looong update

Dec 19, 2011 14:09

mcwonthelottery: toooooooooony
pocky_slash: toooooooonyyy! I saw an ANGEL Tony!
Castiel is like, standing at the end of the bed, blinking.
mcwonthelottery: HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
pocky_slash: Merry Christmas ( Read more... )

tony stark and the bandroids, work: office girl, movies, concerts, dar williams, friends, quotes, cardigan central, christmas, set list, daycare verse, kelsey gets a tag now

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Comments 17

starsparkle333 December 19 2011, 19:18:25 UTC
I have seen Bollywood Queen twice (why... i am not sure) and it doesn't get less funny (and awful) on a second viewing. I suppose all that matters is that James is always adorable.

All I will say about Wanted is: magical weaver assassins with a binary loom of fate. what?


pocky_slash December 19 2011, 20:28:25 UTC
Oh man, the loom was my second favorite part of that stupid movie. My first favorite part was McAvoy's face, obvs. But, legit, FRATERNITY LOOM. WHAT EVEN. AHAHAHAHHAA.


greeneyes73180 December 19 2011, 19:42:39 UTC
It's really entertaining to watch Penelope, then Wanted, then The Conspirator and to get to hear him improve his ~American skills.


metonymy December 19 2011, 20:11:18 UTC
I think that was one of the few things we liked about Wanted, that he no longer sounded like he was doing a bad John Wayne impersonation!


pocky_slash December 19 2011, 20:20:35 UTC
Also, James McAvoy's face. #importantthingsiliked

Also, come on, Frat Looms. Right next to the keg!


inocciduous December 19 2011, 19:54:29 UTC
Your life sounds OMGSTRESSFUL and I certainly hope it's either calmed down or is under better control! :)

I am super glad you posted a good review of Arthur Christmas because I thought all the previews made it look lame and awful but I totally trust your taste so will now have to go see it!


pocky_slash December 19 2011, 20:35:17 UTC
Totally calmed down, thanks, bb ♥ Of course, Christmas is around the corner, but I have off both this Friday and the following Friday and I'm going home for a few days, so yay!

Arthur Christmas was SO good! I can't believe it hasn't been advertised better! It's so sweet and so much fun and it's a shame that I wouldn't have seen it if it wasn't for McAvoy!

Did you comment on my Christmas card post? If not, email me your address again :)


inocciduous December 20 2011, 16:22:32 UTC
I am glad it is better! :) And I will email you my address (I am totally lame and am not doing cards this year so I feel guilty asking other people to send me cards) so I can get another hilarious card from Cardigan Central.


pearl_o December 19 2011, 20:20:42 UTC
I'm glad stressful things are mostly passed for you!




pocky_slash December 19 2011, 20:37:06 UTC
Thanks, bb ♥ Now I can get back to goofing off and annoying brilligspoons and her boss! (New trick: Doug gets really awkward and uncomfortable when I start talking about how good McAvoy's face is! #beingjerkstoallmycoworkers)

I...can't even deal with how pretty he is in Bollywood Queen. Legit.


bookblather December 19 2011, 20:28:30 UTC
omg penelope I LOVE PENELOPE. I love that movie so much. So so much. McAvoy's face is only part of why (but a pretty significant part let's face it). I have to ask: do you also believe that Reese Witherspoon's character and the bartender dude are meant to be? Because I do.


pocky_slash December 19 2011, 20:38:11 UTC
I even loved his awkward flat ironed hair that Becca didn't like :P

But yeah, it was super sweet and fun and cute! I'm glad I bought it, because it's definitely something I'll watch again. Even though I really think her mom needed to be set on fire at the end.


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