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Comments 10

likeadeuce November 10 2013, 17:12:12 UTC

I think they finally got to a point of finding the right balance for Loki to work and be a really interesting character.

Re: Darcy, can we talk about her intern? Because I love the bit where some crazy supernatural thing happens and HE is the one who screams. Then I was a little disappointed when he 'saved' her and she's like 'my hero' but -- when the cut of them kissing comes, and SHE is on top HIM, I was absolutely dying. IDK how much of this schtick was the actors and how much was directed but it as amazing. Also, I want Darcy's hat.

We got the DoFP trailer and the extended Winter Soldier trailer and I squeed like crazy at both of them. Come to me, more superhero movies!


pocky_slash November 10 2013, 17:54:06 UTC
Oh man, DARCY. How great! I think him saving her didn't really bother me because, up to that point, she'd been shown as super duper competent to his incompetent, but I LOVED that she was dipping him, omg. I CACKLED. I cackled at a lot of the movie! I can't get over how funny it was!

I'm so torn by my appreciation of Loki, but I'm going to look at it as a win for the writers, not for fandom.

I am...eh about Winter Soldier? Like, I'm sure it will be good and I love Natasha and I'm excited for Sam, but despite the fact that I generally enjoy Steve as a character more than the other Avengers in the MCU, I wasn't super into the first Cap movie and I give so few shits about Bucky (don't tell any of my friends, they'll all disown me) that I'm already kind of sick of hearing about it ( ... )


likeadeuce November 10 2013, 18:00:56 UTC
I don't care that much about the actual Winter Soldier plot but Sam! Sharon! Moar Natasha!

Plus there's a bit (in the long trailer at least) where Fury says something about stopping problems before they happen and Steve warily replies that he thought the punishment came after the crime -- which makes me think I'm going to like where the movie goes thematically.

But mostly I would just watch Steve do anything at this point. Even be impersonated by Loki.

I liked the Catching Fire trailer a lot, too, though I've seen that one on TV and so didn't go as nuts about it. I'd avoided watching either DoFP or Cap on the Internet because I'd been hoping I'd see them in the theaters first, and for once that worked out.

Did you get the trailer for the movie where Frankenstein is hot and also fights flying people?


leiascully November 10 2013, 18:44:06 UTC
I feel the same about Tumblr :/ No matter how many things I post, I will never be in the circle. Oh well. I am in your circle, and that is good enough for me <3




pocky_slash November 10 2013, 23:45:31 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

THOR WAS SO GOOD!! WHO KNEW?! I mean, I enjoyed Thor well enough, but I LOVED Thor 2! I would say I probably loved it more than the Avengers, but less than Iron Man 3. SO GOOD!! JANE! DARCY! THOR! FRIGGA!


littledust November 10 2013, 20:32:12 UTC
1. I enjoy that your icon has Moira and Raven in the same screencap. \o/

2. Yay words! Your success with 5 AM writing time makes me think that I should try it! The past few days have been okay words-wise, but they've also been the weekend. I can't seem to get into the writing mindset after work.

3. Jerkbrain. :( My tumblr hiatus has been GREAT and I'm enjoying the smaller amount of stress in my life. I hope it works out the same for you.

4. THOOOOOOR. I love how right (for the most part) the Thor movies do by the ladies. Jane! Darcy! Sif! Frigga! (Frigga. :((( ) I love the hilarious combination of Jane's science feelings and Darcy's ridiculous FACE.

5. I am also on team "will be watching Winter Soldier for faces I care about, and Bucky's face is not among them." I think the first Cap movie wasn't as enjoyable as some of the other Avengers movies because Red Skull is just nooooot a great villain. But STEVE ROGERS, MAN. (And Peggy. And Howard Stark ( ... )


pocky_slash November 11 2013, 00:17:06 UTC
1. Yeah, that's basically the only time they stand next to each other /o\ And seeing it just makes me mad that Moira isn't going to be in DoFP all over again. I gotta find time to work on Days of Kitty Past ( ... )


bessiemaemucho November 11 2013, 01:05:59 UTC
I agree 100% with your Thor 2 review!! Also I saw it with a few friends from work, including A and her shitty boyfriend C, and afterward they were like "Ugh, Jane and Darcy didn't do anything, such cliche female characters, blah blah blah" and I was like DID WE EVEN WATCH THE SAME MOVIE

ughh other people. the worst.

I also still don't understand Tumblr?? plus I feel like I miss a lot of it due to work or whatever and by the time I get on Tumblr everyone's done with the memes for the day or something?? LJ 4eva basically. anyway FYI I like you even if I don't always get around to clicking the heart by stuff you post on Tumblr! ♥

Becca and I have already made plans to go back next week and do a tour and take more pictures and be jerks in a cemetery, because we enjoy being jerks in historic public places.
reason #240324324 I wish I lived closer to you guysss


synekdokee November 11 2013, 07:42:29 UTC
Taking a Tumblr break might actually really help. Being in a different fandom and taking some distance to the Cherik social circles has actually helped me be less self-conscious and paranoid about how I fit in with others in the fandom... And made me realise how much it was affecting my emotional state, which is really insane. Like it's a blogging site, why am I letting it affect me like that?


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