Because what in the world is having normal, harmless fun

Jul 07, 2011 13:44

[Good afternoon, Awesome Island!

It's a warm day out - rather lovely, in fact - but for once, Angie actually isn't spending it at that beach that all Hoennites seem to enjoy occupying when they're...doing anything that might be of any importance whatsoever. She's sick of staring at Hoenn, for one thing, and staring at it really won't bring it any closer besides.

For another, Angie has discovered the ferris wheel.

There are much more important things that she should be doing with her time and she knows it - honestly, she keeps glancing around in a manner that implies she thinks she's going to be caught, and all she's doing is looking at the thing for now - but really, it would just be for a few minutes, it's not like she's going to spend all day on it or anything...

...yeah, um. She may not spend all day on it, but she's probably going to spend all day deliberating if she's not stopped. Distract her? Actually drag her on the thing? Ask why she's staring at a ferris wheel like it just held up her lover and a bus full of schoolchildren and told her that she can only save one? Whatever you like, really.]

bow to team aqua, talk to me, too sexy for work!, holy shit a bosom, looking kinda cool there, sup guys, user: or_high_water, screw the land - i have sea, time: stupid o'clock, i am a moron, you need to get laid

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