got past thinkin' with your tits. I hate to tell ya, hun-hah. No, wait, I don't. [Smirk.] Makin' 'em bigger won't make 'em smarter.


moarseaplz July 11 2011, 05:48:03 UTC
[[Archie has been wandering around lazily for the time being, as he always does. He's left the beach today and decided to head inland a bit, just for the hell of it, and that's when he sees a very familiar figure.]]

Heh, you look like you've never seen one bef-

[[...holy shit

what are those


shelly when did you grow such magnificent tits]]


or_high_water July 11 2011, 05:53:11 UTC
[Angie doesn't recognize the voice, though she does recognize the outfit - or at least, what she can see of it through her peripheral vision. The dark clothes offset with the splash of blue, the insignia...she's dealt with doubles on this island before, and she can imagine that this is

...oh my.]

Well! Good afternoon - I don't believe we've met. Not properly, anyway.

[ are like a ridiculously built version of her boss...

Angie approves.]


moarseaplz July 11 2011, 05:59:18 UTC
[[ are Shelly, except with huge boobs.

....time to get my swag on.]]

I'd certainly remember you if we had.


or_high_water July 11 2011, 06:04:00 UTC
[Oh, well. That...had about all the subtle grace of a steamroller, didn't it. Good job.

But! She'll smile at you anyway, not-leader. Let's see where this goes, and perhaps what your deal is.]

You're flattering me - though I really can't say that the thought isn't returned at all.


flamingwildcard July 11 2011, 07:45:15 UTC
[This island has a ferris wheel? Shit just got real.]

[Marge is a fairly new arrival to the island, and she's been spending her time exploring. So far the island hasn't failed to amuse her, and it looks like today will be spent examining this ferris wheel and possibly riding it repeatedly. Sure, it's not a roller coaster, but it's something[Marge isn't an Admin in Team Magma for nothing, though. She's still wary, even here on the island where things don't seem to be as dangerous as back home. She spies a familiar blue bandanna and a puff of orange hair from a good distance away - Angie? Well, Maxie is here on the island, so it's only natural that his rival and Team Aqua's Admins would be running around too. No big deal; Marge isn't out looking for a fight. If she's attacked, she can fend for herself. But otherwise? There's a ferris wheel to go explore ( ... )


or_high_water July 11 2011, 07:58:52 UTC
[She's well aware of the truce in place, and so Angie wouldn't attack Marge even if she were feeling particularly inclined to. However! If they're going to be pretending to be civil, Angie has no major problems with that, as it's something she's...rather used to doing by now; she'll just be giving you a bit of a condescending tip of her head in response to that wave, Marge.

Civil, yes. Nice about]

Well, look who it is. New arrival?


flamingwildcard July 11 2011, 18:02:19 UTC
[Marge half-turns toward Angie when she's addressed and grins.] You bet. Sounds like you've been here awhile. [That doesn't explain why you're staring at the ferris wheel like that, but Marge isn't asking. Instead she'll be going over to examine it.]

It looks like it'll actually work. That's cool. [Now how do you get it started...?]


or_high_water July 12 2011, 22:15:33 UTC
[If she knew that, Marge, do you really think she'd still be staring at it...]

My thoughts exactly; it looks like it was either recently built or it's been kept-up very well, though there doesn't seem to be an actual way to operate it that I can see.


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